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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

quarta-feira, 16 de fevereiro de 2022

Watch out! The devil knows your weak spot - 4


Luis Alberto Alves Another example is the drug user. Jesus freed him from this addiction, but the devil knows this person's weakness. He will work on creating situations that keep him close to this environment, and even close to people who consume these illicit substances. When he goes to a party, some junkie will approach him to offer cocaine, marijuana, crack or other type of drug. The strategy is to avoid this type of friendship and location. Be vigilant not to fall into this kind of temptation. The devil will not offer the alcoholic marijuana, because his addiction is to drink. Realize that Satan attacks at the specific point. In the place where the person will feel the weakness and for a few moments he will be able to think about giving in, thinking that he will have no problem or famous “nothing to do”. See the example of the man who, before conversion, spent his money on prostitution. The dark ones will play hard to create situations where that person goes back to dating women to satisfy his sexual desires. Even at work or school, darkness will put someone used by this kind of spirit for this sin to be committed. Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor.

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