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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

segunda-feira, 17 de abril de 2017

Hot water cane thesis

* Luís Alberto Alves

We subtly fed the stove's thesis with boiling water. That is, the water does not cool quickly, but slowly. So it is with several Christians. He does not even realize that he stopped praying. He goes on to recite short sentences when he gets up and goes to bed. During the day he thinks little of Jesus Christ.

In a time of social networking, we spend more time on social networks participating in conversation without foot or head, without adding anything positive, than thinking intensely in the Word of God. How much He can use us in this world and how to provide strategy of struggles. Time is consuming our energies. For any question we have an answer on the tip of the tongue: "I'm tired (a), then I see that".

So the giant wheel of life turns. Usually people do not take long in the high part. The time has come to stay below the time of the struggles, tribulations and strong battles against evil that come to any Christian, as Jesus warned.

It is in this time that we realize how cold we are, we are far from the Lord and far from fulfilling His Ide. By mercy He still uses someone to open our eyes and return to live coals at his campfire. The problem is that sometimes this time may not come and the enemy will reap the life of the Christian.

With the 10 sons of Job it was so, even with him praying and offering sacrifices for every life. Therefore it is always good we ask Jesus Christ if we are not cold, we do not become bureaucratic Christians; The one who only posts card in the church, without any involvement with the Lord's gospel.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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