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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

terça-feira, 11 de abril de 2017

Satan's design is to destroy the family

* Luís Alberto Alves

Satan's design, in these examples cited, is to destroy the family by playing against each other. Until the spirit of death comes into action and reaps lives, leading the assassins or murderer to the prison, where another hell awaits them. It is because of this that Jesus Christ said that the enemies of man would be their own relatives.

In this case the fight is against the demons that dominate these people, be it husband, wife, son, daughter, mother-in-law or son-in-law. Because of this, it is important to pray for the family to rid them of these influences of darkness. At the least sign of confusion, the name of the Lord must be invoked to restore peace. Home where there is only a fight, distrust, exchange of accusations, much dirt, selfishness, contempt in relationships, misery, strife, intrigue, rebellion, among other evil signs, reveals the presence of Satan and his demons.

If a person does not find peace within their home, she will seek refuge where? In the streets or next to the wrong people! No matter how important someone is, staying in the best hotels in the world, at a certain time or day will return to your home.

Satan does not bother to destroy houses, but homes. The house is usually a cold and even impersonal place where no one cares about the other. In these places love passes apart. Home is when everyone is involved. Parents care about their children's well-being and they also want good for mother and father. There is no wickedness between them. Good is always the greatest interest.

In a home, the father wants the son or daughter to have a bright future. They pay attention to their love relationships, to detect possible pitfalls in the spiritual life of boyfriends or girlfriends. There is communion between the couple. One wishes the best for another. There is no selfishness, arrogance and pride. That is the reason for the Devil to invest against families. Christ himself had father, mother and brothers.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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