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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

terça-feira, 13 de outubro de 2015

Headquarters holy because I am holy

* Luis Alberto Alves 

The Word of God is very concise: "Holy Headquarters, for I am holy," as reported 1 Peter 1:16. The big problem today, in relation to the gospel, is that few people follow this advice of Jesus Christ, as emphasized by the apostle Peter. 

 All men are limited and sinful. The problem is that many do not struggle to get out of the sea of ​​mud where the error is raw material. On the contrary, they are increasingly looking to dive into the dirt, without any remorse. 

 The strategy is to continue the deception, even though it represents the eternal death. Currently, most of the population circulates in social networks and it is possible there realize how much the lie settled in the Christian world. 

Within the churches people wear layers of holiness and out of them used clothing is prostitution, with various types of gods. Men and women, young or adult, adopt dangerous speech "nothing to do" and forget the sight of the Lord, which are everywhere.

Try to take the holiness of Jesus Christ is something face and out of fashion for many evangelicals. Some say that the Lord's grace redeems them from all sin. Yes, God's mercy keeps us from being decimated, but he says that in Christ we are new creatures. Who was drugged, that not more drogue, who was a thief, do not steal more and so on. 

Using these words as crutches, the Christian light sinks in the ways offered by darkness. When he realizes, it is far from good roads highlighted by the Lord. He returned to the rotten world, which he left to be a new creature. 

We must never forget that first taste of sin is sweet and seductive. Later it appears that the bitter taste of bile. At this late date, feet and hands are already tied and it is difficult to get back on track light. 
 It's like adultery.

 The man or woman engages in an extramarital relationship believing that eventually never discovered. For a while everything remains hidden until the bomb goes off. Dear Brothers never forget that Satan delights in the destruction and death of people, mostly Christians. 

 Unfortunately some evangelical churches, at the headquarters to raise money, adopt the diet preaching. They make a blind eye to the error of its members. The important thing is to let the stuffed current account of high amounts. For them, it is not worth to take the holiness of Jesus Christ. 

* Luis Alberto Alves is evangelical pastor 

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