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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

domingo, 25 de fevereiro de 2018

Do you have faith??? 5

* Luís Alberto Alves

Soon the mechanic finished communicating and came to my rescue. It charged a low price and after a few hours the car was repaired. It may sound like bullshit, but if he had no faith that that problem would be solved, he would spend the afternoon and evening on the street in an area full of criminals.

Faith requires patience. You should never let your heart suffer any kind of contamination, especially of doubt. To think that God has abandoned him. The devil's tactic is to scare the Christian. Stop looking at Jesus Christ. Seek to work your mind, to focus on the problem, fueling the bonfire of evil, from which God has set you aside.

That's why people without faith are nervous, impatient. In the midst of any problem they begin to speak evil, to make accusations against all, saying that it is a zero to the left, one chosen by God to suffer in this world. Even in simple matters, they try to dramatize. Some end up stopping at the emergency room because of the pressure it triggers.

The one without faith is pessimistic. They call the Christian crazy, too optimistic. Of someone dreamer. Lunatic who insists on not seeing reality. These kinds of people are experts in criticism of the pastor. Nothing to him is correct. They even distrust Jesus. They justify what miracles the Lord did in the past. Today, the source dried up.

I tell you my brother or sister never to lose faith. I do not know your problem. But I believe that God will solve it. There is nothing impossible for our Lord. Just keep believing. Look forward. Stay away from the vultures, people who complain about everything, even the wind. Pray, fast, and read the book of Psalms. There you will find refreshment and the solution will soon arrive. Do not leave communion. This is how we feed our faith.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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