* Luís Alberto Alves
From another perspective we have the case of Pharaoh, who dreamed of seven lean cows eating seven fat cows. That's when Joseph enters history. Used by God, he can decipher what that message meant. But realize that it all happened when you slept. Nobody dreams awake.
The apostle John was taken in a dream to Heaven and there Jesus Christ dictated all the words that would make up the book of Revelation. It was so real that he collapsed at the feet of Christ, when he tried to look at his face and saw two fireballs in the place of his eyes, as well as the strong brilliance of his face, like the noonday sun. Jesus lifted him up and said not to be afraid.
We all need the safety of the Lord. During a night's sleep anything can happen, especially at a time when society is plunged into violence. After all, no one is safe, whether rich or poor.
But when Jesus Christ is who is the sentry, hardly the enemy will be able to realize its rotten objectives. For this it is important to pray for the protection of the Lord.
For the lion of the tribe of Judah never sleeps and will never sleep, for he is the eternal God, creator of the heavens and the earth, and watch over his servants. Do not forget: always pray this Psalm verse that I quoted a few lines back.
* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor
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