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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

quarta-feira, 2 de agosto de 2017

The Easy Art of Reading the Bible-1

* Luís Alberto Alves

From the moment you accepted that Jesus Christ was your Lord, when you gave your life to Him, you have to be obedient, leaving any kind of rebellion to one side. Here comes the second part of the text, when it is written that Jesus is your shepherd.

This name reminds us of the sheep, a docile and obedient animal. He never rebels against the shepherd who leads them through the pastures. The shepherd cares for them, especially when he senses the arrival of wolves, which here may mean evil spirits. With your staff (a kind of piece of wood, usually a tree branch) you will use it as a weapon to ward off the threat to the herd.

Staff in the spirit world means authority. Every faithful Christian has this anointing on his life. Power to cast out demons by means of prayers and fastings, healing the sick, freeing the captives. The mark of the sheep is obedience. You will never go a path that your pastor has not indicated.

We come to the end of this verse in the phrase "and I shall not want." Looking closely may seem like something empty. It is not! The word "nothing" represents much. It's dubious. It can be peace and at the same time war. "Nothingness" means that the Christian will go through various kinds of material and spiritual trials.

It will have moments of calm and also times when the abundance will not be so great in your life. Time of collection in ministerial life, professional, student, sentimental and personal. There will never be, here in this world, eternal peace. It will only happen in Heaven. This "nothing" is the sign that we will have many experiences in life.
But when we are sheep and God our shepherd, we get through the trials with Jesus Christ on the side, sometimes holding up in our cold and shaking hands. When we pay attention to all these details and feel the soft breath of the Holy Spirit upon us, we can do a preaching that will please the Lord first and those people in need of the love of God.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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