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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

quinta-feira, 10 de dezembro de 2015

Be faithful in joy and sorrow

* Luis Alberto Alves

How many Christians can be faithful like Daniel before the lions in the den? Few! Most confesses fidelity to the Lord in calm, joy, when all goes well. There was a climate of turn with the wind blowing stronger. The strength of belief slows, taking action gossip, criticism and even rude words to our Almighty God, creator of our lives.

What is the reason people act this way? I saw the mighty hand of Jesus rid of the storm, storm, destruction of the disease? The goodness of Jesus are soon forgotten. Human beings are ungrateful by nature. The nature of Cain, killing the dreams of love reserved for the Lord's servants who persevere to the end of the walk without blaspheme. Firm in purpose.

It's like marriage. What are the husbands or wives who at the time of disease reach out to help, without loading the heart any criticism? At this time, the oath to be faithful in sickness and in health, in joy and sorrow, is quickly forgotten. Pushed under the carpet. The best deal is to look good in the film of joy. Moments of sadness should be ignored.

And you have remained faithful to the Lord? Or entered the team of selfish. Those who like to confess love for Jesus Christ when all is well, the sea of ​​low waves, the wind blowing weak and wallet full of money. I regret to tell you that you run the serious risk of not entering the Glory to the Lord. Not shown fidelity at all times. It was just a mercenary.
* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

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