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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

segunda-feira, 14 de agosto de 2017

Sometimes the Christian likes the Valley of Sitim-2

* Luís Alberto Alves

Offices began to file divorce papers into their files because the relationship deteriorated. Reason: the couple left aside the affection and affection and the time spent, when husband and wife were together, was used to see what happened in social networks. Newborn infants were not fed properly, in some cases they stayed all day with dirty diapers. Inconsequential husbands have become lovers of cell phones, instead of reserving their love to their wives and vice versa.

In companies, whether in the production line or even in the offices, are already routine dismissals for just cause. The working hours, which should be used to perform the service for which the employee receives the salary, was spent on social networks. Neither warning letters warned that the employee was at risk of losing his job. Shittim in a more advanced version, without neglecting the dreadful style used by satan to ward off blessings from the Christian.

Consumerism is another mechanism widely used by darkness to try to stop the servant of God from feeling the sweet taste of victory. Many people earn excellent salaries, but the lack of financial control leads them to buy products, which in a short time will be leaning on the wardrobe or any other corner of the house where they live. Mamon (another deity of the kingdom of satan) puts in the person's mind that overspending is not wrong, but a way of showing that it has a good standard of living is not a poor man or a poor man.

The media, especially the advertising agencies, make good use of the art of arousing hunger and thirst for consumption. Through good pieces of advertising, they try to present that the newly launched car is better than that in the hands of that Christian, even with a few years or months of use. Appliances, clothes, shoes, and even houses or apartments, enter this Friday. The fashion, launched every year, is responsible for setting fire to consumer hunger.

Unsurprisingly, today the credit card has become a god. Millions of people can not live without this instrument of credit. Barely paid the bill of the month, the value rises again. Psychologists explain that their clients, when in an advanced stage of consumerism, can not find the strength to resist any kind of purchase. Like drug addicts, they get depressed when they go shopping.
Overdraft is another weapon well used by Mamon. Sell ​​illusion of easy money, the famous limit offered by the bank. The person breaks the limit and can no longer pay off the debt, which monthly increases until it becomes priceless.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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