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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

terça-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2017

To all of you, great 2018 !!!

Luís Alberto Alves

My brothers in Christ spread out on this planet. I thank the Lord for another year in which I have been with you sharing my experiences with God and sometimes publishing in this space the message He sent to someone in need of spiritual help.

The internet is fascinating, when well used. We got in touch with people on the other side of this Earth. I use English as a universal language. I have many people reading my words. In this map below, provided by Google, are the numbers of brothers in Christ who have read my articles, most in the United States. On map number 2, when he typed these words someone living in distant Turkmenistan read the articles published today (12).

We will see each other now in 2018, because I always write 15 texts monthly. I wish you all a great end of 2017 and may Jesus Christ continue to be the great teacher of all of you. Stay in tune with the heavens. It is a guarantee of quiet when the bad day and the storm arrive. Hugs to all !!!

United States 4972
Brazil 1367
Germany 815
France 404
Canada 394
Portugal 327
Poland 180
Russia 168
Ukraine 118
Ireland 53

United States 143
Canada 130
Germany 33
Poland 32
Brazil 28
Ukraine 23
Portugal 9
France 7
Turkmenistan 1

Do not love the world

Thirty years ago, when the carnival seduced me and still did not know the wonder of walking beside Jesus Christ

* Luís Alberto Alves

"Love not the world nor the things in it. If one loves the world,
Father's love is not in him. For all that is in the world (covetousness
of the flesh, the lust of the eyes, and the ostentation of the goods) does not come
of the Father, but of the world. The world and its greed pass, but that
who does the will of God abides forever. " Book of 1
John, chapter 2, verses 15 to 17.

This is another serious problem among Christians: one foot in the church and another
in the world! They are converted, but still locked in the customs of before
of the encounter with Jesus Christ. They listen to the very bad songs from the time of slavery in sin. They date for sexual interest, even maintaining premarital relationships, acting as fornicators.

Steal, steal, create intrigues at work, in college or college,
fans of electronic games with evil appeals continue to wear clothes
indecent; when offended they are not ashamed to curse or speak
swearing, inside the house are real demons with their relatives, and, of course, not to dispense beer cans and vodka bottles with lemon and ice.

Many do not understand the meaning of the word world among evangelicals. Some radicals believe they need to live locked indoors or give up any contact with people who are not converted. The world is the customs inherited from the time away from the commandments of Jesus Christ. Because by agreeing to be part of your Army, we will continue to live on this planet until the day we die and
we will go to glory.

The difference is that we will no longer partake of evil deeds when we do not know the words of the Lord. Alcoholics, when freed for the love of God, will no longer feel like drinking any kind of drink. With the drugged the same will occur. It will stop circulating with these people, because it is no longer part of that circle of friendship, based on the consumption of narcotics.

 The program girl will refuse to prostitute herself, looking for a decent job where she will find ways to earn a salary honestly without embarrassing Jesus Christ. The thief will no longer take part in any action that consists of stealing or stealing. Wizards or satanists will no longer call upon aid to demons to achieve any goal. They will depend on the Lord.

All evil behavior will no longer accompany the Christian who
has become real. He will learn to depend on Jesus Christ, distancing himself from the actions he practiced before his conversion. In married people whose spirits of perversion were part of the sexual relationship, this practice will no longer be present in their bed.

They will be loving, but without using the weapons of darkness. Everything is renovated. The violent man will leave the desire to fight, choosing the beautiful gesture of solving problems calmly. The jealous woman will rely on her husband, abandoning the neurosis from looking in pockets, cell phone display, email box, pieces of paper in his pants, shirts or blazer. Nor will she see any shadow in any action taken by her husband. By this he will build his home.

The rebellious son will hear the words of correction from the parents without appealing
for offenses or leave the house without telling anyone and return days later. His daughter's relationships will be chosen by young servants of Jesus Christ, not problematic people, mainly involved with drugs and all kinds of disturbances. The boss who loved to exploit his employees, will behave more rationally, being fair to everyone.

You will leave box two to pay taxes properly
due to the government. You will learn to trust the Lord to make a profit in your business, instead of playing the game of darkness, getting involved in all sorts of mischief, including commissioning witchcraft work to "tame" those responsible for choosing companies to do that service.

Before I met Jesus Christ I was involved with the Carnival of
Sao Paulo. From 1976 to 1995, I followed all the school parades
of samba and carnival bands. I even had one that paraded
by the Center of the city, every Tuesday before Carnival.

As a composer in one of the great samba schools of São Paulo,
Go-Go, breathed samba all year long. It had on the tip of
lyrics of the great successes that touched in the pagodes of court. For
I was the best to wear the costume and enter, first on Avenida Tiradentes where the parades were held from 1976 to 1989 and then at the Sambódromo do Anhembi, on the banks of the Tietê River. He was ecstatic to walk on those walkways for an hour. Then only on Tuesday night or early on Ash Wednesday, a custom that has fallen out of style these days. He did not mind taking rain. The interesting thing was to parade.

I forgot my private problems and went to school
of samba. If some allegorical car broke down, it would push, giving blood by the association. I would never imagine a day away from Carnival, despite the appeals of my deceased parents. He saved money all year long, joining with part of the thirteenth salary, leaving the costume and footwear commissioned to receive them a few days before entering the catwalk.

 He loved to stay in that middle, to participate in the group that began the singing of the samba plot with the school beginning the parade. It is the moment that can not have failures, because the battery has not begun to touch to pack all the passistas and who is watching in the bleachers. He felt the pain in his arms after Ash Wednesday when he noticed purple spots on his forearm. After passing my school, I stayed in the place until the end of the party, usually around 10 o'clock in the morning. He did not know how tired he was since he had been awake the day before. I got home around noon.

 Four hours later he was on his feet to repeat the marathon until Ash Wednesday. When he passed an evangelical church, he would mock the brothers praying. He thought they were wasting their time, when they left the Carnival. But God's plans in our lives are different. My last visit to the Sambódromo do Anhembi happened in 1996. On May 25 of that year, one Sunday, the Lord took me to an evangelical church.

Whoever accompanied me was the owner of the carnival band Brás Pereira, which still parades until today on the streets of the North Zone of São Paulo. The beauty of the servants of Jesus Christ caught my attention. I thought they were ugly. I also liked the praises, including "Faz parte de mim", from the Banda & Voz group. That Sunday I began to forget the rotten world where I had been for over 18 years, living more than illusion and punching a knife, playing the court clown when I thought otherwise.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Do not treat people

* Luís Alberto Alves

"My brethren, as believers in our glorious Lord Jesus
Christ, do not make a difference between people, treating them with partiality. Suppose at your meeting between a man with gold ring and fine clothes, and also between a poor man in old dirty clothes. If you give special attention to the man in fine clothes and say, "Here is a suitable place for you," but say to the poor man, "You,
standing there, "or sit on the floor next to the dais where I put my
feet, "they will not be discriminating, judging
wrong criteria? There are many brothers in Christ who
they face this problem where they congregate.

 The richest receive VIP treatment, while those with little more money look like bastard children. In some situations they can not open their mouths to give their opinion on a certain subject. The lack of money, in this criterion of discrimination, represents a lack of knowledge. It is as if Jesus Christ only poured more anointing on the rich, while the poor
would receive crumbs.

In several denominations, graduates in higher education, such as lawyers, business managers, doctors, architects, engineers or advertisers, will receive more attention. Especially after the end of the service, when the famous meeting takes place around the canteen in search of snacks or soda glasses. There, with exceptions, the subject is the work week, the financial achievements, the next trips to enjoy the extended holiday, the good hotels to stay.

All told, not to mention the values ​​that will be spent, to show how much money is in the hands of that family. Because of the good purchasing power, these brothers are invited, in
many times to preach the word. Who lives with two wages
minuses and wears the same jacket all year long, along with the shoe worn by time, will pass away from the pulpit. His financial condition, in the view of that denomination, does not entitle him to bring any message from Jesus Christ.

It is used to clean the temple, do some maintenance work, look at cars parked on the street or for some activity that requires physical strength. If that denomination has many brethren of university formation, that person will suffer a lot of discrimination. They will not take you seriously when you bring some warning from the Holy Spirit. While the successful financially will receive all the perks.

I remember a case that occurred many years ago in a denomination
of Rio de Janeiro. A woman of great political influence combined with the pastor to disguise himself as a beggar, to attend the service where he would preach about love of neighbor. To increase the credibility of the paper, he used cheap perfumes and filled several cans with stones to shake the other brothers at the moment.

In dirty clothes, bags full of garbage, she sat in the middle of the church. Soon a glare began: no one dared to be near her. When making noise with the cans filled with stone and drinking water, simulating cachaça, many brothers demanded the removal of it from the place. But the pastor always interfered saying to leave her. So it continued until the end of the service, with the false beggar ignored by much of the church.

When the pastor asked the members who really loved his neighbor, she began to remove the disguise and everyone saw that he was someone very influential in that denomination and in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Few could answer the following question: "Do you really love your neighbor? With the example given in relation to
our false beggar, many played the part of hypocrites.

They lied to the Lord. Did they really imagine that this woman was a beggar? My brethren, God knows the hearts of all of you. Be careful not to lose your salvation!

This example reveals the situation in several denominations, some
well as traditional. Some members receive good treatment because of their good financial standing. Even with a life full of sins. Worthy is the high tithing and its grandiose offerings, equivalent to the salaries of various servants. It is as if Jesus Christ chose only the rich to enter the heavens.

The poor would be left out, plunged into the abyss. Fortunately in the kingdom of God this mentality of some Christian leaders does not prevail. There is room for rich and poor, as long as they are obeying the Lord's command. Be faithful servants.
Acceptance of people is the work of the world, which separates people into
social class, sex, color and level of schooling. For these factors, the
man or woman is classified. Depending on where you live,
you will also receive a reliable stamp or not. Millionaires are well treated by all means of communication, even when engaging in crime. The media tries to be discreet. It treats what happened as a tragedy, working to sell the image of innocence.

 Even if they are involved in drug trafficking, financial embezzlement or even homicide. Already the poor accused of any kind of crime are humiliated, as if they were the rubbish of society. The reports seek to anticipate his conviction before any decision by the Justice.

Sensational presenters classify suspected monsters, society anomalies, deserving of the worst punishments that may exist inside a prison. This occurred in an episode known as "Base School", in the 1990s, in the neighborhood of Aclimação, Zona Sul, in São Paulo. One couple, who owns a day care center, has been accused of sexually abusing children. The biased news, anchored in the testimony of a police chief, caused the site to be destroyed. The two were almost lynched by the population. Months later it turned out that both were innocent. No sexual abuse has been proven against any of the children.

 All the vehicles of communication of São Paulo were processed and condemned to pay heavy indemnifications to the couple. They lost in all instances of Justice. It was a lesson. To this day, in any newspaper, magazine, radio or television newsroom, every journalist is warned about this when working on something that involves the risk of destroying the reputation of someone who may be innocent. Discrimination invented by the world serves to hinder the preaching of the word of God.

Many unbelievers do not accept Jesus Christ because they have been provoked by weak Christians in the offensive words: "You are already burning in hell! Jesus Christ will not want someone like you. May the Devil receive you with open arms in hell "! Before the Lord's verdict, people already condemn their neighbor, when we have no authority to do this. For God sent his Son to call sinners to repentance, as he did to the harlot Mary Magdalene.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Do not be wise

* Luís Alberto Alves

"Do not be wise in your own eyes; the Lord and avoid the
bad". Book of Proverbs, chapter 3, verse 7. Currently many
servants of God think themselves more intelligent than the Lord himself.
They fill their preaching with the wisdom of the world, trying to deceive those who watch them. The passport to speak in a microphone is the course in a renowned faculty of theology, preferably in the United States or Europe.

Whoever does not pass through this sieve, is considered without knowledge,
a mere apprentice. The worship, in many cases, is not based on the
wisdom shed by the Holy Spirit, but through information obtained on various websites and the flock is deceived, with false words of wisdom.

How many preachers understand what God says in the book of 1 Corinthians, chapter 2, verses 12 and 13: "But we have not received the spirit of the world, but the Spirit from God, that we may understand the things which God hath given to us free. We do not speak of them either, not with words taught by human wisdom, but with words taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths for those who are spiritual. "

 But human pride is stronger. The theology classes taught at that renowned American or British university will be more valuable than the pouring out of the Holy Spirit, who brings us direct knowledge of the heavens.

I remember a night of prayer with brothers in Christ in 2005. Pentecostals, our voices were hoarse after we cried out to the Lord. Suddenly Jesus Christ gave me a glimpse of six United States soldiers wearing Civil War era uniforms in the 19th century carrying a brown coffin in the midst of the gunk that reached the waist.

I shared what I saw with more brothers and they told me that
that country would face many difficulties. Something impossible back then, because the dollar was still strong and the US economy was fine. Months after the election of President Barack Obama, he was praying on the mountain with other brothers. When the Holy Spirit shows the president of the United States sunk in a marsh with mud to the waist, similar vision of the soldiers carrying the coffin, also with mud to the waist. That same night the Lord showed me a black horse riding on the clouds, beneath it were several European countries.

By 2008, the severe economic crisis has exploded in the
United and spread throughout the world. In 2009, it affected several
countries, plunging them into serious social problems. At
opinion of the shepherds who think themselves more intelligent than God, these
visions were fruits of my mind, creation of the subconscious.

However, he would not be able to predict that the world would enter into a crisis that almost brought the world's greatest power to bankruptcy. Anyone who predicted this, in 2005, would be ironized by the press and taken to treatment in a hospice. Six years later, I can understand what the Holy Spirit was showing and confirmed by the news, when it reveals the misery of millions of Americans.

Many of them suddenly lost their homes and were forced to live in the streets, sleeping in cars and feeding on garbage. Even the world's largest automaker, GM, needed to receive $ 50 billion from the US government,
exist, leading to unemployment more than 70 thousand employees.

When God says not to be wise in our own eyes,
He makes it clear that his intelligence is superior to that of man. It can predict what will happen in the future, because Jesus Christ is eternal, unaware of the barrier of past, present and future. A chain of pastors, especially those who are not Pentecostal, do not believe in visions, revelations, and dreams. In their opinion, it is all the work of the mind.

They were conditioned to refuse this kind of heavenly contact of God with his servants. They treat matters mechanically, similar to atheists. But they can not explain the coincidences between the human being and the Earth. Both have 70% water. The flesh as it decomposes on the ground disappears on earth, confirming what is written in the book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 12, verse 7: "Let the dust return to the earth, whence it came, and let the spirit return to God who gave it!" That most animals with bones or scales, such as fish, have the same organs as the heart, liver, stomach, kidney, bladder, mouth, eyes, ears, intestine, etc.
An ox has the same organs found in a
man or woman, in the case of the cow she also has a vagina, where the calves come out at birth. How to explain the sensitivity of dogs when biting gently
A baby's hand? They do not squeeze, as they would with
an unknown. And the fact of recognizing the owner for the perfume and even
the noise of your steps or the car?

But for these groups of people anointed by intellectualism, God is not present in these things. Arguing about it is a waste of time. They put the Lord inside a little box, ignoring His peculiarity, even to show us the unequaled power of their Intelligence.

In this case, materialism enters the evangelical churches, causing great confusion to the minds of several brothers. Many go so far as to doubt God's plans. As if the Lord were forced to walk under human rules. The Bible, in this case, is no longer seen as a spiritual book, but a literature like the others. The difference is that it was written by the Lord's servants. This type of pastor seeks to explain God's behavior through the vision of man.

They doubt the effectiveness of the Holy Spirit. Even speaking in tongues is viewed with suspicion. They deal with the subject, as if it were something about deviance. In their opinion, the brains of these people would induce them to a trance, where motivated by the subconscious would begin to speak in other languages, but without control of the meaning of the words.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Do not have debts

* Luís Alberto Alves

"Do not owe anything to anyone except love for one another,
for he who loves his neighbor has fulfilled the Law.
commandments: "Thou shalt not commit adultery", "Thou shalt not kill", "Thou shalt not steal";
"Thou shalt not covet," and any other commandment, all sum up
in this precept: "Love your neighbor as yourself." Love does not
practice evil against the neighbor. Therefore, love is the fulfillment
of the Law. Romans chapter 13, verses 8 to 10.

In these words Jesus Christ says that his servants should not be dead. They need to pay all their commitments on time. They can not hide behind the gospel, saying that the Lord will take away their debts. He will not do this.

It will give health, disposition and open doors of employment, through the sweat of the face, the faithful Christian to God to pay off his debts, not to be classified as a bad payer and dishonest when he passes before the ungodly.

Unfortunately, some sheep did not pay attention to those words. Some pay neither CDs of praise nor any amount borrowed from any member of the church where they congregate. They forget. Others pass checks without funds and never justify the reasons for such conduct. They kindle a strange fire before the Lord. They do not accept being reprimanded. They judge themselves above good and evil.

They are wandering against God, for He guides us that we can not
owe nothing to anyone. Not for family, if you make it clear that that particular amount must be paid. In doing so, the Christian commits an act of rebellion. Because it refuses to fulfill a law written by God.

They prefer to spend the money of prosperity shed by
Lord in unbuilding works or even in the rotten world from where he has not yet been delivered, even though he is in the church. Formerly, being a Christian was synonymous with honesty. Currently, several
evil evangelicals shame the name of God. Occupy lists
(Credit Protection Service) and other credit protection agencies.

 Most because of small amounts, which have ceased to be paid, sometimes for negligence. Instead of trying to get it right, they
time to try to take advantage of the period that the debt expires. It is not right to do so. There are ways of splitting when an agreement is entered into with the lender. For lack of knowledge, some blame the demons for having plunged into so many debts.

But the Holy Spirit warns us of something that could be harmful to our lives. He does this through the mouths of pastors, intercessors, evangelists and even through praises. The good servant of God
only falls into the hole when it enters the rebel block.

Throughout the year, influenced by advertisements, several people
go shopping, taking advantage of extra money from the thirteenth
salary. They enter in several installments, forgetting that in January the
value of the salary does not have the addition of the thirteenth salary.

 This is when the despair of bad checks begins, delays in payments and the series of telephone calls from collection offices, ending with the name inscribed in the list of bad payers of the SPC (Credit Protection Service). Usually the blame lies on Jesus Christ. But He commanded no servant of him to thrust his feet into his hands, taking on debts which he could not afford.

Several Christians weak in faith decorate the verse "In Christ I Can All Things" and depart for suicidal missions. Without the Lord's endorsement. God knows our future. Sometimes it does not answer certain prayers of ours, because it knows that later that blessing will be a curse, damaging the walk of that servant with Jesus Christ.

Money has the power to influence people's behavior.
It is the currency of exchange within society. Whoever has a lot is considered wealthy and successful. The miserable are classified as lost and weak, because they have failed to take advantage of the opportunities in the world. It changes the personality, making gentle servants into dictators and selfish.

Large amount of money results in much economic and political power. At this stage, it is common for the rich to override others. Consider yourself a god and Satan will use you in various ways. There are stories of entrepreneurs, owners of multinationals or giants
conglomerates of communication, who have lost the notion of the
or wrong. For they bet on wealth to silence the mouths of the authorities.

As they control part of the press, their gossip does not become
knowledge. They are restricted only to professionals working in the sector. One of them, in the United States, confessed to being envious of the official who mowed the lawn of his garden, for even though he was the richest man in the world in the 1970s, he did not feel the taste of happiness.

He even had a kidnapped son, that the criminals
one of his ears as proof that the boy was alive to receive the millionaire ransom. Wealth without the presence of Jesus Christ opens wide path to darkness. It's like the Lord alertingIt is as the Lord warns through the book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 5, verses 10 and 11: "He who loves money will never have enough; he who loves riches will never be satisfied with his income. This also makes no sense.

When goods increase, so do those who consume them. And what profit do they bring to their possessors, but to give a little joy to their eyes? "The rich man will never be satisfied with what he has. Each time you will struggle to get more money, not
giving up indecent practices. How many Christian entrepreneurs owe a good salary to their employees? They seek to exploit them.

They work as a donkey to get a pittance at the end of the month. They misuse the prosperity that the Lord has put into their hands. Most often imitate the wicked by evading taxes, participating in fraudulent competitions, or using the worst quality products to reduce the amount spent on that project.

When they do not pay taxes, they are rebelling against the government, an authority that took over that post with the permission of God. They try to justify saying that the government is corrupt, not applying in infrastructure works the money collected with taxes. It is not right to think so. It is up to the faithful servant to owe nothing to anyone as he defines the word of God.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

segunda-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2017

You will not covet

* Luís Alberto Alves

The Lord recommends that his servants "not covet the
thy neighbor, thy neighbor's house, and his field, and his
servant, nor his maidservant, nor his animals, nor any of thy
near, "as described in the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 5,
verse 21. Unfortunately, this commandment of God is ignored by
many Christians who are weak in faith, especially when a brother in
Christ is a boyfriend, boyfriend or married to a beautiful woman.

To disguise the sinful thought, the person says that that servant of Jesus Christ is very blessed, for having someone so beautiful on the side. Lie! Literally, that servant is the object of the greed of that weak Christian in the faith. For few are satisfied to see a beautiful woman like a man without great attractions or vice versa. It is the nature of the ancient world still dwelling within the heart. The evil one still influences this evangelical facade.

Many point out that there is no reason to punish someone who only
desired the love of that woman or man, who because of the plans of the Lord stood next to another servant or servant. Greed always dwells in the heart of the Christian not yet freed. It is only with the body inside the church, but the mind and the heart are bound to the life of sin and defeats.

It is the sepulcher whitewashed, it looks good on the outside, but its interior is as dirty and stinky as the interior of the tombs. Sentimental desire is accompanied by sexual pleasure. When looking at that person, the brain creates images of her on a bed if
relating sexually or even cohabiting within the same household. All nourished by the heart, for it departs most of our lusts.

In doing so, the weak Christian in the faith runs the serious risk of conflict, for the husband or wife of a sung will not leave unanswered such an attack. It is when Satan plants the seed of discord, violence and mistrust; aiming at alienating the couple from the work of the Lord. With rare exceptions, sentimental greed is present in the life of the weak Christian in faith facing problems in the marital area.

It could be someone with no luck in love or with the marriage in crisis near the end. Wishing someone else in that church, he unconsciously tries to solve the problem that torments him and takes away his quiet. Psychology classifies this gesture of compensation. With the ability of the mind to create images of what it would be like if the coveted novel came true.

The weak Christian in faith twists his dream to come true. Hastily puts God in this story. But He will never fulfill a request that consists in the destruction of one's family. Few people are patient in waiting for Jesus' will
Christ be fulfilled. When the subject is love, the problem gets very
Really. They confuse sexual attraction with passion.

They visualize the body, instead of looking inward, to know who that man or woman is. They are seduced by the beautiful appearance, running the risk of entering a path that will take them to the abyss in a while.

In rare exceptions, dating arrives at marriage without occurring
sexual intercourse before, in a clear case of fornication, practice condemned by God. It's the open door of another curse. Soon that relationship will come to an end, and Jesus Christ will receive the guilt, when in fact He had no responsibility for such a decision. The Lord is not rushed. Act right.

Because of the severe Brazilian housing deficit, where 7 million
people are homeless, housing is also targeted with greed. Especially when it's big and luxurious. Sometimes the place is considered as a sign of the Lord's blessing in that Christian's life. Few interested in knowing how the property was built and how much was spent.

To complicate matters, the covet is someone who is unwilling to
search for your dreams. He wants to reap the blessings sitting on a chair. Never mind. It is not prayer. It passes far from vigils, to go up to the mountain, to evangelize or to speak of the love of God to the captives. It is not intimate with the Lord. You will die coveting, for Jesus Christ is hardly going to give you something, especially because you are in sin.

Sometimes the weak Christian in the faith spends an extended holiday on the
or farm of a brother very blessed by the Lord. I can not contain the spirit of greed. As you walk through the property,

ripe fruit on his toes, he wonders what he would do if Jesus Christ placed a property that size in his hands.

It evaluates the interior of the house, the taps, the floors, the sinks, the roof, the swimming pools, the sports courts, the ample parking lot, the hall reserved for worship services to the Lord. It is when he prays as a liar: "If one day Jesus Christ, the Lord give me a house of this size, I will never cease worshiping in this place." Fool's Vote!

You are not yet prepared to receive something so great. It must heal the wounds of the soul, of the heart and spirit. God is not deceived by anyone. Man is vain by nature. In conquering his desired object, the first sign is to run from the house of the Lord. With the excuse to take advantage of that benefit. It is when it will cool in the faith, uniting with the scorners and doing the horrible works of the flesh. That's why God condemns covetousness.

 She is the twin sister of envy, one of the seven deadly sins. The person is never fit to enjoy that benefit. Everything has a price. The best footballers in the world need to train a lot, stay away from the family, isolated in the concentration of a hotel, sometimes far from home, enter the field even when the emotional is not well. The exhaustive tactical and physical training causes muscle fatigue and pains spread throughout the body.

To keep fit, they can not eat certain foods in addition to needing to sleep early. Because of millionaire contracts can not comment on various issues, so as not to create problems for advertisers. Even sentimental life is watched. It's the charge to keep in evidence. The same is true of great musicians. They always study. Sometimes they rehearse several hours during the week. Health should always be okay. To find a willingness to travel through Brazil and abroad in endless concert trips.

In the case of vocalists, it is forbidden to drink cold drinks, including juices. They can not talk excessively, in order not to harm the vocal chords. They also live in prison hotels, where they return after the performances. Because of fame they can not move freely. They are accompanied by security guards. Entrepreneurs determine where to go. The actors take great care of the memory, since they need it to decorate the roles of the films and novels for which they are hired. They also pay the price of seclusion.

They can not maintain a life of privacy because they are public people. When one covets something of one, the weak Christian in faith does not remember that everything has a price. God knows the weight of the cross that we can carry, especially in relation to the blessings, that can take us out of his presence.

 * Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

You shall not bear false witness

* Luís Alberto Alves

Countless people became accustomed to the lie. It is natural for them. It does not cause any regrets. They do not know the word of God and an oriental saying that "most dangerous man is the liar". In the ten commandments given to Moses, the Lord directs his servants not to say false testimony against your neighbor.

 Over time, people have become accustomed to lying, even for banal reasons. In the home, the son or daughter is not ashamed to be lacking in truth when questioned by parents. Everything to escape punishment. The political class, however, is masterful in the art of lying. It's hard to tell when they tell the truth.

Lies serve to affect one's morals. It is not advisable
believe in a liar It can cause serious problems.
I witnessed the destruction of a marriage because of the lie. It all began in a commentary on paternity of a child. Soon the gossip spread on the street where the couple lived. DNA test was ordered.

He concluded that the teenager was the son of the man with whom the woman had married. But the fairness of the examination was questioned, since the distrust did not dissipate. The atmosphere between them was heavy and full of suspicion. Those who knew the family had no doubt that the DNA test confirmed
the obvious. But Satan sowed hatred and some time later the divorce occurred.

To complicate matters, the other child was plunged into drug addiction. A false witness was responsible for the destruction of a family. Unfortunately people do not pay attention to the details of the words
of the Lord. Many Christians weak in faith do not realize the
provoked when someone lies. They play the devil's game.

Trust is something that must be preserved everywhere. In
professional relationships, the liar turns the work environment into hell, because it spreads false rumors, putting at risk until success of the enterprise.
On the other hand, no one will feel right next to you
of someone who never speaks the truth. Within the church, he is also
dangerous because it will affect the performance of God's work. It will end like
instrument of darkness until it leaves the presence of the Lord. For the Lord is not content with darkness, for Satan is the father of lies.

In the book of 1 Timothy, chapter 1, verses 8 to 11 the Lord warns:
"We know that the Law is good, if someone uses it properly.
We also know that it is not made for the righteous, but for the
transgressors and insubordinates, to the ungodly and sinful, to
the profane and irreverent, to those who kill father and mother, to the
homicidal, for those who practice sexual immorality and homosexuals, for hijackers, for liars and those who swear falsely; and to him that opposeth sound doctrine. This sound doctrine is seen in the glorious gospel entrusted to me, the gospel of the blessed God. " The law of God is also applied to liars, for they are dangerous people.

In the book of Ephesians, chapter 4, verse 25, Jesus Christ counsels
what the good servant must do to enter the kingdom of heaven: "Therefore, every one of you must forsake the lie and speak the truth to his neighbor, for we are all members of the same body." So there is no reason for a Christian to stay in the lie, provoking contention among the brethren and hindering the preaching of the gospel, for people can not believe someone who lies.

It becomes a shame for the ministry, for it will always be hiding its true intentions. This is the liar's problem. It is never possible to see what it is. Make up stories to cover up mistakes or to hurt someone you do not feel attached to.

In a marriage, lying is a time bomb. It may cause
the death of the woman or man. It becomes an instrument of blackmail, because to obtain some benefit, one of the two will not feel ashamed to use the false testimony to evade the responsibility.

Imagine someone who works traveling, but be married or married.
Resolves to invent a story not to return because it has entered into a quick relationship. To keep the image of responsibility, phone, pass email, but all as a bluff. Usually the liar believes himself to be the smartest person in the world. The rest is included
in the team of the boobies. Your alibi will never fall. The problem is that lying can not stand for a long time. Soon the contradictions will appear and the truth comes to the surface.

Depending on the situation, trust
is shaken and never again that person will deserve credit. Which husband will return to trust a liar wife, who almost threw him
in prision? The relationship was shaken. There will always be a feeling in the air that she might lie again.

Especially when the husband or wife was a Christian when he married. The fearsome question arises: "I thought that evangelical did not lie." The very name of the Lord ends up being shamed, because because of a liar, the rest will pay. The Justice of Men itself has adopted this command in the Penal Code, where there is punishment for those who make false communication of crime to the police. If you lie during a trial, you can be prosecuted and arrested. As you can see, false witness is not as innocent as some weak Christians believe.

 The truth is usually hard, but it is better to live with it, for there will be no risk of someone being harmed unjustly. In the book of John, chapter 14, verse 6, the Lord speaks the following words: "Jesus answered, I am the way, and the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. "The Lord makes it clear that He is the truth. The servant must imitate the master.

 In this case, the Christian must be true, as Jesus is. Obey his commandments, which openly condemns the lie. It is not easy to live in a world where people have turned the false testimony into something natural. But the Christian can not fall into the liars' grave, stir in the mud of the sty where they have been immersed so long, for they have not yet known the Truth. It's called Jesus Christ.

 * Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Do not commit adultery

* Luís Alberto Alves

Adultery, because of the degradation of the present world, is seen as
sign of cleverness. Both men and women. In some cases, certain weak Christian wives become wary of a "right" husband. If he is not coveted by others, there may be something wrong with his personality. But that is not what Jesus Christ thinks.

 Look at what He says in the book of Malachi, chapter 2, verse 14: "And you ask, Why? Because the Lord was witness
of the covenant between thee and the woman of thy youth, wherewith thou wast
disloyal, being her companion and the wife of your covenant. "
When someone marries a church, God is the witness of that marriage.

It binds in the heavens what is being connected down here on earth.
The pillar of a marriage is trust. It depends on the happiness of the bride and groom. Even when the storm comes, trust will help both go through the difficult period.

As many are far from the gospel of Jesus Christ,
marital infidelity has become routine in many relationships. With the help of the Devil, companies have emerged specialized in providing alibis for disappearances on weekends or even on workdays. All aiming to deceive husbands or women.

These people are unaware that the root of adultery is evil. It is disloyalty to others, trying to deceive you. As Satan works to destroy and kill lives, infidelity does not last forever. Leaves traces halfway. Whoever walks on this path is mischievous.

Take the price of disobedience, because in the book of Hebrews, chapter 13, verse 4, Jesus Christ warns: "Marriage should be honored by all; the conjugal bed, kept pure, for God will judge the immoral and the adulterers. " No one is prepared to receive the weight of the Lord's strong hand because of error.

Usually those who deceive themselves are deceived, as Jesus Christ confirms in the book of Colossians, chapter 3, verse 25: "He that committeth unrighteousness shall receive unrighteousness, and there shall be no exception for any man."

However, when a weak Christian in the faith is warned to
correct and take the right path of Jesus Christ, does not like repression. He implies that he knows what he is doing. Imagine that God will run his hands over his head and the dirt will be pushed under the rug. This is not the way of God. The Lord emphasizes his point of view regarding those worshipers of evil, as pointed out in the book of Galatians, chapter 6, verse 7: "Do not be deceived: God is not mocked. For whosoever soweth, that shall he also reap. "

The problem of adultery is more serious than imagined. He walks by
hand in hand with the spirits of destruction and prostitution. They aim at the spiritual and physical death of someone who gets caught up in this kind of mess. To avoid arousing suspicion, the Devil puts on a veneer to sell the infidelity package. Always lovers will present themselves as someone free of defects, nothing that reminds any kind of revulsion.

Everything is filled with the beauty elaborated by the world. For example, the mistress will never meet the man when he is in TPM. Everything needs to look beautiful. Even the makeup to hide wrinkles or other imperfection.

Good clothes and fine perfumes go into the package. The bond will then be closed by the spirit of prostitution, filled with a lot of sensuality. Nothing that reminds the wife of that husband easily hooked, with bait of dubious quality. Man is not going to present himself in the way he is known in
home. He will be an unforgettable lover. Affectionate to the extreme. In the days of meetings you will wear elegant costumes.

He will take the car to the washer, aiming to sell the image of yearning. At this stage, those present will be on the agenda. All to easily captivate the woman. Depending on the purchasing power, even travel to elegant resorts in the northeast enters the script.
The demons present themselves with a beautiful appearance. Claws and wickedness will come later.

Otherwise no one would fall into the arms of Satan. When the spirit of prostitution has gagged lovers, they will enter
in action the forces of darkness of destruction. They will start attacking
finances, then health, and finally the marriage and family of those involved in this fowler's tie.

At this hour the devil will show that the taste of sin will cease to be sweet to become gall. The peace will leave their lives and bombs explode from all sides, aiming to push both of them to the hole. Repentance will arise, but they will have to reap the effects of the sin committed. This is when the argument that such infidelity will never be discovered will fall to the ground.

Lovers will leave clues with feminine or masculine scents on their clothes, phone numbers recorded on the cell phone's caller ID, suspicious and surprised conversations when the call is made home, scraps written on forgotten papers in the pockets of shirts, blazers, bags.
Jesus Christ said, "There is nothing hidden that is not revealed, nor secret that is not discovered." When betrayal is discovered, the Devil takes the body away. And the life of the weak Christian in faith turns into hell, for the devils themselves are putting firewood in that bonfire of destruction. Misfortune is never too low, adultery can bring with it aggression and even the death of one of those involved.

Then there is the grief and the desire for vengeance in the heart of the deceased victim. In this crossfire the children end up suffering a lot, because the separation ends up occurring. Growing up in broken homes, they become rebellious teenagers and troubled children. Since the child can not understand the reasons for the father living away from his wife, their mother.

 To complicate matters, stepfather or stepmother never wins the sympathy of foster children. The house becomes a battlefield. They become common words like, "You're not my father. Or You're not my mother to give me orders. " The adulterer or adulterer forgets what God says in Psalm 119, verse 1: "How happy are those who walk in blameless ways, who live according to the law of the Lord."

 This is why God advises his servants not to comment adultery, for they will reap the fruit of the evil seed planted in some motel, flat or even resort room. Because the Lord does not compromise with evil. He will also avoid touching the sinner's head. You can forgive, but the price of the error will have to be paid. The spiritual laws of Jesus Christ are different from those in this world, where evil gains the image of good and vice versa.

 To avoid road accidents, it is advisable for the Christian to continue walking in the right direction. He will avoid problems, besides not risking losing his salvation, because in heaven is not allowed the entrance of adulterers. Few people can understand that the gift given by Satan appears to be beautiful, so as not to arouse any suspicion. Otherwise it would be difficult to attract someone to your bonds.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

You will not kill

* Luís Alberto Alves

This is the command most remembered by most people, whether Christian or ungodly. But little obeyed, especially when someone is overwhelmed with anger. Go blind and commit the crime. You'll only regret it when you're inside the police van. But few understand the depth of the word kill.

It may refer to the extinction of dreams in someone's life. How many Christians did not return to the rotten world, where they were imprisoned for several years, because of evil comments to their dreams. Because of lack of wisdom many Christians weak in the faith push several brothers into the abyss. They do not pay attention to what
the Lord says in the book of Proverbs, chapter 24, verse 11: "Free
those who are being taken to death and saves those who stagger
going to be killed. "

With rare exceptions, people only seek the help of Jesus Christ
when they are at the bottom of the pit, with no alternative life. Instead of finding shelter, some wolves in lambskin push them into the abyss. The worst death is spiritual, when you lose faith in the Lord, and everything seems to have no solution. It is accompanied by strong depression, aimed at throwing the sheep into the hole as quickly as possible.

It is at this moment that we should not play the Devil's game, which came to kill, steal, and destroy. Caution is required when talking about certain subjects. Otherwise we kill hope, the great companion of faith. Without it we are doomed to failure.

The spiritual dead can no longer hear the word of God. For him
It's all over. All you have to do is wait for the end and rest in a cold pit.
of the cemetery. That is why Jesus Christ said in the book of John, chapter 10, verse 10: "The thief cometh only to steal, to kill, and to destroy; I have come that they may have life and have it in abundance. " The Devil will always work to kill the Christian's faith, impede his walk to glory.

For the dead can no longer seek the Lord. It is as it is written in the book of Ecclesiastes, chapter 9, verses 5 and 6: "For the living know that they shall die, but the dead know not any thing, neither shall they have a reward, because their memory lies in oblivion. Love, hate and envy to them
they have perished; they have no part in any of the
which is done under the sun. "

Someone who is dead will not be able to do God's work, for his strength
are over. This is the reason why Satan fiercely attacks our
youth and children, to kill the future of the gospel. He uses, in this evil project, drugs, violence and child prostitution, as a means of curtailing the spread of the word of Jesus Christ.

The great patrimony of young people is hope. By killing her, the walk is interrupted. Someone without perspective is an empty vessel, a night without stars and moonlight, is the predominant mood at a wake. When God tells us not to kill, He refers to various types of death, not only the one in which the body is inert and the spirit is withdrawn from it.

Several weak Christians, discouraged by the weariness of battle,
open their mouths and bury the faith of brothers who would be of great importance to the gospel. I remember a great woman very used by God, who prayed for 13 years awaiting the conversion of her husband. During this period he heard several words of spiritual death. Some said she should hand over the points, for this miracle was difficult to do.

He did not listen, prophesied, and today the couple do the work of God together. He became more fervent in faith. Because of the Lord's mercy, her dream did not die. When Jesus Christ was called to raise the daughter of Jairus, the word of death came from the relatives of his father, as it is written in the book of Mark, chapter 5, verses 35 and 36: "He spake again, when some came from the house of the chief of the synagogue, to whom they said, Thy daughter is dead; Why do you still trouble the Master?

But Jesus, not going to such words, said to the chief of the synagogue:
Fear not, believe only. " This episode shows that our
Our family members also try to kill our dreams when we meet the Lord. It is the mother who is advised to give up praying for the drugged son, the alcoholic husband, or for the
daughter. The words of death are supported by examples that did not work out because of the Devil's finger.
If the Christian or Christian does not have much
faith, it is another dream thrown into the grave of unbelief. The advice
for this situation, according to Jesus Christ, is to believe and not to fear the worst. Because Satan is going to work for the situation to be critical, forcing the quitting. It is when our boat sways and the waves of difficulties seem like it will cover it up.

out. At this moment the Lord brings blessing and concretizes that dream so desired by that servant. It is common during a wake, the relatives of the dead think about what will happen to that family. Especially when the deceased was responsible for the maintenance of the house and managed to appease the moods. I went through this situation. When I had just buried my mother, after 25 days of my father's death, I left the cemetery thinking about what would happen to me from there. He felt a very large void.

 For a few days I could not stay in a dark place. The lights in all the rooms of the house were accessible, even during the day. I tried to be in the yard, under the sun. If it were up to me, I would put a wedge in time, preventing the hours from passing. He did not feel hungry, thirsty, cold or hot. The skin on his arms went numb. Even tweaking did not feel pain. I tried to pray a lot to the Lord, to ask for comfort and a solution to my case. I needed to stay alive. If I died, my family would end.

 I was like the only soldier alive on the battlefield, who needs to find the strength to come alive to the barracks to continue the battle. The Lord did not allow my dreams to die. It gave me strength to keep on going. After nearly six years of this terrible experience, I have grown stronger. I was not let down by the sadness and melancholy, common in the life of someone who lost a loved one. I tried to lift my head. I understood what God said in the book of Proverbs, chapter 24, verse 10: "If you show yourself weak in the day of trouble, your strength is small."

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor