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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

segunda-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2017

It is not worthy of me ...

* Luís Alberto Alves

The god "family" tried, through this situation, to move away from the
Sir. I resisted. The first few months were terrible. The memories
were present in my mind at all times. As
a suction pump pulling me into the past. I asked Jesus for help
Christ. It was so strong the pressure that even divorced I had not
Courage to look at a beautiful woman passing by
on a street.

I looked at my left hand and it seemed that the alliance
was still there. Gradually, Jesus Christ delivered me from this
terrible oppression of God "family". Without pre-judging anyone, but
few servants or servants of God would make the decision to choose
stay with the Lord, when the woman or husband took the initiative
to end the marriage. As it is written in the book of 1 John,
chapter 4, verse 20: "If any man shall say, I love God, and hate
to his brother he is a liar; for he that loveth not his brother,
to him who sees, can not love God, whom he does not see. "

It is when the Christian must choose to stay with someone he does not
he sees, but by faith he is by his side at all times. The god "family" knows that. That's when the blackmail comes on the scene: "Who will wash and iron your clothes, make your lunch at the weekends, be with you in the moments of caring, share everything with you, of course, never leave you alone?"

When the Lord says not to have other gods before Him, it is so that we will not be dependent on man's trust. We must be with our heart set on the rock. For if Jesus Christ speaks yes, in this case we will fall into the pit of idolatry, as I did unconsciously, for 14 years in my first marriage.

At that time I had gone blind: I saw the error, but I did not have the courage to speak, to demand correction, because of the fear of losing my wife's love. He did not know that God said no several times for the good of his own people. Idolatry is strong. Sometimes we believe that Jesus Christ is wrong. That if we stand by our family, loving excessively children, wife, husband, mother and father, we do not commit any sin. It is the mistake of countless Christians. We can not abandon our families, treat them with bread and water, ignore them and let evil spirits
they devour.

 We must pray, put them into the hands of the Lord, that the
thoughts of Jesus Christ to be the reality in each of their lives. The wrong thing is to reverse the situation: to throw the Lord to the corner because of scarce moments of joy beside them.

When God says no, he is healing the wounds in our
soul and heart. The treatment is hard as it will fiddle with our
emotions. For we do not want to be free from the garbage accumulated in the time of slavery in the hands of darkness. Questions arise and even acts of rebellion.

Sometimes we move away from the church to try to take advantage of
false moments of joy provided by the world. We do not see the hole open before us. Evil looks good and good looks bad. It is common for the pastor to be criticized because he spoke of something very hard. Some say the church tries to control their lives, as if it were children in kindergarten. But in the hands of Jesus Christ we are little ones.

Without their protection we would not resist any
demons commanded by Satan. The problem is to accept the notion of Jesus Christ. Understand your reasons. Our heart can accumulate much. It is the deposit of emotions, it is the trigger that triggers the shedding of tears in the eyes.

Hence the difficulty in accepting the non-Jesus Christ. We believe that He is wrong even if our decision is stupid. After we know the bitter taste of deception, it is when we recognize the mistake of having chosen the wrong path, that of the abyss.

It is not easy to make decisions, especially when they are difficult,
those of impact to bring about changes in our life forever, whether for good or ill. The god "family" interferes a lot in these moments. People are in doubt. They even put the Lord on the wall, believing that He will leave them in their hands when they need your help. The sentimental side gets a lot of weight. Unfortunately, some Christians prefer to leave Jesus Christ in the background. After all, the family is before your eyes and God is invisible, never seen face to face.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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