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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

segunda-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2017

Do not commit adultery

* Luís Alberto Alves

Adultery, because of the degradation of the present world, is seen as
sign of cleverness. Both men and women. In some cases, certain weak Christian wives become wary of a "right" husband. If he is not coveted by others, there may be something wrong with his personality. But that is not what Jesus Christ thinks.

 Look at what He says in the book of Malachi, chapter 2, verse 14: "And you ask, Why? Because the Lord was witness
of the covenant between thee and the woman of thy youth, wherewith thou wast
disloyal, being her companion and the wife of your covenant. "
When someone marries a church, God is the witness of that marriage.

It binds in the heavens what is being connected down here on earth.
The pillar of a marriage is trust. It depends on the happiness of the bride and groom. Even when the storm comes, trust will help both go through the difficult period.

As many are far from the gospel of Jesus Christ,
marital infidelity has become routine in many relationships. With the help of the Devil, companies have emerged specialized in providing alibis for disappearances on weekends or even on workdays. All aiming to deceive husbands or women.

These people are unaware that the root of adultery is evil. It is disloyalty to others, trying to deceive you. As Satan works to destroy and kill lives, infidelity does not last forever. Leaves traces halfway. Whoever walks on this path is mischievous.

Take the price of disobedience, because in the book of Hebrews, chapter 13, verse 4, Jesus Christ warns: "Marriage should be honored by all; the conjugal bed, kept pure, for God will judge the immoral and the adulterers. " No one is prepared to receive the weight of the Lord's strong hand because of error.

Usually those who deceive themselves are deceived, as Jesus Christ confirms in the book of Colossians, chapter 3, verse 25: "He that committeth unrighteousness shall receive unrighteousness, and there shall be no exception for any man."

However, when a weak Christian in the faith is warned to
correct and take the right path of Jesus Christ, does not like repression. He implies that he knows what he is doing. Imagine that God will run his hands over his head and the dirt will be pushed under the rug. This is not the way of God. The Lord emphasizes his point of view regarding those worshipers of evil, as pointed out in the book of Galatians, chapter 6, verse 7: "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked. For whosoever soweth, that shall he also reap. "

The problem of adultery is more serious than imagined. He walks by
hand in hand with the spirits of destruction and prostitution. They aim at the spiritual and physical death of someone who gets caught up in this kind of mess. To avoid arousing suspicion, the Devil puts on a veneer to sell the infidelity package. Always lovers will present themselves as someone free of defects, nothing that reminds any kind of revulsion.

Everything is filled with the beauty elaborated by the world. For example, the mistress will never meet the man when he is in TPM. Everything needs to look beautiful. Even the makeup to hide wrinkles or other imperfection.

Good clothes and fine perfumes go into the package. The bond will then be closed by the spirit of prostitution, filled with a lot of sensuality. Nothing that reminds the wife of that husband easily hooked, with bait of dubious quality. Man is not going to present himself in the way he is known in
home. He will be an unforgettable lover. Affectionate to the extreme. In the days of meetings you will wear elegant costumes.

He will take the car to the washer, aiming to sell the image of yearning. At this stage, those present will be on the agenda. All to easily captivate the woman. Depending on the purchasing power, even travel to elegant resorts in the northeast enters the script.
The demons present themselves with a beautiful appearance. Claws and wickedness will come later.

Otherwise no one would fall into the arms of Satan. When the spirit of prostitution has gagged lovers, they will enter
in action the forces of darkness of destruction. They will start attacking
finances, then health, and finally the marriage and family of those involved in this fowler's tie.

At this hour the devil will show that the taste of sin will cease to be sweet to become gall. The peace will leave their lives and bombs explode from all sides, aiming to push both of them to the hole. Repentance will arise, but they will have to reap the effects of the sin committed. This is when the argument that such infidelity will never be discovered will fall to the ground.

Lovers will leave clues with feminine or masculine scents on their clothes, phone numbers recorded on the cell phone's caller ID, suspicious and surprised conversations when the call is made home, scraps written on forgotten papers in the pockets of shirts, blazers, bags.
Jesus Christ said, "There is nothing hidden that is not revealed, nor secret that is not discovered." When betrayal is discovered, the Devil takes the body away. And the life of the weak Christian in faith turns into hell, for the devils themselves are putting firewood in that bonfire of destruction. Misfortune is never too low, adultery can bring with it aggression and even the death of one of those involved.

Then there is the grief and the desire for vengeance in the heart of the deceased victim. In this crossfire the children end up suffering a lot, because the separation ends up occurring. Growing up in broken homes, they become rebellious teenagers and troubled children. Since the child can not understand the reasons for the father living away from his wife, their mother.

 To complicate matters, stepfather or stepmother never wins the sympathy of foster children. The house becomes a battlefield. They become common words like, "You're not my father. Or You're not my mother to give me orders. " The adulterer or adulterer forgets what God says in Psalm 119, verse 1: "How happy are those who walk in blameless ways, who live according to the law of the Lord."

 This is why God advises his servants not to comment adultery, for they will reap the fruit of the evil seed planted in some motel, flat or even resort room. Because the Lord does not compromise with evil. He will also avoid touching the sinner's head. You can forgive, but the price of the error will have to be paid. The spiritual laws of Jesus Christ are different from those in this world, where evil gains the image of good and vice versa.

 To avoid road accidents, it is advisable for the Christian to continue walking in the right direction. He will avoid problems, besides not risking losing his salvation, because in heaven is not allowed the entrance of adulterers. Few people can understand that the gift given by Satan appears to be beautiful, so as not to arouse any suspicion. Otherwise it would be difficult to attract someone to your bonds.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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