* Luís Alberto Alves
Your mind is renewed in Christ Jesus or still dirty, with the same uncleanness from the time of his conversion? And your thoughts? Are life or death? Jealous of another's win or vibrates with the joy of brother who managed to turn things around?
If you fit the above situations, your mind needs renovation and urgently. Because you're still the old creature day he met Jesus Christ, but did not allow the master opened his eyes to see his Kingdom.
Some people are in the churches just doing number. No added quality, only brought more problems. They are rebellious and only open his mouth to destructive criticism. Never do anything for the Kingdom of God, only speak evil.
When Jesus told us through the Apostle John, that He makes all things new, this word is included a new mind. We can not continue with defeat and evil thoughts. We need to fill in the abundant life offered by God.
* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor
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