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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

terça-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2017

Do not treat people

* Luís Alberto Alves

"My brethren, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus
Christ, do not make a difference between people, treating them with partiality. Suppose at your meeting between a man with gold ring and fine clothes, and also between a poor man in old dirty clothes. If you give special attention to the man in fine clothes and say, "Here is a suitable place for you," but say to the poor man, "You,
standing there, "or sit on the floor next to the dais where I put my
feet, "they will not be discriminating, judging
wrong criteria? There are many brothers in Christ who
they face this problem where they congregate.

 The richest receive VIP treatment, while those with little more money look like bastard children. In some situations they can not open their mouths to give their opinion on a certain subject. The lack of money, in this criterion of discrimination, represents a lack of knowledge. It is as if Jesus Christ only poured more anointing on the rich, while the poor
would receive crumbs.

In several denominations, graduates in higher education, such as lawyers, business managers, doctors, architects, engineers or advertisers, will receive more attention. Especially after the end of the service, when the famous meeting takes place around the canteen in search of snacks or soda glasses. There, with exceptions, the subject is the work week, the financial achievements, the next trips to enjoy the extended holiday, the good hotels to stay.

All told, not to mention the values ​​that will be spent, to show how much money is in the hands of that family. Because of the good purchasing power, these brothers are invited, in
many times to preach the word. Who lives with two wages
minuses and wears the same jacket all year long, along with the shoe worn by time, will pass away from the pulpit. His financial condition, in the view of that denomination, does not entitle him to bring any message from Jesus Christ.

It is used to clean the temple, do some maintenance work, look at cars parked on the street or for some activity that requires physical strength. If that denomination has many brethren of university formation, that person will suffer a lot of discrimination. They will not take you seriously when you bring some warning from the Holy Spirit. While the successful financially will receive all the perks.

I remember a case that occurred many years ago in a denomination
of Rio de Janeiro. A woman of great political influence combined with the pastor to disguise himself as a beggar, to attend the service where he would preach about love of neighbor. To increase the credibility of the paper, he used cheap perfumes and filled several cans with stones to shake the other brothers at the moment.

In dirty clothes, bags full of garbage, she sat in the middle of the church. Soon a glare began: no one dared to be near her. When making noise with the cans filled with stone and drinking water, simulating cachaça, many brothers demanded the removal of it from the place. But the pastor always interfered saying to leave her. So it continued until the end of the service, with the false beggar ignored by much of the church.

When the pastor asked the members who really loved his neighbor, she began to remove the disguise and everyone saw that he was someone very influential in that denomination and in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Few could answer the following question: "Do you really love your neighbor? With the example given in relation to
our false beggar, many played the part of hypocrites.

They lied to the Lord. Did they really imagine that this woman was a beggar? My brethren, God knows the hearts of all of you. Be careful not to lose your salvation!

This example reveals the situation in several denominations, some
well as traditional. Some members receive good treatment because of their good financial standing. Even with a life full of sins. Worthy is the high tithing and its grandiose offerings, equivalent to the salaries of various servants. It is as if Jesus Christ chose only the rich to enter the heavens.

The poor would be left out, plunged into the abyss. Fortunately in the kingdom of God this mentality of some Christian leaders does not prevail. There is room for rich and poor, as long as they are obeying the Lord's command. Be faithful servants.
Acceptance of people is the work of the world, which separates people into
social class, sex, color and level of schooling. For these factors, the
man or woman is classified. Depending on where you live,
you will also receive a reliable stamp or not. Millionaires are well treated by all means of communication, even when engaging in crime. The media tries to be discreet. It treats what happened as a tragedy, working to sell the image of innocence.

 Even if they are involved in drug trafficking, financial embezzlement or even homicide. Already the poor accused of any kind of crime are humiliated, as if they were the rubbish of society. The reports seek to anticipate his conviction before any decision by the Justice.

Sensational presenters classify suspected monsters, society anomalies, deserving of the worst punishments that may exist inside a prison. This occurred in an episode known as "Base School", in the 1990s, in the neighborhood of Aclimação, Zona Sul, in São Paulo. One couple, who owns a day care center, has been accused of sexually abusing children. The biased news, anchored in the testimony of a police chief, caused the site to be destroyed. The two were almost lynched by the population. Months later it turned out that both were innocent. No sexual abuse has been proven against any of the children.

 All the vehicles of communication of São Paulo were processed and condemned to pay heavy indemnifications to the couple. They lost in all instances of Justice. It was a lesson. To this day, in any newspaper, magazine, radio or television newsroom, every journalist is warned about this when working on something that involves the risk of destroying the reputation of someone who may be innocent. Discrimination invented by the world serves to hinder the preaching of the word of God.

Many unbelievers do not accept Jesus Christ because they have been provoked by weak Christians in the offensive words: "You are already burning in hell! Jesus Christ will not want someone like you. May the Devil receive you with open arms in hell "! Before the Lord's verdict, people already condemn their neighbor, when we have no authority to do this. For God sent his Son to call sinners to repentance, as he did to the harlot Mary Magdalene.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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