* Luís Alberto Alves
Today it is hard to look at women, especially young people, within the evangelical churches, and imagine that they are Christians. The behavior is identical to the world. The clothes mimic those used by prostitutes in luxury brothels to lure customers to their beds.
The makeup, nothing discreet, is another hallmark of those women who do not exude the fragrance of Christ, but the stench of Satan and his demons. Everything is done to attract attention during the services. When you kneel to pray is visible appear the underwear.
The language is similar or worse than women lost in the world. When advised by pastors or pastors rebel. They say that no one is allowed to give hints. They wear clothes they see fit. Everything in Jazabel costume.
This type of behavior shows that Jezebel continues surfing in large waves in most evangelical churches around the world. As pursued Elijah continues today in the wake of the pastors who seek to guide the flock in the Lord's path of righteousness.
* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor
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