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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

quinta-feira, 14 de novembro de 2019

God comes at the right time-3

* Luis Alberto Alves

I know these days are tough. The political and economic situation gets worse every day. We imagine that everything is coming to a tragic end. But God has the best in store for his servants. It will never leave us alone on the battlefield.

As hard as the war you face, Jesus Christ is coming to your aid to help you. He will not let you die on the beach, bittering the gall of defeat. The Lord is God who never lost a battle. He is a winner by nature and has never known the word defeat.

The secret is to trust in Jesus Christ. Do not look at the storm, but fix your eyes on the commander Christ, who sleeps at the bow of the boat. It has the power to calm the waves and make the strong wind turn into a breeze.

Remove fear, doubt, and uncertainty from the heart. Let Jeovah Shalom embrace you with his sweet peace. Don't let your mind insist that it's all over and you've become one more in the crowd. Help has come through Jesus Christ, who always comes at the right time, to exalt His Holy Name!

* Luis Alberto Alves is a pastor

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