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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

quarta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2017

I know your works

* Luís Alberto Alves

After introducing the creation of the Gregorian calendar and describing how the Jews count the days of the year, this study addresses the birth of Jesus Christ based on several books of the Bible, both new and old.

In the letter to the Church of Sardis, Jesus Christ told the apostle John: "I know your works, you have a way of being alive, but you are dead. Be aware! Strengthen that which is left, and which was to die, for I have not found his works perfect in the sight of my God. "

In this case, Jesus Christ pulls the ears of Christians who appear to live within the gospel. But it's all façade. They are whitewashed tombs, they are clean from the outside and dirty from the inside. It is that portion of the flock interested only in blessings. In the year 323, when Emperor Constantine declared Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire, people were falsely converted. Before the government, they were great worshipers, but inside their homes they continued to idolize strange gods. The same is true today.

At the New Year's Eve parties Christians are seen idolizing the birth of Tammuz, the Sun god, who according to the Egyptians was born on December 25, based on the Gregorian calendar. They do not know or believe the words of the Lord. In the book of Jeremiah, chapter 10, verses 1 to 4, Jesus says what the Christmas tree represents: "Hear what the Lord says to you, O community of Israel (today who accepted Jesus as their Savior and only God)! Thus saith the Lord: Do not learn the deeds of the nations, neither be dismayed at the signs in heaven, though the nations be astonished at them. The religious customs of the nations are useless: a tree from the forest is cut off, a craftsman molds it with its chisel, and adorns it with silver and gold, fixing everything with a hammer and nails so that it does not balance. "

 Further on in verses 8 and 9 the Lord makes clear the meaning of Christmas celebrated on December 25, including by some denominations: "They are all foolish and foolish, they want to be taught by useless idols (in the case of Santa Claus). Silver beat is brought from Tarshish and gold, from Ufaz. The work of the craftsman and the goldsmith is dressed in blue and red, it is nothing more than the work of skilful craftsmen. "

When Jesus Christ asks this Christian to strengthen himself, it is for his good, not having part with the mud in which is immersed several people, who in the past were embers and today are coals erased in the faith. This kind of work does not please God. With the discovery of other countries (at the time the book of Revelation was written, the Americas and Oceania had not been discovered), the tares spread, taking many Christians away from the Lord's right paths.

In the letter to the Church of Philadelphia, Jesus Christ speaks of true Christians, warriors who do not deny their faith. In verses 8 to 10, chapter 3 of the book of Revelation, it is written, "I know his works. Behold, I have set before you an open door, which no man can shut (the preaching of the gospel to every creature). I know you have little strength but kept my word and did not deny my name. See what I will do to those who are synagogues of Satan (involved in evil works and false Christians) and who call themselves Jews and are not, but are liars. I will make you fall at your feet and acknowledge that I have loved you. Since you have kept my word of exhortation to perseverance (I have never given up preaching and doing God's work, even in the face of difficulties and deserts), I will also keep you from the hour of trial (fulfillment of all God's words, (Coming from all over the world) (from the first century of our era, several tragedies have hit the earth with wars and countless diseases that have caused the deaths of millions of people) to test the Who inhabit the earth. "
From the words spoken by Jesus Christ in this letter to the Church of Philadelphia in the last 2,000 years, many prophecies have already been fulfilled.

In the first 400 years of our era, wars of the Roman Empire against enemy armies caused the death and destruction of several cities. Sexual violence has spread syphilis and herpes among women. Since the soldiers of the Roman army had the custom of raping the women of the invading cities. They killed or enslaved old men, adults and children. The ill-treatment caused deaths. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the Ottoman Turks assimilated the same horrible practices of the Romans, which lasted until 1919, when they were defeated in World War I. It is the custom, which lasts until today, to call the Arabs of the Turks. For they dominated the countries of the Middle East for 1000 years.
Millions were Jews. The remainder was wiped out in Europe, Asia and North Africa. It is the word of Revelation if it is fulfilled, as Jesus described to the apostle John when he was taken up into heaven to hear it. In the last Letter to the Church of Laodicea Jesus draws the ears of Christians without commitment and any responsibility with the preaching of gospel. It is the Christian "wave": it comes and goes according to your wishes. From verses 15 to 19, the Lord says: "I know your works, I know that you are neither cold nor hot (unbeliever or true Christian)! So, because you are lukewarm (not firm in the gospel, still drawn to the world), it is neither cold nor hot, I am about to vomit it out of my mouth (casting it into darkness).

You say, "I am rich, I have acquired wealth, and I do not need anything." (Indeed, billionaires never believe that their wealth was earned by God's permission. If they please, more and more seek riches, forgetting that Jesus said that the love of riches is the root of all evil. He does not recognize, however, that he is miserable, worthy of compassion, poor, blind and naked (without the protection of the Lord). I give this advice: buy me gold refined in the fire (the wisdom of the Lord's words) and you will become rich, buy white clothes (the Lord's holiness, your purity and righteousness) and dress to cover your shameful nakedness Absence of the Holy Spirit and the character of God); And buy eye drops to anoint your eyes (to remove dirt from the soul and be cleansed from sin) and to be able to see (with the spiritual vision of the Lord and discern how to do the work of the gospel and please God). I rebuke and discipline those I love.

Therefore, be diligent and repent. "In these last words, the Lord takes his servants to the deserts to equip them with new strategies to defeat the enemy. Also to remove impurities that still hinder them to continue in the battle against darkness. It is the hard training to stand. It is the proof of the word, where the Lord says that many will be called, but few will be chosen. They are true Christians. They continued in the presence of the Lord, even in the face of difficulties, persecutions, discrimination, betrayals, deceit. They are sure that the best is in glory with the Lord. The Earth is just a place of passage, a station where the train of life will be stopped for a short time. In these words from the book of Revelation, Jesus Christ reveals that the Christians of the Laodicean Church are those a third who have passed through the fire, Being refined like gold and silver.

They will be the people of God and the Lord will reveal himself as their God, for they have not denied it. They stood firm and faithful. After the apostle John was taken in spirit to the heavens and stood before the throne of the Lord, he saw the beauty and splendor of paradise. The dwelling reserved for the servants of God, who preferred to remain attached to the vine, continue to fight the good fight, running the race determined by the Lord. Something even difficult to describe. With the opening of the seals, is that some parts that will be fulfilled in the future begin and others are already occurring, since the first century of our era. Look at what the book of Revelation says in chapter 6, verse 4: "And another horse, red, went out, and to his knight, it was given unto him to take peace from the earth, that men should kill one another; Given a great sword. "The passing of the centuries to this day has shown the fulfillment of this prophecy of Jesus Christ.

 Excluding wars, every day several people are murdered around the world. In the 1990s, 1 million people were killed in the Republic of Congo, in Africa. Since 2006, in northern Mexico, 28,000 people have been exterminated by drug traffickers. It is estimated that in large cities in Brazil, about 250 people die on a violent weekend. They are shot by automatic weapons. All for banal reasons. In the 1970s, 1 million Cambodians in Asia were exterminated in a single day; 800 Palestinians were killed in Lebanon in 1982. Two years earlier, the South Korean Army killed 475 students and workers protesting on the streets.

 Until the 1920s, the colonization of the Republic of Congo in Africa killed 10 million people. All of them for mistreatment. "In Venezuela, on Saturdays and Sundays, 150 Venezuelans are executed. It is the most violent country in the world today. It even loses to Afghanistan, where car bomb blasts have become commonplace. Throughout the world, violence reaps human lives. Each day, the number of homicides increases. For some reason, someone is capable of taking the life of the other. Car Accidents is another tool of death. On holidays it has become common to lose more than 30 people on the highways, sometimes from entire familiesEach year, 2,180 children die in traffic accidents. In 12 months, about 43 thousand Brazilians die in Brazil in a violent way, or 3,583 per month. By day 137 young people lose their lives in Brazilian cities.

War between gangs

The will to make more money led the man to invent more powerful drugs, with great power to addict in a short time. It is estimated that crack, in Brazil, already has 300 thousand drugged. They are people who can not live without drugs. They are now destitute in the streets. After a while, they die from lung disease or cardiac arrest. It is the fulfillment of the revelation of Jesus Christ: men killing each other.

As He said, the red gentleman would take peace from Earth. There is no safe place today. Be it in the central regions of cities or in closed condominiums. In all of them, violence marks the presence and death ends with lives. The love between the family is something in extinction. It has become common, father murdering son or vice versa, mother killing daughter or the other way around, mother-in-law babbling daughter-in-law or the opposite.

In many cases, children are sexually abused by relatives and then killed in crimes classified as barbarians by the press. The trafficking of women to Europe is another source that results in death. Exploited to the extreme, after a certain period, are executed and the body is thrown in rivers or abandoned in deserted places. They also end up dying after contracting venereal diseases.

The recruitment of adolescents and even children, to work as salesmen or drug carriers, also ends in death. Brazil is currently the country with the highest number of adolescent women widows. His companions lost their lives before they reached the age of 16 or 17. All victims of war between rival gangs in organized crime.

 Sometimes homicide occurs for petty reasons. A childish discussion results in tragedy. It is the red horse riding around the world and making true the revelations of Jesus Christ, made to the apostle John in the first century of our era. From now on, the trend is worsening, with an increase in the number of deaths.

On the fourth seal, from the book of Revelation, chapter 6, verse 8, Jesus Christ reveals and the apostle John describes: "And I looked, and behold a pale horse, and his rider, which is called death; And hell was following them, and power was given unto them over a fourth part of the earth to slay the sword, and for the famine, and for the slaughter, and for the beasts of the earth. "

Again, the word of Jesus Christ becomes a reality in the course of these 2,000 years. This knight began to ride from the first century of our era. The wars fought by the Roman army took the lives of thousands of people. As did the troops commanded by Alexander the Great in combat against King Darius, king of Persia (now Iran). The same effect had the wars against the Greek Army, when Athens fell into the hands of the enemy, in this case the Romans.

The barbarians led by Attila the Hun, known as the scourge of God, also brought death and destruction on the European continent. The Vandals, under Geserico, caused countless casualties, when they left Germany, crossed France, passed through Spain, and arrived in North Africa. The Vesigods and the Gauls in the race for Gaul (France) also sowed deaths in their battles.

By the late 400s, Martin Luther's struggle for restitution of the purity of the early church gospel, as described in Acts 2, verse 42, caused many deaths in the battle, waged against the Vatican. After the year 500, the Catholic war against the Muslim-led army broke out in the crusade for the conquest of Europe.

 Before, in the year 453, the fall of the Roman Empire in the East, with the taking of the city of Constantinople, present Istanbul, capital of Turkey, provoked the birth of the Turkish-Ottoman Empire. More blood continued to fall on the battlefields.

At the same time, the lack of hygiene facilitates the emergence of bubonic plague. A disease responsible for hundreds of millions of deaths. In the 20th century, between the 1910s and 1920s, the Spanish flu caused a great deal of mortality. Before, at the end of the 19th century, in the period from 1890 to 1900, yellow fever was responsible for countless deaths.

Until the discovery of penicillin in the late 1930s, infections were responsible for the withdrawal of millions of lives. Before, tuberculosis led this ranking of death, including youth. As the world evolves, the death toll from hunger increases.

Confirming the authority given to the yellow horse, whose gentleman is called death and hell accompanies him. It is estimated that 1 billion people (five and a half Brazil) go hungry in the world. Much of it is in Africa. Even in the developed countries of Asia, Europe and the Americas, it is routine to find surviving families of garbage.

Consuming 2,400 calories daily. Below that, the citizen is inserted in the classification of hungry. Today, millions have access to only 200 calories, others eat only a few times during the week. Sudden changes in the climate These words revealed by Jesus Christ in the first century of our era to the apostle John at the time of his rapture are happening until the days of Today, since that time. It is not something that will yet come. It is the fulfillment of the book of Revelation. Someone still doubts the emergence of AIDS, as another disease, with great power to destroy life (interrogation).

 There are estimates of 33.4 million people infected worldwide, another 10 million are unaware that they already have the HIV virus. In Brazil, 250,000 do not know that they are carriers of the disease. As there is still no cure, in the next few years these AIDS victims will die. The drugs only prolong the life of the patients, with bitter side effects. The fact that hell accompanies this yellow horse, on horseback all over the earth, with the permission of Jesus Christ, means despair, storm, destruction and violence, aiding in the final outcome.

In the countries of the East, such as Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Tibet, Indonesia, India, and former nations belonging to the former Soviet Union, suicide bombings have sometimes become common, sometimes killing more than 60 people a day . Hurricanes, tsunamis, floods and earthquakes account for high numbers of deaths. For the first time in a thousand years, Northern Russia in 2010 faced 40 degrees centigrade of heat, causing melting of large layers of ice from the North Pole and loss of life. The climate has changed dramatically: in the Northern Hemisphere summer records Temperatures, with forest fires, resulting in the expulsion of animals from their habitat.

 In some cities of the United States, bears invade the houses in search of food. The same is true in Alaska and Canada. In the Southern Hemisphere, winter has only a few cold days. Something unusual in the last few decades. The heat, on most days, exceeds 28 degrees Celsius, with low humidity in the air. The population is forced to face the summer weather, when the correct one would be the opposite. These data confirm the fulfillment of the words of Jesus Christ in the book of Revelation.

 The fifth seal in this book, chapter 6, verses 9 and 10, reveals the dead who lost their lives in preaching the gospel: "When He opened the fifth seal, I saw, under the altar, the souls of those who had been killed for Of the word of God, and because of the testimony which they held. And they cried with a loud voice, saying, "How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge, and avenge not our blood upon them that dwell upon the earth?" This data shows that the Christian does not waste time when he embraces the work of God and His righteousness. It is immune to the lentil dishes offered daily by the darkness. This detail in the book of Revelation reveals the reason for Satan's insistence of struggling fiercely to try to divert many servants of God from the path of righteousness.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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