Luís Alberto Alves
My brothers in Christ spread out on this planet. I thank the Lord for another year in which I have been with you sharing my experiences with God and sometimes publishing in this space the message He sent to someone in need of spiritual help.
The internet is fascinating, when well used. We got in touch with people on the other side of this Earth. I use English as a universal language. I have many people reading my words. In this map below, provided by Google, are the numbers of brothers in Christ who have read my articles, most in the United States. On map number 2, when he typed these words someone living in distant Turkmenistan read the articles published today (12).
We will see each other now in 2018, because I always write 15 texts monthly. I wish you all a great end of 2017 and may Jesus Christ continue to be the great teacher of all of you. Stay in tune with the heavens. It is a guarantee of quiet when the bad day and the storm arrive. Hugs to all !!!
United States 4972
Brazil 1367
Germany 815
France 404
Canada 394
Portugal 327
Poland 180
Russia 168
Ukraine 118
Ireland 53
United States 143
Canada 130
Germany 33
Poland 32
Brazil 28
Ukraine 23
Portugal 9
France 7
Turkmenistan 1