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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

quarta-feira, 23 de agosto de 2017

Is God guilty?

* Luís Alberto Alves

Finally the truth is told on American TV. Billy Graham's daughter was being interviewed at the Early Show and Jane Clayson asked her, "How could God have allowed something horrible like this to happen on September 11?"

Anne Graham gave a profound and wise answer: "I believe that God was deeply saddened by what happened, as much as we. For many years we have told God not to interfere with our choices, to leave our government and to leave our lives. Being a gentleman as God is, I believe He quietly left us.

How can we expect God to give us his blessing and protection if we demand that He does not become more involved with us? '

In view of so many recent events; Terrorist attacks, school shootings, etc ... I believe that it all started when Madeline Murray O'hare (who was murdered) complained that it was inappropriate to pray in American schools as it was traditionally, and we agreed With your opinion.
After that, someone said that it would be better not to read the Bible in schools either ...

The Bible teaches us that we should not kill, steal, and should love our neighbor as ourselves. And we agreed to this someone.
Soon after, Dr. Benjamin Spock said that we should not beat our children when they behave badly, because their personalities in formation would be distorted and we could damage their self-esteem (his son committed suicide) and we said: "An expert in this Subject should know what he is talking about. "

And then we agreed with him. Then someone said that school teachers and principals should not discipline our children when they misbehave. So it was decided that no teacher could discipline the students ... (there is a difference between disciplining and playing). There, someone suggested that we should let our daughters get an abortion if they wanted to.

And we accept without even questioning. Then it was said that we should give our children as many condoms as they wanted so they could have fun at will.

And we said, "All right!" Then someone suggested that we print magazines with photographs of naked women, and we said that this is a healthy thing and a natural appreciation of the female body.

And we said, "Okay, this is democracy, and they have the right to be free to express themselves and do it." Then another person took it a step further and published photos of Naked Children and went even further by making them available to the internet.

 Now we are asking ourselves why our children are not aware and because they do not know how to distinguish good and evil, right and wrong; Because they do not mind killing strange people or their own classmates or themselves ...

Probably, if we analyze seriously, we will easily understand: we reap only what we sow !!! One girl wrote a note to God: "Lord, why did not you save that child in school?"

His response: "Dear child, do not let me enter the schools !!!"
 It's sad how people simply blame God and do not understand why the world is striding to hell.

It's sad how we believe everything the Newspapers and TV say, but we doubt what the Bible, or what your religion, you say it teaches.
It is sad as someone says, "I believe in God." But still it follows Satan, who, by the way, also '' Believes '' in God. It's funny how quick we are to judge, but we do not want to be judged!

 How we can send hundreds of jokes through email, and they spread like fire, but when we try to send some e-mai talking about God, people are afraid to share and resend them to others!

It is sad to see how immoral, obscene and vulgar material runs freely on the internet, but a public discussion about God is quickly suppressed at school and at work.

You may not want to resend this message to many of your mailing list yourself because you are not sure how you will receive it, or what you will think of it, for sending it.

Is not true? Enjoyed that we care more about what other people think about us than about what God thinks ...

"I assure you that He who sees everything in our hearts is hoping that you, in your free will, send these words to others."

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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