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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

quarta-feira, 21 de outubro de 2015

Better the end of a thing than the beginning thereof ....

* Luis Alberto Alves

How often we miss certain stages of our lives. We traveled in time and recall the time of adolescence, the dances, the daily football because has not worked, the first girlfriends or boyfriends. By fraction of a second we are betrayed to think that we were happy.

 Then comes the young, the job market, college, the beginning of the great battle begins and only come to an end after retirement, already married with children and certainty of accomplishment, of caught the good fight.

 In this regard, the evil is smart. It leads us to think only in small positive percentage, leaving hidden suffering, the sadness of the time we lived in spiritual poverty, oppression of darkness, the disappointments of love relationships and professional failures.

 In this section you enter the strong word of the Lord from the book of Ecclesiastes 7/8: "Better is the end of a thing than the beginning thereof: the patient is better than the proud in spirit. " The end of our life will be rewarding, if we continue faithful to Jesus Christ. It is the entrance to stay forever in Heaven with the Lord.

 But many Christians continue to feel nostalgia for the past. From the time of slaves in the hands of Satan. They are attached to the fallen crumbs from their table filthy, forgetting the current banquet given by the Lord. When arrested in the beginning of things, lack vision to see the future full of glory reserved by God to his servants. Take action: stop looking back and fix your eyes forward.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

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