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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

quinta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2017

Caution: the devil uses people to attack you-3

* Luís Alberto Alves

This is often the case with homosexuals. God loves you deeply. But reprove their behavior, which is something sinful, as written in chapter 1 of Paul's letter to the Romans. The devil cleverly distorts selling the idea that Jesus has no love for homosexuals, letting hidden that God does not accept is the sin they commit. In fact, any sin is reproved by God.

In the same way many Christians do not accept when a prostitute is converted. From the moment you accepted Jesus and all the dirt was taken from your soul and spirit, it is a new creature. There is another way to go. We all have our past of filth. From the moment we resolve to embrace the gospel of Jesus Christ we pass into the world of lights, where darkness no longer finds space in our life.

The great problem is that Satan uses false converts, or even the weak in faith to distort the gospel. They invest in the lie that God does not love the sinner. A great falsehood. Jesus will never love sin, whether it is of nature, robbery, stealing, lying, hatred, resentment, prostitution, perversion, deceit, addiction, witchcraft, lesbianism, homosexuality, revenge, laziness, guldice, drunkenness, etc.

Because of lack of wisdom many Christians can not make this separation: sin and sinner! They are different things. Prostitution and prostitution are two realities. Prostitution, in the case of a woman or even a man, is to use the body to gain pleasure by earning money or seeking to destroy the marriage of one's neighbor. The same goes for homicide, when someone decides to kill someone. Only God has the prerogative to take the life of the human being.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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