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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

quinta-feira, 22 de outubro de 2015

The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want

*Luís Alberto Alves

This passage is famous. Even for those who are not Christian. All repeat that "The Lord is my shepherd and I shall not want," as it is written in Psalm 23. But how many know the importance of having God as a pastor? Many imagine Him to be a demented old, without any discernment, accepting all kinds of lame excuse to justify the mistake.

 The shepherd looks after the sheep and also their correction. When out of the way, goes on a quest to bring it to where you started. It's not easy. Especially when the sheep are people. Human beings are complicated. Hates correction. Prefer bad way to good.

 God as our supreme shepherd, cares for our lives. Do you know what is best for us. Never wrong. In sentimental terms thoroughly understands our hearts, highly corrupt. How many no longer entered in unsuccessful relationships for ignoring the advice of the Lord?

 Many years ago I went through that experience to guide her, saying that the person chosen to stand beside him would cause sadness. Using the Word of God asked him to reflect on the famous passage from Isaiah 55: 8/10, when it is said that "God's thoughts are higher than ours .."

 I did not hear. He left the church. Later he attended a cult. In the arms of a baby of about 2 years. I knew suffered various husband's aggression, involved in illegal practices. She did not dare look at my face. She came out crying that night. I never saw her again. You are prepared for God to be their pastor in all my brother?

*Luís Alberto Alves é pastor

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