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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

quarta-feira, 19 de abril de 2017

The world will never love the Christian

* Luís Alberto Alves

In the gospel of John, chapter 15, verse 19, Jesus Christ warns: "If you belonged to the world, he would love you as if they were his; Yet you are not of the world, but I have chosen you, taking you out of the world; Therefore the world hates them. "

From the moment we accept Jesus Christ as Lord of our life, hell will use the world to persecute the servant of God. It is no use to use the strategy of pleasing darkness and light, which is God, for He Himself said that it is not possible to love two masters at the same time, because one of them will always be displeased.

By the time Jesus Christ lived here, paganism (a hallmark of polytheistic religions, that is, worshiping many gods) had a strong influence on the population. Both the Romans and the Greeks naturally accepted the sexual orgies. In cults to the god Bacchus, prostitution was accepted as people consume drinks at the feasts of today.

For the Greeks, male and female homosexuality were natural practices. The man and woman who was a couple called attention. Since childhood, children have been educated by strengthening this type of behavior (it is from this source that the PT drank to create the gender policy under the then President Dilma Rousseff).

Christ came to call attention, because his gospel confronted the society that adopted such sinful behavior in opposition to the Word of God. It is the shock of light against darkness. It is interesting that people of depraved behavior are praised by the world. Mainly artistic, sports or political personalities.

No one criticizes the actress or actor who has married several times, such as singer Fabio Jr, currently in the seventh wedding or even the famous artist for battering his wife in public. Treva does not fight darkness. Equality reigns there, after all in the dark you can not see anything.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

segunda-feira, 17 de abril de 2017

Hot water cane thesis

* Luís Alberto Alves

We subtly fed the stove's thesis with boiling water. That is, the water does not cool quickly, but slowly. So it is with several Christians. He does not even realize that he stopped praying. He goes on to recite short sentences when he gets up and goes to bed. During the day he thinks little of Jesus Christ.

In a time of social networking, we spend more time on social networks participating in conversation without foot or head, without adding anything positive, than thinking intensely in the Word of God. How much He can use us in this world and how to provide strategy of struggles. Time is consuming our energies. For any question we have an answer on the tip of the tongue: "I'm tired (a), then I see that".

So the giant wheel of life turns. Usually people do not take long in the high part. The time has come to stay below the time of the struggles, tribulations and strong battles against evil that come to any Christian, as Jesus warned.

It is in this time that we realize how cold we are, we are far from the Lord and far from fulfilling His Ide. By mercy He still uses someone to open our eyes and return to live coals at his campfire. The problem is that sometimes this time may not come and the enemy will reap the life of the Christian.

With the 10 sons of Job it was so, even with him praying and offering sacrifices for every life. Therefore it is always good we ask Jesus Christ if we are not cold, we do not become bureaucratic Christians; The one who only posts card in the church, without any involvement with the Lord's gospel.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

When does the Christian begin to cool down in faith?

* Luís Alberto Alves

The beginning of the walk in the Gospel of Christ is equal to the beginning of the street race: everyone is a thousand! The first kilometers are high-speed. Many athletes can walk this distance in 10 minutes. They seem to have wings on their feet.

From the middle of the race, especially if it's a 42-km marathon, the conversation changes tone. After 18 kilometers, the cramps appear in the thigh and belly of the leg. Breathing begins to present difficulty. You pull the air, but it does not look like it enters the nose.

The end of the competition, for those who did not fall down the road or get injured, is stuffed with fatigue. The body seems to catch fire: the feet swell, tingle, sweat covers the face, arms, legs, back and chest. Depletion is visible even in well-prepared ones.

In the Christian life the same thing happens. Because the world does not give us respite. Each day offers a dish of lentils, stuffed with false beauty. It may be a very agitated beat song, or even a ballad with a letter of love, but of exaltation to the man and not to Jesus Christ.

Programs that ignore the Gospel draw our attention, even presenting themes of an evil nature. It is the famous attraction for the forbidden, as if God is not seeing what we are doing. The list is long.

The apex is when someone, used by the enemy, tells us the magic phrase: "you need to enjoy life. Have you noticed that you spend a lot of time involved with the works of the church? Just go on Sundays, watch the service and that's okay with God. "

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

terça-feira, 11 de abril de 2017

Satan's design is to destroy the family

* Luís Alberto Alves

Satan's design, in these examples cited, is to destroy the family by playing against each other. Until the spirit of death comes into action and reaps lives, leading the assassins or murderer to the prison, where another hell awaits them. It is because of this that Jesus Christ said that the enemies of man would be their own relatives.

In this case the fight is against the demons that dominate these people, be it husband, wife, son, daughter, mother-in-law or son-in-law. Because of this, it is important to pray for the family to rid them of these influences of darkness. At the least sign of confusion, the name of the Lord must be invoked to restore peace. Home where there is only a fight, distrust, exchange of accusations, much dirt, selfishness, contempt in relationships, misery, strife, intrigue, rebellion, among other evil signs, reveals the presence of Satan and his demons.

If a person does not find peace within their home, she will seek refuge where? In the streets or next to the wrong people! No matter how important someone is, staying in the best hotels in the world, at a certain time or day will return to your home.

Satan does not bother to destroy houses, but homes. The house is usually a cold and even impersonal place where no one cares about the other. In these places love passes apart. Home is when everyone is involved. Parents care about their children's well-being and they also want good for mother and father. There is no wickedness between them. Good is always the greatest interest.

In a home, the father wants the son or daughter to have a bright future. They pay attention to their love relationships, to detect possible pitfalls in the spiritual life of boyfriends or girlfriends. There is communion between the couple. One wishes the best for another. There is no selfishness, arrogance and pride. That is the reason for the Devil to invest against families. Christ himself had father, mother and brothers.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Lack of spiritual maturity

* Luís Alberto Alves

The husband begins to create false images of which the wife betrays him. In this breach, the spirit of death gains ground, suggesting its murder, as it happens in several cases exhibited in the police televises. It may also be the opposite, when physical violence is the rule between the two; All encouraged by demons.

For lack of spiritual maturity, some people do not pay attention in detail. Example: In the service, school or college, one of the two misses the other immensely (husband or wife). But when he steps on the house gate, demons infiltrate hatred and any subject is a subject of quarrels and quarrels.

The son, before he is quiet, becomes involved with bad company, drugs, drink and stay several days away from home. The key is to detect what it was like before. But most people just look at the present, do not look for answers in the past. Which led him to get in the wrong way. There are usually demons in this life.

There are cases of the exemplary husband, who suddenly becomes an alcoholic. In a short time he loses his job, he does nothing else in the house, not even grocery shopping or fairs. In extreme cases, he stops taking a shower, no longer cuts his hair, shaves and goes to gambling and becomes a bistro customer.

The same thing happens with the woman. That orderly person, who liked to leave clean clothes and house, gave way to unclean spirits, joining the garbage club. In the kitchen, once clean and scented, the space now is a lot of dirty dishes in the sink, clothes smelling badly in the tank, as well as the sheets that are almost unchanged, getting filled with dust mites. There are cases of even intimate hygiene not deserving more attention.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The enemies of the man shall be his relatives

* Luís Alberto Alves

The prophet Micah in the Old Testament already wrote in chapter 7, verse 6 that at the end of time, man's enemies would be the very people who would share his own home. "For the son despises his father, the daughter rises against his mother, the daughter-in-law against her mother-in-law, and the enemies of a man are the enemies of his own house."

Today, when we watch the news, there are tragedies involving people from the same family, the most terrible crimes anyone can commit. For a moment we meditated for the explanation of such wickedness. Sons who kill father and mother to snatch the inheritance or children who isolate father or mother, or even both, in an asylum to rot there.

In Matthew, chapter 10, verse 36, the same word is repeated, when Jesus Christ reinforces what Micah prophesied centuries before the Lord lived in this world for 33 years. Very Christian, without understanding, he imagines that his relatives only want his evil. In fact, it is the demons sent by Satan who are responsible for this tragedy.

The evil spirits need bodies to give vent to the ruin that dwells in them. They observe families that offer loopholes and enter. No human being was born bad. The atmosphere, the attitudes that everyone takes, the coexistence filled with errors and indecent postures contribute to the Devil accomplishing his mission, if only for some time.

It is well known that every demon is responsible for attacking in a particular area of ​​life. Some enter into the sentimental life, sowing intrigues, sickly jealousy (which is nothing more than obsession), distrust, contempt, selfishness, lying, adultery, prostitution, doubts and sorrows. In this macabre mission, for years they work to undermine that person.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

segunda-feira, 10 de abril de 2017

In a dream, John was taken to Heaven

* Luís Alberto Alves

From another perspective we have the case of Pharaoh, who dreamed of seven lean cows eating seven fat cows. That's when Joseph enters history. Used by God, he can decipher what that message meant. But realize that it all happened when you slept. Nobody dreams awake.

The apostle John was taken in a dream to Heaven and there Jesus Christ dictated all the words that would make up the book of Revelation. It was so real that he collapsed at the feet of Christ, when he tried to look at his face and saw two fireballs in the place of his eyes, as well as the strong brilliance of his face, like the noonday sun. Jesus lifted him up and said not to be afraid.

We all need the safety of the Lord. During a night's sleep anything can happen, especially at a time when society is plunged into violence. After all, no one is safe, whether rich or poor.

But when Jesus Christ is who is the sentry, hardly the enemy will be able to realize its rotten objectives. For this it is important to pray for the protection of the Lord.

For the lion of the tribe of Judah never sleeps and will never sleep, for he is the eternal God, creator of the heavens and the earth, and watch over his servants. Do not forget: always pray this Psalm verse that I quoted a few lines back.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Even in sleep, God protects us

* Luís Alberto Alves

When we are awake it is easy to perceive something that can put the danger ahead of us. And sleeping? How to fight the enemy in full sleep? At this stage the human being is completely unprotected. Fragile, depending on location, can suffer any kind of attack.

It is when remembering Psalm 3, verse 5: "In peace I lie down and I fall asleep, for the Lord alone protects me." Jesus Christ has perfect conditions to keep the soul, spirit and body of his servants.

Satan takes advantage of our sleep to enter and sow spiritual filth. These are called nightmares. For it is not possible to remain awake forever. The body needs rest to put back the spent energies. Few Christians know this powerful word of the Psalm quoted above.

Sleep opens the door of a dimension where the spirit can circulate. There you have access to information, which is decoded by dreams, than evil plans. There are many testimonies from people who dreamed about certain situations, good or bad, and after a while they occurred.

An example of this is when Joseph, the earthly father of Jesus, was warned in a dream that he should take Mary and her unborn child to Egypt to avoid being killed by King Herod. An angel of the Lord used the dream to alert him.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

sexta-feira, 7 de abril de 2017

Have the faith of the blind Bartimaeus

* Luís Alberto Alves

Jesus Christ had come to the city of Jericho and found a blind man sitting by the roadside. Hearing the noise of the crowd, he began to shout, "Jesus, thou son of David, have mercy on me." The apostles and other people tried to shut him up. Yet he went on, demanding his healing.

Finally, as it is written in Mark, chapter 10, verses 46-52, Jesus called him and asked what he wanted: "Master, let me see," he replied. Then the Lord affirmed that his faith healed him. How many times do we go through great tribulation and forget the promises of God in our lives?

It is blowing a weak wind for the dreams to be destroyed. We set aside what Jesus had promised and we fell into despair. The role of darkness is to take away our vision, to prevent us from continuing to see the light of Jesus Christ. In the dark you can not see a thing. The ideal place to suffer accidents and get seriously injured.

The important detail in this passage narrated in the book of Mark is that Jesus answered the blind man that his faith had healed him. Simple. At no point did he doubt that the master would not give him sight. He faced the crowd, maybe he was pushed, and even trampled, but he did not give up. He continued to cry out for the Lord.

Sometimes we give up easy dreams. A pebble can weaken our spirit. We throw everything up and we confess defeat, putting in mind that we are the worst people in the world. It is precisely in these moments that we must act just like this blind man mentioned above. Continue to cry out for Jesus Christ. He will hear our voice and come to our rescue.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

quarta-feira, 5 de abril de 2017

Jesus Christ will make the difference between just and unjust

* Luís Alberto Alves

For a moment I began to remember the end of several people without communion with God, as the walk ended. Slowly I realized that they lost everything. Some saw the arrival of the death in a bed of hospital, clogged of threads connected to the ICU.

He even had the case of a Colombian trafficker, Juan Abadia, who lived in a luxury and rich condominium. Arrested, he has been extradited to the United States, where he will die in prison because of the high conviction. His assets, including luxury cars and furniture, were confiscated by Justice. Woman and children lost everything, feeling the bitter taste of misery.

If Jesus Christ said that He will make the difference between the just and the unjust, He will fulfill His Word. This painful moment of agony will not remain. We will not have a fortune, but the Lord will provide what we need to have a decent life and support the family. God despises waste. Grants only the necessary measure.

Therefore when you look at the wicked and see him well of life, wasting money and walking in luxurious cars, covered with expensive jewels and exuding perfumes of great value; do not be sad. God will pour forth from the high heavens good measure to rejoice our heart and give strength to continue on the walk. He knows who is just and faithful on this earth.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Why do the wicked live in luxury?

* Luís Alberto Alves

Since my conversion in 1996, something always makes me think deeply: why do the wicked live in luxury? They walk in new cars, wear expensive clothes, have homes in gated communities or grandiose apartments in elite neighborhoods, travel constantly to point-of-line cities, and of course, cash-flow owners?

On the other side I met brothers in Christ who needed to work bent to keep food on the table, bought clothes only at the time of the 13th salary and the word luxury passed away from their lives. Precisely in these observations came to mind the Word written in the Gospel of John: "I have come that they may have life and life in abundance."

In the course of the journey I met other brothers and sisters in Christ filled with the anointing, but always in fierce struggles. At bedtime I asked Jesus Christ why we the Lord's servants go through so much war and sometimes walk on the razor's edge.

The answer took many years. Over 18 years. One day he heard a shepherd preaching about the passage of Malachi, chapter 3, verse 11, which read: "Behold, the day will come that the Lord, the everlasting God, will make a difference between those who serve the Lord and those who They do not serve, between the just and the unjust. "

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

terça-feira, 4 de abril de 2017

When sleeping in faith, the Christian distracts himself

* Luís Alberto Alves

When Sarah heard from the angel that she would become pregnant, she was standing by the tent. Moses did not receive the tablets of the Ten Commandments while lying down. Elijah stood facing the prophets of Baal. Joshua stood in the battle to overthrow the walls of Jericho. That is, everyone was paying attention to the Lord's move.

By sleeping in faith, the Christian becomes distracted. It is impossible for someone to lie in bed for too long and not feel sleepy. It is natural, because the masses that were in the lower part of our body will now pass from the waist up.

Many people in the churches are lying down and can not stand to hear the Lord. Discouraged even forget to read the Word. Prayer, which was once fervent, gives way only to "thank you Lord for today," and then turns to bed to sleep.

In our inattention we will never be able to hear any instruction from Jesus Christ for our lives. Instead, we made room for Satan to dump his garbage before us. Every warrior of the Lord must walk in faith. Seek to always hear the voice of Jesus Christ and how to react to certain situations.

How He did to Ezekiel will apply the same method to us. This prophet had the mission to speak to a rebellious people, who even knowing the wonders of God, always fall into the arms of the idolaters. If Ezekiel lived in bed he would never perform this mission. When we are standing, Jesus walks side by side with us, sometimes even farther, to take away the stones thrown into the darkness.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

What is standing before the Lord?

* Luís Alberto Alves

This Bible passage from the book of Ezekiel, chapter 2, verses 1 and 2 leaves a very confused Christian: "And he said unto me, Son of man, stand thou up, and I will speak with thee. Then the Spirit entered into me, when he spake with me, and set me on my feet, and I heard him speak. "

In much of the Old Testament, the Lord sets prophets to take His Word to the Israelites. Blessed and rebellious people. It was an obedient time and then plunged into idolatry, lies and paganism.

Theologically standing is when one is attuned to the desires of Jesus Christ. As you read the Bible, you feel that God is speaking to you, praising you feel the spiritual atmosphere changing around you and even walking alone in the street, you realize that the angels of the Lord keep you.

Jesus Christ does not speak to anyone without commitment to his Word, for they lie down, prostrate in the arms of the Devil, without offering any reaction when attacked. When a person falls ill it is normal to lie down, because they do not find the strength to remain standing because of the pains in the body.

When we look at the sentry in the barracks, she is not sitting, much less leaning against the wall holding the weapon. He stands with his weapon in his hands and attentive to the probable attack of the enemy. Spiritually the standing Christian is one who pays attention to the Lord's move.

When attending a preaching, pay attention to details, try not to be distracted, because in a short sentence, God can speak something very great and extremely important. When we look at the various books of the Bible, we realize that the Lord always directs His Word to men and women attentive to His will.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

segunda-feira, 3 de abril de 2017

In the least things we deny Jesus Christ

* Luís Alberto Alves

Psychology explains that the forbidden is more attractive, than the liberated. At the time of the United States Dry Law, it was a crime to market alcohol. It was the time that most Americans got drunk. All for the taste of committing transgression. At the time of the Military Regime, from 1964 to 1985, newsstands could not sell pornographic magazines without a black stripe on pictures of the intimate parts of naked women. Never sold so many magazines.

It is thus, in detail, that the human being denies God. Sometimes to justify, people respond: "it has nothing to do". It would be like shooting a gun and killing a homeless, instead of taking the life of an honest man, a good family man and man. But before God the two lives are valuable. The same situation can be applied when women wear sexy clothes to get attention on the streets.

It is common to deny God a lie. In a round of friends or co-workers, in order not to be underneath, in some situations a story is heightened and reality distorted. In our mind is something insignificant, such as sucking a bullet instead of eating a large cake slice, full of calories for anyone who makes diet.

But when we have doubts about our conduct, it is interesting to ask the following question: "In my place would Jesus Christ take this attitude? Would you do what you're suggesting? "You can be sure that the Holy Spirit will respond quickly, leaving your heart heavy.

We will never see Jesus Christ approving of any kind of transgression. Be it anyway. He is holy. He never sinned and will never sin. The Lord has always walked the good way. Even when tempted he defeated Satan. It is not easy to please the Lord, because the dishes offered by the darkness are initially appealing, but exude stench, even in a subtle way.

The Christian must understand that he no longer belongs to the schemes of the world. He was rescued from the deceit, from the clutches of the evil one. It's the same as the person who got out of prison. You can not miss the chain anymore. He lives in freedom, needs to abandon the habits acquired in the time of seclusion. Unfortunately the old creature seeks to resist within us and when that happens we take unpleasant actions to the Lord. The suggestion is to ask Jesus to hold firmly in our hands.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

When we deny God

* Luís Alberto Alves

In the speed of day to day, preoccupied with work, study and even doing the work of God, we make small slips where we deny the Lord, without realizing it. Usually in a hurry we let go of phrases or adopt strange behaviors before Jesus Christ.

I myself had a curious experience buying a certain merchandise in a store. The clerk made two proposals to me: without tax invoice, contributing to tax evasion, that is, robbing the government, I would pay a lower price than if it were the legal way.

For a moment Satan hissed in my ear, "You'll save more money by taking no notice." But on the other side the lightness of the Holy Spirit suggested that it was best to continue on the path of honesty. When I answered that I would close a purchase with an invoice, the boy was frightened.

This is how the world acts. They deny Christ at all times. The situation may change, but the goal is the same. How many people in the Income Tax return seek to make up expenses to reduce the value of the statement? Even parents, people who love to criticize corrupt politicians.

Many people are unaware of the content of the phrase used by the apostle Matthew, chapter 10, verse 33 in the Bible: "But whosoever shall deny me before men, I also will deny him before my Father which is in heaven." Sometimes this can occur in traffic, when the traffic light turns red and has no pedestrians traversing. The rush makes us commit the infraction.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor