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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

quarta-feira, 9 de dezembro de 2015

Ignored signs of the return of Jesus Christ

* Luis Alberto Alves 

World plunges ever deeper into bank announced by Jesus Christ during his stay here on Earth. He prophesied that would pass by wars, famines, earthquakes, tidal waves, appearance of false prophets. Finally he announced how it would be their turn, by the advance of these signals.

But the man continues to ignore the warnings of Jesus Christ. Think only the pleasures of the flesh. Not satisfied with his wife, looking happy to brothels or even in the mundane parties, where women are offered the same ritual used by prostitutes.

In the final year of the same scene is repeated in exhaustion: people overcrowd the supermarkets in search of food, especially fruits, meats and poultry. All aplenty. The rule is to clog food. Drink until you can not stop walking or start vomiting because of excess committed in the lunch or supper.

Few pay attention to the return of the signs of Jesus Christ. They close their eyes up to the serious political and economic crisis in which the world is going through. They do not realize that the growth of evangelical churches dishonest and cooling love of many confirm the return of the great master. If you act this way care: serious danger of losing the plane to the heavens.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

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