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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

sexta-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2015

Beauty seduces, but goodness pleases more

* Luis Alberto Alves 
What man, at some time in life, did not have the eyes buffeted by the beauty of a woman? Especially if she was young and cheeks. Samson went through this experience with Delilah, to fall captive of the Philistines. Jacob agreed to work 14 years to win the love of Rachel.

It's no sin admire a beautiful woman, now can not do is fall into sin, as did Samson. He disobeyed the Lord and paid hefty price tag, because the evil uses of seduction strategy to remove the Christian path where he will find the blessing. Few resist the calls of this type.

What is the secret to find the strength and say loud and clear that the future in glory is better than the crumbs offered by Satan filled with fleeting beauty? The problem is that beauty seduces the eye, triggers the imagination and plays the man or woman in error.

Never forget that kindness is better than beauty. Not always one of rare beauty has beautiful heart. Inside, it can be quite dirty hatred, intrigue, confusion, envy and sense of defeat. The gifts of Jesus Christ are the best and last forever.

* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

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