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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

terça-feira, 23 de junho de 2020

God is great

* Luís Alberto Alves

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth," Genesis, 1/1. How often do people look at this verse and forget something important: “God already existed before creating the Heavens and the Earth”!

Many do not understand how the Lord can exist, without Heaven, where today is his home. Something to leave the mind, of those who are not established in Rocha, disturbed.

People, whether Christian or not, are in the habit of analyzing God by human measures. They imagine that the Lord is like us in our attitudes. They try to limit their intelligence.

They do not realize that their voice emits words of great power, bringing into existence something that has never been with us. Out of nowhere something real will emerge, without a shadow of a doubt and perfect.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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