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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

segunda-feira, 25 de abril de 2022

I don't have time for God! two


Luis Alberto Alves
In this 21st century, we have the microwave generation. When everything must be fast. Very fast, nothing can be slow. Even the worship of the Lord needs to be short. Worshiping God for more than 5 minutes is wasteful. It's something corny. They take the biblical text in which Jesus says that “our prayers cannot be repetitive, because God already knows what we are going to ask for, before we ask. Not by much talking that we will be heard,” as written in Matthew 6/7. For lack of theological knowledge people turn the questions around. Worship has nothing to do with asking Jesus Christ. Worship is our demonstration of love to the Lord, when we make it very clear, that He is our All, in our life. We pour ourselves out before God. We were delighted to be in his presence. But because of the rush, many stopped worshiping the Lord. Jesus Christ is not an object, a commodity. To seek only when we are in need. He is our Father. The creator of our life. Who bet on us, when the world left us aside, thrown around the corners, like an orange after the withdrawal of its juice. Without any discrimination, he reached out his hands and rescued us from the mud and put us on our feet, to have an abundant life. Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

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