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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

sexta-feira, 30 de junho de 2017

Make no mistake!

"Make no mistake! Sometimes you think you have a lot of friends, but in fact, you only know a lot of people"

quinta-feira, 29 de junho de 2017

Satan knows that his end is near 3

* Luís Alberto Alves

When it comes to women, it also sells the image of someone super happy, desired by countless men and famous. But he can not find a reason for so many personal tragedies, abortions, and shattered sentimental life. There are countless such cases in Hollywood. Until the end of life abandoned in nursing homes or even dependent on drugs and alcohol.

In the view of satan man and woman need to be happy here in this world. Enjoy everything, even if you need to use criminal methods to achieve success. If it is necessary to sell the soul, all sacrifice is valid. The important thing is to achieve happiness. Everything is valid, including going over the next, or even ignore the family itself.

The devil is master is to create parties where he offers his trash in a beautiful packaging. Try to hide your intentions. It just says that spending a few moments away from God's ways is not dangerous. Just like a little bird about to fall into the trap, several people enter this trap and when they open their eyes, they are stuck in the mud.

I remember a boyfriend who was smoking the first marijuana cigarette at a birthday party. Playful and silly, he caught everyone in the street. In a few years he had already become a killer. Convicted, he spent a lot of time in jail. In the jail, she suffered all kinds of sexual violence. When he left, he had become a monster.

The devil used only a tiny bit of drugs and soon caught him in his hook. He had everything to shine in an honest life. But he ended up trapped in the enemy's clutches and his life became hell. This is the strategy of the enemy, when he visualizes the end of his trajectory in this world. After all, God did not create hell for humans, but for the devil and his demons. Unfortunately many took the place reserved for the dark spirits.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Satan knows that his end is near 2

* Luís Alberto Alves

When it comes to honesty, satan immediately preaches that in Brazil or another country it is normal to steal, to corrupt, to take advantage. The honest, generally, dies poor, without accumulating many goods. Already the corrupt and armed criminals have the facility of quick enrichment, without any sacrifice.

Sells the false idea that using drugs is good. It rejoices, astonishes the sadness or any sign of depression, in addition to strengthening the body. Soon it stamps of lack who does not share that idea. It only omits the terrible crises of abstinence and the diseases caused by the consumption of drugs.

It also discourages positive attitudes, helping others, or having a heart cleared of anger, rancor, revenge, sinful desires, or the will to do wrong. In the view of the devil, kindness is synonymous with weakness and naivete. To win in life, you have to get over your neighbor. The important thing is that you get along. The rest of the hell.

As for reading the Bible, darkness will always work to discourage. It is useless time to delve into these rich words. He knows that the Christian informed in the Word of God will know the right weapons to fight evil. The devil's proposal is to keep the Christian in ignorance.

Another tactic is to show that bad things are good. Take the example of singers and artists involved in Satanism. Their lives are presented as very good. In the case of a man, he appears as a lover of several women, as does the rocker Mick Jagger, married several times and father of several children. Darkness conceals his dependence on heavy drugs and his inner conflicts, the fortunes he pays for his various sons and daughters.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Satan knows that his end is near 1

* Luís Alberto Alves

The enemy of our soul knows that the end is near. Clever, he does not intend to go to hell alone. Try to get as many people as you can to keep you company. For that, he uses and abuses various strategies aimed at deceiving Christians and non-Christians.

Imagine a well-decorated and beautiful cake, the inside of which is stuffed with garbage. Such is the dish of lentil offered by the devil. Never sell evil in ugly packaging. He seeks to decorate and change the image to deceive the distracted.

Because he can not stay everywhere at once, he sends his legion of demons to watch over and pass on the final report on the lives he will try to take from the ways of the Lord. Skilled, it creates difficulties for the Christian to murmur, complain about everything, lose patience, fight and even deny Christ.

On top of the words that come out of our mouths is that satan will work and strategize to get us away from the Lord's ways. One of the signs emitted by darkness is ease. Nothing offered by the devil is difficult. Take the wedding as an example. By the commandments of God, the couple must have sex only after the marriage has been completed.

From the devil's point of view, the sexual relationship can already occur on the first day of courtship, with the argument that "one must try first, not to disappoint later." It then launches the argument that it is carefree to marry, as it involves documentation in a notary's office, church expenses, and reception to the guests. Beloved, none of this is necessary.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

quarta-feira, 28 de junho de 2017

Leave it or not in the hands of God? 4

* Luís Alberto Alves

When I went to the room I asked Jesus Christ to accompany me and stay in my bedside listening to my words of anguish. I did this for a long time, especially when the hunger knocked on my door. I tried to cling to the Lord's arms for madness not to squeeze his haunches around my neck and die.

It may sound dazzling, but Jesus Christ fulfilled most of the requests I made in those days. In the following years, little by little, his promises became reality in my life. The secret of this is to keep the faith. Even when you see nothing before your eyes, in the darkness that the enemy sometimes puts before us.

At these times, quite rightly, we think we are the worst human beings. Someone despicable, not worthy of the Lord's affection. It is at this moment that Jesus Christ shows how much he loves us. Pour out your refreshment and fill your sorrowful and sad heart with peace. We feel that we have life even in the midst of the gale of tragedy all around us.

It may seem crazy, but leave everything that torments you in the Lord's hands. Trust him, just like the three-year-old who leaps into the arms of his father or mother knowing he will not fall to the ground. Put in the Lord all your anxieties, fears, uncertainties, doubts and even lack of faith. Jesus Christ will comfort you and do your best to raise you up and keep you on the path that will lead you to eternity.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Leave it or not in the hands of God? 3

* Luís Alberto Alves

It seems that talking to God, which we can not see, does not inspire our confidence. You need something carnal. See it and touch it or else hear its voice. Then the conversation with other people comes on the scene. Sometimes we make the mistake of sharing intimate subject matter, which only God could hear.

Even knowing the prophecies that the Lord will fulfill in our lives, we take the attitude of chatting with people, even though they will not be able to solve anything. Does anyone have the condition to cure the cancer, the harmful effects of the HIV virus or even make a quadriplegic return to normal body movements? Jesus Christ can do this.

It's hard to believe in something we can not see! It is cruel to open our lips to speak to someone we can not see, touch or smell. I've seen myself in this situation, when I was without family. Alone in the house, I tried to talk to God and anyone who saw me in that situation would think that the madness had taken over me.

Sometimes he would put two plates on the dinner table. I would pull the chair and tell Jesus Christ to sit with me. At lunch or dinner he would have long conversations. He said how hard it was to be alone. Not having anyone to share my experiences and even my fears.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Leave it or not in the hands of God? 2

* Luís Alberto Alves

Unlike the beginning of the journey of Jesus Christ in the year 30 of our era, sophistication today helps in the onslaught of darkness. Scourges can come from television, movies, the internet, music, cell phones, computers, or electronic magazines that exist by the thousands on the internet.

In the time of Jesus the world revolved around agriculture. Everything was rudimentary. There was no electric light, paved streets, automobiles, paper books, radio, television, movies, asphalt on the streets, clothing in industrial production, advances in medicine. Even the birth was natural, because there were no resources for cesarean section. ATM, credit card or even cold clothes as we know it today, were also fiction.

The enemy attacked Christians using the Roman empire, through the violence of their soldiers, and the torture of murdering opponents hanging them on the cross to the death. Even so, the Christian of that time relied on God, even when he saw hungry lions devouring him.

It could be classified as pure faith. Today, perhaps because of the advancement of technology, the Christian relies on crutches offered by technology. Instead of talking at length with the Lord, we triggered our technological arsenal to chat with Internet friends. We send photos, and even our panic or
Anxiety to confirm when we need to vent.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Leave it or not in the hands of God?

* Luís Alberto Alves

This is the big dilemma! When we face a problem, preferably a serious one, sometimes we are tempted to solve it in the arm, leaving Jesus Christ aside, as if He could not find a solution to what is taking away our peace.

Unfortunately, many have faith when the tide is low. If it goes the other way, the story changes completely. But what is the reason for the Christian to do so? Disbelief, self-confidence or fear of losing something? During the services, listening to a preaching that is rich in faith, we feel the force entering our body and we leave the church with confidence.

Just get a phone call or a message from the WhatsApp for pessimism to take action, nullifying everything we hear. We look at the size of the giant and forget the power of Jesus Christ. We return to our life of pessimism and return to the strength of our arms.

The apostle Peter himself acted like this, when he walked on the waters of the Sea of ​​Galilee at the request of Jesus. He looked at them and sank. That is, he did not trust that he could continue walking and that the Lord would support him, as he did. This story has not ended and has gained new chapters in this 21st century.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

segunda-feira, 19 de junho de 2017

We must fight to receive the white stone

* Luís Alberto Alves

In the letter to the church in Pergamum, which was in Turkey, Jesus is emphatic: "To the overcomer will I give of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name inscribed on it, known only to him who receives it. "

Jesus used many figures of speech in conveying his messages to the people. When he used the mouth of the Apostle John to speak to the people of Pergamus, he used the example that the Justice of that city applied to the judges.

After receiving the conviction or acquittal, the judge handed a stone to the accused. If it were black, it was the loss of freedom; The white color symbolized being free and passport to ask for housing to any resident of that city. If he accepted, the stone was broken and each one was left with a piece. It was the password to enter that residence.

Today this white stone is our heart, cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ shed on the cross of Calvary. He is the key to entering the Heavens. For the unclean in heart will not see God, as the Lord himself has warned.

In an age where wrong is right, and wrong wrong; Many Christians are trading the white stone for the black. With the famous "nothing to see" justification, they misbehave, disobey God's commandments, worship various evil entities, and refuse to flee from everything that looks evil.

At that time, a few decades after the death of Jesus Christ, a sect named Nicolaitan had already entered the church. He had the same Christian but distorted argument. They claimed that everything was lawful. God was love and his servants could plunge into prostitution, worship other deities, have depraved lives, and so on.

As it is these days. The good Christian church is one that accepts all kinds of error from its members. Flee from the law of the Lord not to hurt hearts accustomed to eating dishes of lentils. When Christ warned that only the winner would have the name written on this white stone, it was to show that sin will place the black stone in the hands of several Christians. They will not enter Heaven.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

terça-feira, 13 de junho de 2017

You will never refuse to hear our voice

* Luís Alberto Alves

We were wrong to divert focus. We pay close attention to people and leave God aside. We prefer to call or send a message from WhatsApp to someone, instead of kneeling and talking at length with the Lord, exposing our fears and suspicions before Him.

Maybe because we do not see the Lord. In our smallness we prefer to open our hearts to something visible. We think that the Lord will not hear the words that will come out of our lips, most often filled with pain or apathy.

To be sure of something: God always hears what we put next to his ears. He will never refuse to listen to us, especially in depressive moments. My brother or sister never stop talking to Jesus Christ. Share your weaknesses with him. Even those terrible ones. You will listen carefully, even your hesitations.

As I have described lines back, people are failures. They will never be able to replace God. They are human, laden with imperfections, and many of them are far from the Grace of the Lord. They do not have the eternal maturity of Jesus Christ. Some will yield to the weakness of the flesh and share your intimacy with others, turning your life into hell.

When we trust in the Lord, we enter the silence of our room and there we pour out all our doubts and even mistrust. As loving father, creator of our life, will understand the afflictions that punish the soul and spirit. Put the balm on the wound that hurts our heart.

Always keep: in the great moments of struggles, even materially alone on the battlefield, never give in to the temptation to share your afflictions with people. Talk to God. He will comfort you and will never betray you. You will get good instructions on how to get out of that embarrassment. Trust in the Lord at all times.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Always trust in Jesus Christ!

* Luís Alberto Alves

How often do we fall into the error of trusting the man, that is, the next. We talk about our life, we share our secrets, weaknesses, sorrows, anxiety and even future plans, when the correct thing would be to have this intimacy with God. Unfortunately we falter.

The human being is flawed. You will never have the perfection of the Lord. Childhood friendships usually do not last until they are of age. They stay behind. Others resist until adolescence. Those that remain for life are rare. After all, at a certain point each one goes his way and we stay or leave in the dust of the time road that person.

Rarely do we meditate on this word written by Jeremiah the prophet, chapter 17, verse 5: "Thus saith the LORD; Cursed be the man that trusteth in man, and maketh flesh his arm, and turneth away his heart from the Lord. "In these words, God says exactly that we should never let people take His place.

In this 56-year walk I have had several disappointments. There were countless. When I was 18, I lost my job when my boss, who was a nice, communicative, considerate fellow, and who was my friend, suggested that I be fired because I was about to join the Army. When I went to get my personal belongings, he did not even allow me to enter the company.

After meeting Jesus Christ, the disappointments continued to appear in my path. In one of them I was always talking to a person about matters related to workers, about the shenanigans committed by companies. He was receptive. At the end of the year he sent me a gift, which consisted of delicious sweets, made in the interior, without the addition of chemicals.

To my surprise I was surprised by a dignified attitude only of people of disgusting character. When I became aware, I was sad. At first I did not believe that this had happened to me. But then I prayed to God and asked him for wisdom and much discernment to solve the problem.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

quarta-feira, 7 de junho de 2017

Christian Attitudes

* Luís Alberto Alves

1. One day the men of a village decided to pray for it to rain. On the day of prayer all the people gathered, but only one boy came with an umbrella.
This is FAITH.

2. When you throw a baby in the air and he laughs, it's because he knows you'll get him again.
This is TRUST.

3. Every night we go to sleep without the guarantee that we will be alive the next morning, however, we put the alarm clock to wake up.
This is HOPE

4. We can make great plans for tomorrow, even if we do not know the future at all.

5. We see suffering in the world and yet we get married and have children.
This is Love

6. There was an old man with the following written on his T-shirt: "I'm not 70, I'm 16 with 54 years of experience."

Live your life with faith, trust, hope, security, love and attitude !!!

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

terça-feira, 6 de junho de 2017

Continue believing 2

* Luís Alberto Alves

In the letter to the Ephesians the Apostle Paul is used by God to say that beneath the feet of Jesus Christ are the principalities, powers, dominating spirits, and all evil forces that dwell in the heavenly regions. It is the Lord who keeps us from the fury of the devil and his demons. He pours upon us his crimson blood, creating a spiritual shield against any devil.

So do not let worry take up space within your mind. God keeps you, especially your dreams. The promises of Jesus Christ will come true in your life. Even with satan whispering in your ear or using people to say defeat is absolute certainty on your way. None of this will happen. The Lord keeps His promises. In due time they come out of the spirit world and come to the material.

Keep believing. Prophesying the blessings upon you. Do not leave room in the heart and mind for any form of negativism. Look only to the Lord. Thank Jesus Christ that you are standing with health, and sure that it is a precious stone. Because there is no one like you in this world. Your DNA is unique. Jesus Christ allowed his arrival on this planet to be a blessing, a brilliant instrument of salvation in his hands.

When sadness or discouragement knocks at the door of your heart, do not let them in. Because it is occupied with joy, victory, good spirit, determination, courage, disposition and happiness. God takes good care of the faithful servants to Him. You can be sure that the shadow of the Lord's hand is over your head. No demon can see you there. Just trust. God cares for you.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

God is merciful 1

* Luís Alberto Alves

The act of praying, even if it is five minutes, becomes rare every day. Many Christians have failed to set aside time for Jesus Christ. Of course, they remind the Lord in the moment of despair, when the callus presses in the foot and feel how impotent they are. After the danger has passed, the life of detachment returns to the ideals of heaven, to seek the Lord while it can be found.

But to our happiness God is merciful. He is not stingy enough to pay attention to the disregard we have for his majestic authority. Keep taking care of us all. He continues to command his angels, as written in one of the verses of Psalm 91, to guard us in our ways, full of spiritual traps that most of us do not see.

Jesus is so loving that sometimes he ignores our mistakes, some of them terrible, and the promises we make in times of despair, knowing that we will not keep the word of fulfilling what has come out of our lips. Imagine what would happen to your life right now, with Jesus distant from your ways? Have you ever wondered if the Lord did not leave His angels around you?

Think about what might happen to your life, if the legions of demons managed to grab you and annihilate you materially and spiritually? Have you ever had an attack from a principality that has authority to rule in a country that is responsible for natural disasters such as hurricanes, floods, storms and accidents that cause thousands of people to die?

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

God continues to take care of you

* Luís Alberto Alves

Evil days are present before our eyes. The television shows show every day the tragedies that occur in different regions of this planet. Terrorist attacks are considered routines, mainly in the Middle East and now in Europe. In Latin America, misery plagues millions of people, not to mention Africa, totally abandoned by the great powers.

When we get up in the morning to go to work or school, we sometimes think about what lies ahead. Traffic has turned into a battlefield. Drivers argue for bullshit, even because of the delay in opening the traffic light. Soon the sound of the horns begins to bother. It is the impatience exploding.

In marital relationships, a small spark causes the fire of gigantic discussions. In short, the population lives just like a barrel full of gunpowder, about to throw everything in the air. The love of many people diminishes every day. The current rule is "each one's own". The others, who can be our relatives and friends, who see each other.

In this context, it is millions of Christians living. The minority is concerned with praying and crying out to the Lord for his mercy. But most are focused on blessings. They set aside the goal of living in Heaven. The important thing is to fill the current money account, take the car of the year in the garage, cram the wardrobe of shoes, clothes and all sorts of luxury items.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor