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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

quarta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2017

Jeovah Shalon (Peace of the Lord)

For some time Jesus Christ inspired me to compose this praise, which in times of struggle always comes to my lips and the heavy burden is very light. Today, in an unprecedented way, I publish the verses of this beautiful song, which in due course I will add the music to the MP3 file. Meditate on this letter.

* Luís Alberto Alves

To find me / to find me / To live in your heart / To stay by your side / You have to seek me with all the strength of your heart / When you act like this / You will find me Sir.

Do not look at the world / world where the evil one lies / you must look at me / who from the dust of the earth created you / breathed in your nostrils the wind of life / I am the God of peace / I give it in a way that World is not able to give.

You need to find me / for the wounds of your heart / if you close forever / for rancor, sadness, destruction, madness, deceit, prostitution, idolatry do not cling to your feet, like fetters Captives the slaves / the Peace of the Lord, peace as soft incense, so is my peace / that comforts the heart more dejected and wounded / the peace of the Lord / seek my peace / let my peace accompany you.

The door that I open / no one can close / and the door that I close no one can open / for this I give you my peace / the peace of the Lord / the peace that calms the storms / the fury of the enemy / that already knows and knows What awaits you in the day of my fury.

Never look back / never praise the past / never wish to return to the days that do not come back / because you do not know what I keep ahead of you / honey sweeter than the sweetest sweet in this world.

The peace of the Lord / the peace / the peace of the Lord / run after my peace / rest in my arms you will have my peace / the peace of the Lord / the peace / the peace of the Lord / peace, peace, peace / My peace.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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