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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

terça-feira, 28 de novembro de 2017

Blessing of the Lord does not include pain - 5

* Luís Alberto Alves

First, the "job" god removed him from the church, from the presence of the Lord. Then he put him in company and round with mockers, then plunged him into vices and threw him into the arms of the spirits of prostitution. The tie is tightened to prevent it from coming out.

False comfort even prevents him from preaching the word with his fellow servants. It does not turn into salt, but into a whitewashed tomb. In these cases, coworkers become weekend friends, where there are plenty of discussions about the issues facing the company.

The circle is tightly closed to prevent one from breathing the air of the gospel still existing in the lungs of the brothers in Christ who are still united to the vine. It is routine, after firing, many well-paid professionals, to seek help in the hands of psychoanalysts, to get rid of the trauma caused by a cut after several years of work in a company.

The loss of stewardship leaves the person depressed, thinking that everything has come to an end. It is when he recognizes how far he went from the Lord, to feel his rich and delicious perfume exhaled with his word of deliverance, salvation, restoration and renewal. Idolatry to the god "Job" causes havoc.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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