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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

sexta-feira, 9 de março de 2018

Is it possible to be happy without God? 4

* Luís Alberto Alves

This love is not bought. It is given by the Lord, when we seek Him with all our heart, without any interest. By entering into us, our life changes. We become disgusted with sin and do something that displeases, first of all Jesus Christ, and then our neighbor. This love is responsible for the fidelity between a couple, because they know that adultery only flourishes within the one who does not know the love of God.

Therefore my brothers and sisters, I say with certainty, that it is not possible to be happy without God. Because wealth is not eternal. She does not accompany anyone after death. He can buy the coffin and offer burial of celebrity, but he will not be able to accompany the deceased way to the Heavens or the Abyss. Everything ends when the body is lowered to the grave and without the spirit of life.

When you are sad, remember that there is someone who loves you very much to the point of offering your own life, so that you may one day be with him forever in glory. Even if money is scarce, Jesus will provide for your needs. Do not worry that the spirit of hunger will be under the feet of the Lord and from there no evil can come out. The greatest wealth is to have the love of God within us. We will always be happy!

But in this capitalist world, influenced by darkness, most people imagine that happiness exists only when the current account is overflowing with money, satisfying our ego. They forget that the Christian's home is in Heaven and there is no such thing as a coin. Just the love of Jesus.

Evaluate your life. Pray to the Lord and see what areas of your life need to be impacted. Perhaps you have been in the church for a long time, thinking that you serve God, but you have mistakenly played the enemy game betting on earthly happiness, instead of focusing fire to enter Heaven where you will live forever.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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