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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

quarta-feira, 18 de agosto de 2021

Don't you have Amalekite treasure within your heart? 6


Luis Alberto Alves

 Later in this book of 1Samuel, God confesses to the prophet that he is not supposed to intercede for Saul, because the Lord has already abandoned him. God's mercy is not eternal. He is angry. Especially when rebellion sets in in a Christian's life.

 Today, many rebellious Christians use grace as a crutch to satisfy the desires of the flesh. They imagine that they can do everything and the Lord will be merciful with his mistakes. Jesus Christ himself warned that no one should ever mock God. To mock or belittle His Holiness.

 So my brother or sister try to make a self-criticism of their relationship with God. Have you not brought Amalekite treasures into your heart? Something detested by God? Be careful not to fall into this error and feel the weight of the Lord's hands. Or do you intend to have the same end as King Saul.

 Luis Alberto Alves is a pastor.

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