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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

terça-feira, 28 de novembro de 2017

Lord's blessing does not include pain

* Luís Alberto Alves

In the quest for a better standard of living, many Christians
to suicidal working hours. There is no time left for the work
of the Lord, much less to pray, to have deep communion. Everything revolves around money.

 Get more and more cars, houses, clothes, jewelry,
fame and power. They forget that "the blessing of the Lord brings
includes pain, "as the book of Proverbs, chapter 10, verse 22 stresses. But lack of wisdom contributes to many worshiping the god" job "in search of financial solutions.

 The Lord and the family stand in the background. All
effort is work-centered. Some more exalted say: "If I do not work, I want to see God pay my bills"! Idolatry for employment changes behavior. Common sense is despised. Whoever enters the front runs the risk of being destroyed.

 The intrigues are the tools used, as well as the sensuality, when it comes to women. The revived cults in the church become yellowed pages and turned in the history of many Christians. To try to bargain with God, send tithing,
but refuses to go to the place because the work appears in the foreground.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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