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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

terça-feira, 6 de fevereiro de 2018

Do not be radical in your attitudes

* Luís Alberto Alves

Listen to this text from Osho: there was a very poor old man in a Village who owned a beautiful white horse.
One morning he discovered that the horse was not in the stall.
The friends said to the old man:
"What a misfortune, your horse has been stolen!"
And the old man replied:
- Calm down, do not go so far.
Simply say that the horse is no longer in the stable.
"The rest is your judgment."
People laughed at the old man.
A fortnight later, the horse came back.
He had fled into the forest.

And not only that; he had brought a dozen wild horses with him.
Again the people gathered and said,
"Old man, you were right.
It was not a misfortune, it was a blessing.
And the old man said,
"You're hurrying again."
Who can say whether it is a blessing or not?
Just say the horse is back.
The old man had a single son who began training the wild horses.
Just a week later, he fell from one of the horses and fractured his legs.
The people gathered and, once again, they began to judge:
"And you were right, old man?"
It was a disgrace that his only son lost the use of both legs.
And the old man said,
But you're obsessed with judgment, eh?
Do not go that far.

Just say my son broke his legs.
No one knows yet whether this is a disgrace or a blessing ...
It happened that after a few weeks, the country went into war and all the youth of the village were forced to enlist, except the son of the old man.
And those who went to war, died ...
Those who are obsessed with judging always fall into the trap of basing their judgment on small fragments of information, leading to hasty conclusions.
Never end a question definitively, for when one path ends, another begins, when one door closes, another opens ...
Sometimes we see only misery and we do not see the blessing it brings ... "

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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