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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

sexta-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2015

Are you prepared to receive Jesus Christ in your life?

* Luis Alberto Alves
We live full of tasks and concerns. Especially during the long holidays. Our desire is to travel. Hit the road and get to the beaches, even with congested streets, long lines in supermarkets and delay finding a table at the restaurant in front of the sea.

 Everything deserves attention: college, your children, your wife or husband, job, friends, neighbors on the street. We never think about the future. The world we find after we close our eyes forever. Our attention is for this world, where the passenger is a registered trademark. Remember the song that was a hit last December? What drew your attention ten years ago?

It's the fashion. We care about the line of fashion. Slang that appear and disappear as fast as it appeared. We entered the treadmill of consumption. The important thing is to buy and buy more and more. We put aside the eternal friendship offered by Jesus Christ. To the great master almost never have time. Only at the time of the trouble we seek in our memories.

Never say that you are not prepared to accept the Lord in your life. No one knows what will happen tomorrow. We must open our hearts and let the Holy Spirit take up residence forever. It is the only viable resource to drive out of our way evil influences. It set aside the worries and take the eternal dependence of the kings of kings. I do not know how is your life right now, but God knows. The invite to come in and hold tight in your hand forever.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

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