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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

segunda-feira, 14 de agosto de 2017

Sometimes the Christian likes the Valley of Sitim-3

* Luís Alberto Alves

Time may change, but Satan continues using the same tactics that he tried to bar, on Shittim, the arrival of Israel in the promised land. His strategy is to divert the Christian's focus from blessing. Because someone with a credit card or overdraft, and a constant collection bank, loses his patience, and if he is not firm in Jesus Christ, he will return to the world, imagining that he will have peace from the Lord.

It is in these moments of fierce struggles that we must meditate on the Words that God said in the book of Micah, chapter 5, verse 4: The LORD says: - My people, what have I done wrong? Did I demand too much from you? Answer! I brought them out of Egypt, saving them from slavery, and sent Moses, Aaron, and Miriam to lead them through the wilderness. 5 My people, remember the plans which Balak king of Moab made against you, and the answer that Balaam the son of Beor gave you. Remember all that has happened since they left the encampment of the Valley of the Acacias until they came to the city of Gilgal. Never forget the victories that I, the LORD, have achieved.

Jesus Christ has withdrawn us from the mire to be a blessing, a light, an example to a lost world. It is not a sin to have a credit card, overdraft, beautiful clothes and shoes, car of the year, living in a spacious house or apartment, attending good beauty salons. Wrong is we become hostages to it all. Let our lives revolve around these things. Let us exchange the Lord for seconds, minutes, hours, or days of passing pleasures, sometimes so fast, when a blink of an eye.

The Lord did not require anything too much from his servants. He will never place a cross so heavy that he can not carry it or an impossible situation to bear. God knows our limits. You know exactly where we can go.
All we have to do is listen to her sweet words and always obey her orders, sometimes even absurd and silly. 

Jesus Christ knows perfectly our future and what is best for our soul and salvation. We can pass through the Valley of Shittim, but do not let the dirt that exists there cling to our spirit and try to accompany us, to prevent the arrival of the blessings that are in the promised land.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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