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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

quarta-feira, 6 de setembro de 2017

Are you going to do what in the future?

* Luís Alberto Alves

Most people care about the future. This is good. After all, we can not stand as close as we can without leaving the place. We need to study, train, practice, and depending on the lifestyle, marry, have children and if possible, contemplate the arrival of the grandchildren and finish life worthily. So far everything normal.

The problem begins when we leave aside the future of our soul, our spirit. Where we want to spend eternity. Jesus warned us that life in this world is equal to dewdrop: it appears and quickly disappears. Daily concerns draw our focus from this important question: where will we live after death!

Each year, the human being is hooked by new technologies in various sectors and shifts the focus from eternity. Advertising provokes the desire to consume more and more, whether in the housing, professional, student, or sentimental area. The product that was top of the line in 2016, is no longer in 2017. Entered the gallery of old age, with only one year of activity.

Until marriage, in this century, has entered the renewal phase. Many people assume this commitment already thinking about the separation within a short span of time. The new car, with less than a year of use, needs to be discarded, because the fashion is to ride in cars with bright colors. Professional life, once so longed for, needs to be recycled. That is, what was taught in college is now old.

The apartment or house of dreams, also entered the gallery of old age. The business is to stay in the new. In this way the forces of darkness work subtly, encouraging unbridled consumption, so as not to allow the Christian to think of eternity. Try to inject in your mind that the best place to stay is in this world, not in the dwellings promised by Jesus Christ in the Heavens.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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