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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

segunda-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2017

You shall not bear false witness

* Luís Alberto Alves

Countless people became accustomed to the lie. It is natural for them. It does not cause any regrets. They do not know the word of God and an oriental saying that "most dangerous man is the liar". In the ten commandments given to Moses, the Lord directs his servants not to say false testimony against your neighbor.

 Over time, people have become accustomed to lying, even for banal reasons. In the home, the son or daughter is not ashamed to be lacking in truth when questioned by parents. Everything to escape punishment. The political class, however, is masterful in the art of lying. It's hard to tell when they tell the truth.

Lies serve to affect one's morals. It is not advisable
believe in a liar It can cause serious problems.
I witnessed the destruction of a marriage because of the lie. It all began in a commentary on paternity of a child. Soon the gossip spread on the street where the couple lived. DNA test was ordered.

He concluded that the teenager was the son of the man with whom the woman had married. But the fairness of the examination was questioned, since the distrust did not dissipate. The atmosphere between them was heavy and full of suspicion. Those who knew the family had no doubt that the DNA test confirmed
the obvious. But Satan sowed hatred and some time later the divorce occurred.

To complicate matters, the other child was plunged into drug addiction. A false witness was responsible for the destruction of a family. Unfortunately people do not pay attention to the details of the words
of the Lord. Many Christians weak in faith do not realize the
provoked when someone lies. They play the devil's game.

Trust is something that must be preserved everywhere. In
professional relationships, the liar turns the work environment into hell, because it spreads false rumors, putting at risk until success of the enterprise.
On the other hand, no one will feel right next to you
of someone who never speaks the truth. Within the church, he is also
dangerous because it will affect the performance of God's work. It will end like
instrument of darkness until it leaves the presence of the Lord. For the Lord is not content with darkness, for Satan is the father of lies.

In the book of 1 Timothy, chapter 1, verses 8 to 11 the Lord warns:
"We know that the Law is good, if someone uses it properly.
We also know that it is not made for the righteous, but for the
transgressors and insubordinates, to the ungodly and sinful, to
the profane and irreverent, to those who kill father and mother, to the
homicidal, for those who practice sexual immorality and homosexuals, for hijackers, for liars and those who swear falsely; and to him that opposeth sound doctrine. This sound doctrine is seen in the glorious gospel entrusted to me, the gospel of the blessed God. " The law of God is also applied to liars, for they are dangerous people.

In the book of Ephesians, chapter 4, verse 25, Jesus Christ counsels
what the good servant must do to enter the kingdom of heaven: "Therefore, every one of you must forsake the lie and speak the truth to his neighbor, for we are all members of the same body." So there is no reason for a Christian to stay in the lie, provoking contention among the brethren and hindering the preaching of the gospel, for people can not believe someone who lies.

It becomes a shame for the ministry, for it will always be hiding its true intentions. This is the liar's problem. It is never possible to see what it is. Make up stories to cover up mistakes or to hurt someone you do not feel attached to.

In a marriage, lying is a time bomb. It may cause
the death of the woman or man. It becomes an instrument of blackmail, because to obtain some benefit, one of the two will not feel ashamed to use the false testimony to evade the responsibility.

Imagine someone who works traveling, but be married or married.
Resolves to invent a story not to return because it has entered into a quick relationship. To keep the image of responsibility, phone, pass email, but all as a bluff. Usually the liar believes himself to be the smartest person in the world. The rest is included
in the team of the boobies. Your alibi will never fall. The problem is that lying can not stand for a long time. Soon the contradictions will appear and the truth comes to the surface.

Depending on the situation, trust
is shaken and never again that person will deserve credit. Which husband will return to trust a liar wife, who almost threw him
in prision? The relationship was shaken. There will always be a feeling in the air that she might lie again.

Especially when the husband or wife was a Christian when he married. The fearsome question arises: "I thought that evangelical did not lie." The very name of the Lord ends up being shamed, because because of a liar, the rest will pay. The Justice of Men itself has adopted this command in the Penal Code, where there is punishment for those who make false communication of crime to the police. If you lie during a trial, you can be prosecuted and arrested. As you can see, false witness is not as innocent as some weak Christians believe.

 The truth is usually hard, but it is better to live with it, for there will be no risk of someone being harmed unjustly. In the book of John, chapter 14, verse 6, the Lord speaks the following words: "Jesus answered, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. "The Lord makes it clear that He is the truth. The servant must imitate the master.

 In this case, the Christian must be true, as Jesus is. Obey his commandments, which openly condemns the lie. It is not easy to live in a world where people have turned the false testimony into something natural. But the Christian can not fall into the liars' grave, stir in the mud of the sty where they have been immersed so long, for they have not yet known the Truth. It's called Jesus Christ.

 * Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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