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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

terça-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2017

Do not be wise

* Luís Alberto Alves

"Do not be wise in your own eyes; the Lord and avoid the
bad". Book of Proverbs, chapter 3, verse 7. Currently many
servants of God think themselves more intelligent than the Lord himself.
They fill their preaching with the wisdom of the world, trying to deceive those who watch them. The passport to speak in a microphone is the course in a renowned faculty of theology, preferably in the United States or Europe.

Whoever does not pass through this sieve, is considered without knowledge,
a mere apprentice. The worship, in many cases, is not based on the
wisdom shed by the Holy Spirit, but through information obtained on various websites and the flock is deceived, with false words of wisdom.

How many preachers understand what God says in the book of 1 Corinthians, chapter 2, verses 12 and 13: "But we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit from God, that we may understand the things which God hath given to us free. We do not speak of them either, not with words taught by human wisdom, but with words taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths for those who are spiritual. "

 But human pride is stronger. The theology classes taught at that renowned American or British university will be more valuable than the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, who brings us direct knowledge of the heavens.

I remember a night of prayer with brothers in Christ in 2005. Pentecostals, our voices were hoarse after we cried out to the Lord. Suddenly Jesus Christ gave me a glimpse of six United States soldiers wearing Civil War era uniforms in the 19th century carrying a brown coffin in the midst of the gunk that reached the waist.

I shared what I saw with more brothers and they told me that
that country would face many difficulties. Something impossible back then, because the dollar was still strong and the US economy was fine. Months after the election of President Barack Obama, he was praying on the mountain with other brothers. When the Holy Spirit shows the president of the United States sunk in a marsh with mud to the waist, similar vision of the soldiers carrying the coffin, also with mud to the waist. That same night the Lord showed me a black horse riding on the clouds, beneath it were several European countries.

By 2008, the severe economic crisis has exploded in the
United and spread throughout the world. In 2009, it affected several
countries, plunging them into serious social problems. At
opinion of the shepherds who think themselves more intelligent than God, these
visions were fruits of my mind, creation of the subconscious.

However, he would not be able to predict that the world would enter into a crisis that almost brought the world's greatest power to bankruptcy. Anyone who predicted this, in 2005, would be ironized by the press and taken to treatment in a hospice. Six years later, I can understand what the Holy Spirit was showing and confirmed by the news, when it reveals the misery of millions of Americans.

Many of them suddenly lost their homes and were forced to live in the streets, sleeping in cars and feeding on garbage. Even the world's largest automaker, GM, needed to receive $ 50 billion from the US government,
exist, leading to unemployment more than 70 thousand employees.

When God says not to be wise in our own eyes,
He makes it clear that his intelligence is superior to that of man. It can predict what will happen in the future, because Jesus Christ is eternal, unaware of the barrier of past, present and future. A chain of pastors, especially those who are not Pentecostal, do not believe in visions, revelations, and dreams. In their opinion, it is all the work of the mind.

They were conditioned to refuse this kind of heavenly contact of God with his servants. They treat matters mechanically, similar to atheists. But they can not explain the coincidences between the human being and the Earth. Both have 70% water. The flesh as it decomposes on the ground disappears on earth, confirming what is written in the book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 12, verse 7: "Let the dust return to the earth, whence it came, and let the spirit return to God who gave it!" That most animals with bones or scales, such as fish, have the same organs as the heart, liver, stomach, kidney, bladder, mouth, eyes, ears, intestine, etc.
An ox has the same organs found in a
man or woman, in the case of the cow she also has a vagina, where the calves come out at birth. How to explain the sensitivity of dogs when biting gently
A baby's hand? They do not squeeze, as they would with
an unknown. And the fact of recognizing the owner for the perfume and even
the noise of your steps or the car?

But for these groups of people anointed by intellectualism, God is not present in these things. Arguing about it is a waste of time. They put the Lord inside a little box, ignoring His peculiarity, even to show us the unequaled power of their Intelligence.

In this case, materialism enters the evangelical churches, causing great confusion to the minds of several brothers. Many go so far as to doubt God's plans. As if the Lord were forced to walk under human rules. The Bible, in this case, is no longer seen as a spiritual book, but a literature like the others. The difference is that it was written by the Lord's servants. This type of pastor seeks to explain God's behavior through the vision of man.

They doubt the effectiveness of the Holy Spirit. Even speaking in tongues is viewed with suspicion. They deal with the subject, as if it were something about deviance. In their opinion, the brains of these people would induce them to a trance, where motivated by the subconscious would begin to speak in other languages, but without control of the meaning of the words.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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