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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

quarta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2022

Watch out! The devil knows your weak spot - 5


Luis Alberto Alves
The devil is so judicious that he notices details. If the person indulged in prostitution with young or married women, thin or fat, white or black or oriental, single, divorced. Anyway, he will try to offer this type of dish, as he did in the past. The proposal is that this person returns to the garbage from which Jesus took him. In the beginning, everything will go well. Something natural so as not to arouse suspicion that he is heading for the slaughterhouse in hell. Even his feelings are neutralized. For a while this Christian, still weak in faith, imagines that it will only happen once and then everything goes back to normal. Like a glass of beer, he will taste it several times, until he sinks a lot. The devil's tactic is to keep this person from realizing that he is sinning. It's just a natural process. Enjoying life. Without an intense life of prayer and communion with Jesus Christ, the end of this story will be tragic. After some time, she will return to the old rotten world from which Jesus Christ took her. In some cases, without the strength to return to the Gospel. Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

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