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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

quinta-feira, 15 de março de 2018

To meditate

* Luís Alberto Alves

LUTERO said: "I preached, I taught, etc ...
but the Word of God did everything! "

VIKTOR FRANKL: "I have found the meaning of my life, helping others to find the meaning of theirs."

"I held many things in my hands, lost everything;
But everything I put into God's hands I still have. "
                 (MARTIN LUTHER KING)

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Bad day: are you ready? 4

* Luís Alberto Alves

Without spiritual preparation it is very difficult to go through the "bad" day. Some give up, claiming that without Jesus they had no fight and return to the muddy sea from where they were one day rescued. It is important to get the Lord's coat to keep standing in the midst of the storm, the intensity of the sadness and even the uncertainty of the professional future. The "bad" day serves to strengthen us. Imagine someone who decides to run the 42 km of a marathon without physical training. It does not complete nor one thousand meters and falls fainted of fatigue.

You have to exercise a lot until you feel pain in your body. Acquire the body to the fatigue you will feel when you are in this type of race. Unfortunately some Christians think that life in this world is not a spiritual marathon, but just a fairy tale. They never paid attention to Paul's letter to Ephesians, chapter 6, verses 10 to 18, where he makes it clear that our struggle is not against the flesh (people), but against evil spirits (principalities, powers, evil forces that dwell in the heavenly regions).

A Christian's exercise is to pray and read the Bible. Ask for understanding from the Lord. Stay close to Jesus Christ. Do not give way to darkness. Escape from everything that looks like evil. Do not waste time on the scoffers' wheels, where you never talk about God, but about your neighbor's life and yours when you're away. Filter on the internet subjects interesting to your spiritual growth. Never waste time with false theories, planted by Satanists, that Jesus is a legend and that because of his love we can do any kind of thing. So it is possible for you to go through the "bad" day and continue to worship the Lord.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Bad day: are you ready? 3

* Luís Alberto Alves

When we are in this kind of gale, time does not pass. It's like a dentist's chair, where minutes seem like hours. You pray to Jesus Christ, but the disposition seems to you little. The mind seems to fail. The thoughts, before fast, enter in a process of slowness. Everything stays the same. Even the appetite disappears, because on the "bad" day we feel useless. As if we were weight for the rest of the family.

That's why we should be prepared. In the time of bonanza keep spiritual energy. Do not lower your guard. Keep the rhythm of prayer, in the trap of the enemy, who today uses social networks to keep the Christian from communion with God. Hear a lot of praise, but quality. Learn to separate self-help hymns from those who are spiritual. Stay away from lyrics where only man is exalted and Jesus Christ does not even appear in the song.

In the Armed Forces of any country, elite troops live under constant training. The soldiers practice rigorous physical exercises, under strong heat. The layman asks: "What is this for, are not we at war?" The military always think of confrontation. He can arrive anytime. So you need to be prepared. In this way it is possible a good reaction against the enemy troops. In this case, they will fight against something visible in their eyes. The Christian will fight the darkness, invisible to us.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Bad day: are you ready? 2

* Luís Alberto Alves

Another example of a "bad" day is when parents hear the news that their son or daughter has become involved in drugs, robberies and drug dealing. Your friendships are the worst, and they can cause you death. The couple is inert. They question where the error in education occurred. They acted wrong where? Did you have too much love or indifference? They realize that when they arrive at the church, for another service, some brothers move away. It is the hour of solitude! The pain corrodes the heart, especially when the police call you to go to the police station.

There is another example of a "bad" day. The daughter raised with such affection falls in love with someone bad. That the father-mother lighthouse detects that it will bring many problems in the future if they decide to stay together. It's like throwing water on hot plate. The councils are rejected. And the climate of war settles in the house. At this hour, it seems that God does not hear our prayers. He is attuned to us, but the pain is so intense that we do not realize it.

Drug addiction is another example of a "bad" day. As in many parts of the world, young people are easy prey to this anomaly. The gimmick is to offer no problem. With drugs, everything looks more beautiful. The pain, for a few minutes or hours, loses the ability to bother us. It is on this dangerous road that many enter and are unable to leave, leaving their parents hostage to despair. It's another martyrdom.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Bad day: are you ready? 1

* Luís Alberto Alves

On calm days he never took Jesus seriously. Ethical, he never made vicious comments to Christians. Because of our 44-year friendship, I visited him and he willingly accepted a prayer. He told me that now everything was difficult. Up to 10 meters, his body interpreted as if he had been walking for miles. He lies for most of the day. Medicine disabused him. You will live on drugs until the day of death.

As I described at the beginning of this text, many Christians imagine that with Jesus everything will be easy. The difficulties will be far from us, as in the superhero movies that appear to beat the villains. Life is not like that. In several phases of it we will go through fights, some of them terrible, when we imagine that everything is over.

Is there a worse nightmare than unemployment? Especially when you're over 50? You try to sleep, but you can not, because the nightmare of debt torments you. The worries of the next day remain at your feet. You trigger your network of friends and find out that part of them wants to stay away from your company, precisely because of the "bad" day you are living in. Participates in interviews with HR professionals and receives the standard response: "We will contact you. Your excellent resume will be in our archives. " The disability syndrome seems to haunt you.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Bad day: are you ready?

* Luís Alberto Alves

Some Christian denominations pass a distorted picture of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Posture similar to that of some parents who educate their children to a world without evil, where everything is pink, without any difficulty. Even a hymn of praise with chorus hitting the key that life will only be victories, denying Jesus Christ, for He said we would have afflictions while we were in this world.

The Word of the Lord emphasizes that the "evil" day comes to all. There is no escape. The date is undefined. But we will feel its strong wind blowing in our face. It is the period when we feel rotten, angry and think until we are the worst person on the planet. Imagine you receiving the positive result of an examination where a cancer started to destroy your body? Would you be happy? How would you react?

I remember a friend from childhood, a competent professional in construction, with a full schedule of clients, because of his excellent work. The job ran after him and not the other way around. Suddenly she felt her body tired. Even walking quickly was already tiring. Taken to the doctor in a hurry, a serious illness was discovered in his body. You can not work anymore. He became dependent on his brothers.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

sexta-feira, 9 de março de 2018

Is it possible to be happy without God? 4

* Luís Alberto Alves

This love is not bought. It is given by the Lord, when we seek Him with all our heart, without any interest. By entering into us, our life changes. We become disgusted with sin and do something that displeases, first of all Jesus Christ, and then our neighbor. This love is responsible for the fidelity between a couple, because they know that adultery only flourishes within the one who does not know the love of God.

Therefore my brothers and sisters, I say with certainty, that it is not possible to be happy without God. Because wealth is not eternal. She does not accompany anyone after death. He can buy the coffin and offer burial of celebrity, but he will not be able to accompany the deceased way to the Heavens or the Abyss. Everything ends when the body is lowered to the grave and without the spirit of life.

When you are sad, remember that there is someone who loves you very much to the point of offering your own life, so that you may one day be with him forever in glory. Even if money is scarce, Jesus will provide for your needs. Do not worry that the spirit of hunger will be under the feet of the Lord and from there no evil can come out. The greatest wealth is to have the love of God within us. We will always be happy!

But in this capitalist world, influenced by darkness, most people imagine that happiness exists only when the current account is overflowing with money, satisfying our ego. They forget that the Christian's home is in Heaven and there is no such thing as a coin. Just the love of Jesus.

Evaluate your life. Pray to the Lord and see what areas of your life need to be impacted. Perhaps you have been in the church for a long time, thinking that you serve God, but you have mistakenly played the enemy game betting on earthly happiness, instead of focusing fire to enter Heaven where you will live forever.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Is it possible to be happy without God? 3

* Luís Alberto Alves

When we have Jesus Christ dwelling within our hearts the heavy burden of life becomes light. Even in times of tragedy we find balance to take actions that may be tragic in the future. We see the light at the end of the tunnel. Even in the midst of spiritual darkness, when satan says to our ear to do wrong, because God does not exist.

Only Jesus is able to give us love in the purest essence. No interest whatsoever. Love that surpasses any kind of comparison with this world, where people are valued for what they have in their bank account or fame. Jesus' love is not found in drugs, prostitution, lies, sick consumerism that today enslaves millions around the world.

With the love of Jesus it is possible to see the beauty of a flower that was born at the edge of a gutter of a busy street or avenue. To notice the sincerity of the smile of someone who loves us deeply. To sit at the table and make a simple meal, but out of the kitchen filled with affection. To pick up the son or daughter in the lap and play and the two to rejoice, without using any electronic object.

The love of Jesus is that it makes the Christian look at the neighbor and feel his pain, without him saying anything, just as he watches his eyes full of tears. Jesus' love puts in our minds that we need to pray more, to give more, to fast more, to cry for the afflicted, to evangelize and never to lose hope. The love of Jesus is certain that one day we will be, if we stand in His ways, in eternal Glory.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Is it possible to be happy without God? 2

* Luís Alberto Alves

The best friendships are built at the time of lean cows, when we are at the bottom of the well, with no prospect of life. It is at this hour that someone kills our hunger, encourages us with words from God, makes us believe in ourselves again. Regardless of the situation, someone will always like our company, with or without money.

The rich imagine that they can be happy without Jesus Christ. You are mistaken. Loneliness does not know social class and purchasing power. When it arrives, it picks up whoever is ahead. How many celebrities and millionaires became drug hostages to ward off boredom, from a life where friendships were built through expensive gifts and grandiose bills in the checking account.

What about a billionaire woman, whose father was on the list of the world's richest in the 1970s, and her fleet of oil and aircraft freighters had respect in Europe and Asia, who on trips to Paris went out at night looking for sex with any man she encountered? Her wealth did not stop her from living in eternal depression. Unfortunately, God had no friend.

In Hollywood the list of hostage artists of solitude is great. They earn high salaries, have fame and serve as a parameter for millions of fans, but the absence of Jesus Christ makes them the worst people in the world. Some do not resist and give in to drug overdose by putting a tragic ending to a life that could be brilliant.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Is it possible to be happy without God? 1

* Luís Alberto Alves

In life everything needs to be analyzed. We can never catch anything quickly, without any thought. So we must act with money. Marriage where happiness is built upon millionaire wages is sand castle. Because the crisis comes for everyone. Love fed by credit card is prostitution disguised as a relationship. Son who loves parents because of the toys and pampering he earns every week is falsehood with the face of affection.

The knot of this question is to know the following: do you send in the money or does it charge you? When your checking account is in the red, do you panic, cough up calming, yell at everyone, discount the nervousness in the dog or cat, drive dangerously in traffic, and stay in a bad mood forever? If you are included in these observations, it is best to start praying and ask Jesus Christ to free you from the clutches and influence of Mammon.

The secret of the little time of happiness we have here in this world, where we are in passing, is to dominate money. Know how to spend it. Is to buy what is necessary. Do not give in to the hunger of consumerism. Have control over the checking account. Identify when you need to get something for yourself and your home. Never buy people with gifts. They need and must like you without this crutch.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Is it possible to be happy without God?

* Luís Alberto Alves

In my life I have always worked. By the way, in (7/3) they complete 44 years that I catch in the stop. That is, at the age of 13 I started my journey in search of my money, of course, that I shared with my parents. Even far from the ways of the Lord, which I was able to meet at age 36, I had respect for the commandments of Jesus Christ.

I never entered the team of thieves, who already existed in the 1970s, nor did I feel any sympathy for drugs, which at that time was a marijuana cigarette. Stronger narcotics (cocaine, heroin and Pervitin tablets) only to those who were rich. I listened to my old men's advice. I never answered the scolding I received from my mother or father. He was silent.

It is common to hear that money is the key to happiness. It would be the remedy for any pain of a financial nature. After all, it has the ability to scare or debar debts. It is through this door, subtly, that the god of wealth enters, the well-known Mammon. It induces the Christian to believe in the limited power of money. The person happens to work just as hallucinating, with no time for family and for God. Everything revolves around more money in the checking account.

Get out of one debt and get into another. Start buying on impulse. They fill the bag of clothes, shoes, perfumes, jewelry and heaps everything inside the wardrobe. Forget it and go shopping again to sink in more debt. The devil puts in the mind of this person that only money is capable of making her happy. It feeds your ego, so that others see that it has the capacity to enjoy the good and the best.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

segunda-feira, 5 de março de 2018

The greatness of the Lord comfort you 1

* Luís Alberto Alves

Interesting that there is no device that trap the air on Earth. However, after 11 kilometers of height it becomes rarefied and is restricted in the space determined by God. That is, it never evaporates, leaving the 7 billion inhabitants of the Earth suffocated. Important detail, but relegated to the background by the man.

And the gestation? From the encounter of the sperm with the ovum, after nine months a boy or girl will emerge from the womb of a woman. From the liquid, in this period, will arise bones, muscles, and complex system formed by the human body. The characteristics of the parents will be recorded in that small organism. More curious is that the baby, while living in the mother's belly, is inside a bag of water and does not die drowned!

And the animals? Without the help of anyone learns to swim and get around. Regardless of race they are endowed with instincts for survival in the environment where they will stay. But curious is the sense of motherhood in females. They take care of the baby, affectionately, realizing that the puppies need your help.

What about the limits imposed by God. At 11 kilometers high, thin air can explode the human body. The same occurs if the diver descends to this depth and tries to climb quickly. What about life in space? Out of the force of Earth's gravity the bones become brittle becoming brittle and the liquids inside the body tend to rise, making it difficult to drink a glass of water. Think of it when you think God has forsaken you.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The greatness of the Lord comfort you

* Luís Alberto Alves

No one is made of steel or ice. In the heat of the fights, sometimes we look at water, imagining that we will sink and Jesus Christ will leave us in the hand. It's not like this. Near the last breath, the Lord shows his hands, stretches the arms and the salvation arrives, relieving the pains that punished the heart.

But in these moments we need to look at the greatness of God. Before our eyes, but we refuse to see. You have already paid attention to the full moon, especially in the cities of the interior, where you can contemplate the beauty of the starlight, making the sky a gigantic carpet. He realized that none of them hit the other. All occupy the chosen place in the universe created by the Lord.

You have already noticed the waves of the sea. Distant from the beach are huge, they seem to invade the ships 'or yachts' conveniences and frighten as they head for land. But when they reach the sand of the beach, the size and fury lose size and disappear quickly. They obey the Creator. He stipulated that it would not pass.

And air, which nobody can see or find out where it comes from, but which is essential for every kind of life on this planet. We feel his presence when the wind uses him to shake the branches of the trees and even shake our hair and put that freshness on our faces. Someone has thought of calculating the amount of air on the planet.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The peace of the Lord 1

* Luís Alberto Alves

It is at this hour that Jehovah Shalom opens his arms bringing the comfort that only God is able to do in a great affliction. This does not mean that we do not have fights. They will come, but the Christian will face everything with his head held high, without falling into the paranoia that God has left him.

At this moment the ungodly will perceive the difference in the life of the true, converted Christian, and of the Christian who never had an encounter with God, is merely a "water heater" of a bench in the church. In God's Word, in Proverbs 24, verse 10, it is written, "If in the day of his trouble you appear weak, it is your little strength."

When all is well, few seek the Lord. It is characteristic of the human being. You only go to a doctor when you are sick, the same applies to the dentist. This is how people pray little, read the Bible a little, evangelize little, hardly talk about Jesus to anyone, especially in the neighborhood and work, or even in school.

It was Jehovah Shalom who supported Moses when the people, who came out of Egypt, began to press him for food and water. That charged him every moment. Jehovah Shalom also placed the certainty of victory in the heart of Elijah in defiance of the prophets of Baal and Azerah. He had faith that God would not leave him alone in that fight. It was Jeovah Shalom who directed Joshua to take the 13 rounds around the walls of Jericho. He was calm enough to lead the people in that march, under dust and heat.

Trusting Jeovah Shalom does not mean that we will be oblivious to the problems. We will face them in the certainty that we will emerge victorious, We will wait in the Lord's time and He will have his glorified name when we win the long dreamed victory. The mood will not give way to melancholy and sadness. That is the difference between this peace that only God is able to give us and that offered by satan through his garbage, with the appearance of beauty.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The peace of the Lord

* Luís Alberto Alves

In the gospel of John, chapter 14, verse 27, Jesus says, "I give unto you my peace, not as the world giveth you." But what peace is the Lord referring to? Is it the one that people get, for a few minutes, in drinks, drugs, the easy sex of the streets?

Jesus used many parables when he preached. Perhaps to facilitate understanding. As a priest, prophet and king, our God knew the human being. When we are in the ways of evil, we try to cool our heads in the dishes that the devil offers. One of them is the drink. How many have heard the famous phrase: "I'm going to have a beer to calm down, forget about this tragedy"?

Others turn to drugs, thinking that a career in cocaine or marijuana cigarettes or even any other type of narcotic will serve as a safe haven for a moment of pain. Unfortunately the world reacts in this way when it comes across something that stirs its emotional structures. Of course, they do not have intimacy with God.

God has several names, one of them is Jeovah Shalom (God of Peace). It is when the Lord pours upon us the meekness, the peace that no one in this world is able to provide, especially in a moment of extreme pain, in which the world seems to have opened under our feet and we fear the next day or even the night.

The basic rule for resting in the arms of Jehovah Shalom is to trust the Lord, to meditate on His Word, to seek Him intensely, to fast, to turn away from the evil ways and unpleasant things to Jesus Christ. We feel disgusted with the dirt that exists in this world, sold as something good, in the case of drinking, for example. It is to keep away from the customs of this rotten society, where right is wrong and wrong is right.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor