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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

sexta-feira, 16 de outubro de 2015

No one can serve two masters

* Luis Alberto Alves 

God's Word in Matthew 6:24 gospel is straightforward: "No one can serve two masters; Wow the one and hate the other. " Do you happen to know what the gentlemen to whom Jesus refers? 

Depending on the context it is long. For some it's working life. The work deserves attention at all. Until the family is left out: wife, husband, children, parents ... The world revolves around the company. 

Or during the weekend it work out of your mouth. Can be studies. Classes at college, graduate, the career extension. After rich curriculum accounts is synonymous with rising and of course more money added to the salary. 

Sometimes it's the pleasure offered by the world. One late sunny week, nothing better than taking drink on the beach or even at the bar, which has become a reference point in the social columns. Or even the eternal trips without ever leaving space reserved for the Lord. 

Another master of his way is the sexual life. Nothing to be stuck with someone forever. The business is change. Within short time to know and take the greater the bed number of attractive people. Life is short, not always the big break happens twice.

 In short, Jesus Christ made it clear in this parable that it is impossible to love him while the lentil dishes offered by darkness. There is no way to get the love of these opposing forces alike. Or our heart is Jesus Christ or Satan. The choice is up to you.

* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

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