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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

segunda-feira, 4 de novembro de 2019

God knows you in the trial

* Luis Alberto Alves

It is in the hour of trial that Jesus will know you. While all is well, everyone says they love the Lord. After all, your needs are met. The shield goes hand in hand with you. Even the wicked will say that God is with him.

But when the bad day comes, the story gets another color. Many mumble. They will say that God has forgotten them. They do not deserve to go through such punishment. Like spoiled children begin to cry and even go out of the ways of the Lord.

Unfortunately many Christians have received wrong teachings in the church where they congregate. They were told that the Christian, being a new creature, will only enjoy the blessings. All easy, without any barrier.

They do not meditate on the Word of Christ when our teacher warned us that we would have afflictions and stressed that we should be strong and never stop believing in victory. Maybe God is not testing you to see how far your faith goes.

* Luis Alberto Alves is a pastor

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