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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

quinta-feira, 19 de maio de 2022

God can withdraw the blessing he promised you - 6


Luis Alberto Alves
As a pastor, by the mercy of God, I have seen in over 19 years of ministry brilliant people, that God promised to pour unmeasured blessings on their lives, straying from the ways of the Lord. Slowly, they began to please two masters, imagining that after diving into hell, it would be possible to deceive the devil and return to the Father's arms. Few managed to return to the House, as did the prodigal son. And when they took the path from which they came, they were in ruins. I visualized men and women in this kind of situation. Girls who could go far, if they didn't fall into the dark's deception. But in rebellion, as King Saul did, he opted for the deception of the world. Some got pregnant. They got into relationships where God was not present and they paid a high price. Men were enchanted by beauty and sensuality, as Samson did with Delilah, and also bitter marriage filled with sadness. When God asked Moses to touch the rock, as described in Numbers chapter 20, verses 7-12, to spurt water and quench the thirst of the millions of Jews He had brought up from Egypt, where they were slaves, the Lord emphasized that it was to play just ONE time, not twice! Moses, a servant of great intimacy with God, disobeyed the Lord. In Deuteronomy, chapter 34, verses 1-5, Moses is taken by the Lord to the plain of Moab, top of Pisca, on Mount Nebo. Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

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