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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

segunda-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2018

Dear brothers, another year comes to an end

* Luís Alberto Alves

One more year comes to end. Every month I publish certain number of texts in this blog. The proposal is to build lives. I have readers in different regions of the world. They are in the Americas, Europe, the Middle East and countries far from Asia.
Pastor Luís Alberto Alves

We all have fights. No one is superman or superwoman. We feel the thud of the wind of adversity in our lives. Sometimes comes the urge to throw everything up and run through the streets, in search of an answer that only Jesus Christ can give. 

But we must put our petitions into the hands of the Lord. Only He is able to solve problems in the spiritual sphere, where most of the battles occur. It is there that the angels sent by God defeat the demons of the forces of darkness.

This month is a moment of reflection. Think about the right things and the mistakes. What were the reasons why some actions went wrong, when everything worked together for the right set? And why do we let ourselves be led, for a few moments, to the wrong paths?

Embrace your family deeply. Look into the eyes of your son or daughter, mother or father, husband or wife. Let the luster of the love of Jesus Christ speak for you. The biggest and deepest sentences are said by the eyes, without uttering a single word.

I hope to have you, my brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ, in 2019. If you have time, pray for me and my family. Pastor and shepherd need prayer. We are at the forefront of this spiritual warfare and we feel in the soul the attack of the enemy.

When the 31st comes, stand up and pray thanking Jesus Christ for another year that He has given you and your family. Be grateful for everything. Also intercede for the people used by the Enemy to try to destroy you. You need to know Jesus Christ quickly.
Thank you and be all in the Peace of the Lord.
* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The Return of the Prodigal Son - 5

* Luís Alberto Alves

Unfortunately several young people left the Woodstock festival drug addicts. Life has been destroyed forever. The devil killed them slowly. Many girls became mothers and to kill the children's hunger went to prostitution. They plunged deeper into the abyss.

Spiritually, satan has several Woodstock festivals to offer to those who intend to leave the house of the Lord. Sell ​​the illusion that everything will be pink. Warn that rebellion is better than obedience. The breaking of rules is a sign of independence. And that Jesus Christ is evil.

My brother and sister do not leave the house of Jesus Christ. There, you are spiritually nourished to be strengthened and overcome difficulties. God will never want your ruin. Just happiness. Comfort when you're tired.

Stay in the house of the Lord. Pray and resist the devil. He will run away from you. If you are weak, ask for strength from Jesus Christ. Go to the hospital and visit patients in the ICU. Many are there because they came out of the Lord's hands to fall into the hairy, stinking arms of the devil.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The Return of the Prodigal Son - 4

* Luís Alberto Alves

When we are influenced by the devil, the church seems dull. Even praises lose their beauty through our eyes. Especially young people prefer the noise of the songs from here, with lyrics filled with lies, prostitution, defeats and praise for what is wrong, with nothing to build someone.

The good thing about life, in this case, is to stand for several hours at a rock show, sometimes stepping in the mud, facing dirty bathrooms, poor quality food and tiredness. All for a few hours of false joy. For whoever is performing there has nothing good to offer. Just more defeats.

In 1968, the Woodstock festival in 1969, held on a farm in Bethel, New York, attracted a crowd of young people. It was three days of supposed freedom. Under the rain that turned the place into a mire, sex was made, drank and used all kinds of drugs, including heroin.

The ground of the United States anthem, at the hands of guitarist Jimi Hendrix, considered one of the best in the world, in protest against the Vietnam war, coupled with drug doses, was the gunpowder of madness. Many imagined they were in the right place.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The Return of the Prodigal Son - 3

* Luís Alberto Alves

I remember a teenage colleague in the 1970s. A laughing haunt for all of us, because of the clothes he wore, he was the silly turms. No one took him seriously. For anything he caught up with his sisters. I was trampled by all.

At a birthday party, to gain the courage, he decided to smoke a marijuana cigarette. From that moment on, the devil entered his life. The foolish air turned to anger. For whatever reason he would go into the fray, despising the size of his adversary.

He entered the crime. He started stealing. One night, he assaulted a neighbor and stabbed him. Was arrested. In the jail, he ended up being raped by other inmates. It came out worse. In his face, there was no longer the air of innocence, which captivated us all.

A few years later I learned that he plunged deeply into the world of crime. He became a frequent guest of the prisons. I do not know how your life is today. Maybe he's not even with us any more. This example reveals what satan does when someone falls into his hands.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The Return of the Prodigal Son - 2

* Luís Alberto Alves

In this process, the house where we live or work, win for us, air of sadness. Nothing in there rejoices us. Even the delicious lunch or dinner, for our taste, does not taste good, as it did in the past. We find fault in everything. Even those we love.

It is the password for the process of leaving the house of Jesus. We are interested in the news offered by the world. It looks like everything out there is good. Even the wrong behaviors end up getting our support.

Two men or two women kissing inside a mall are not scandalous. But a mother showing her breast to breastfeed her son is shameful. The sublime loving act of quenching the baby's hunger is censored, but male or female homosexuality is correct, something God condemns, as it is written in 1 Corinthians, 6th chapter, 9th verse or Revelation chapter 21, verse 8.

Satan works subtly. It does not allow the person to see where he is entering. It shows the good side of being rebellious, living in an environment seemingly without rules and being able to do whatever goes in the head. The false freedom dream of consuming many people, especially young people.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The Return of the Prodigal Son - 1

* Luís Alberto Alves

Many people are fascinated by sin. Wrong seems to be better. Look at the behavior of some married people when they come across a well-healed man, straight belly, or the pretty woman with body and face, shapely, sexy legs. Soon in the mind, the devil shows that his wife or husband is ugly.

The characteristic of satan is to transform into beautiful what is spiritually ugly. It blinds the vision. Plant in the heart that the wrong is correct. How many men do not abandon their wives, those warriors of the bad hours, to hold all the bars, to take the helm of the boat when it was to sink. All for an adventure?

They go after the false beauty. Soccer players, singers and business executives always fall into this trap. Behind money and life without sacrifices, many young women enter into these relationships in search of financial independence, through a large alimony, leaving behind a destroyed marriage.

This is how darkness works by taking many Christians from the house of the Lord. The strategy is to blur the vision. Do not let the person notice the size of the hole you are entering. Uses others upset to reinforce the discourse that all is good. After all, you have to suffer to gain experience.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The Return of the Prodigal Son

* Luís Alberto Alves

It is famous the text that speaks of the prodigal son. In innumerable preaching God uses his servants to say that his home is better than the world out there. In a service I watched Jesus Christ use a pastor about this passage in another context.

Young people, because of their age, like novelty. To face challenges, putting aside the danger and embracing the false opportunities offered by life. How many do not leave their parents aside, calling them "faces" to live the good good out of here?

Some refuse advice. Because of the little information they get on social networks, they believe they already know everything and will be armed against the snares armed by the devil. How ingenuous! They despise the wheat to stand beside the chaff.

It's similar to the beginner on drugs. He thinks he can quit when he wants. They are tied up, lose everything and end up living in the streets, because of the shame of returning to their parents' house and taking the soap that should have heard the advice.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

domingo, 2 de dezembro de 2018

You Have a Haman Around - 2

* Luís Alberto Alves

The diabolical plots at first do not look wicked. The essence of evil has pleasant perfume. It is when the Christian falls into the trap like a bird for food forgetting the birdman's tie.

Mordecai perceived Haman's plot and warned Queen Esther of the danger she and the Jewish people were running from the face of the earth. Wisely, Esther fasted and then contacted the king, requesting a hearing. Then came the supper, where Haman's mask fell.

King Ahasuerus realized the deception and abused the evil quickly. These actions do not always happen in our lives. Sometimes we pay a high price for our disobedience and up front we realize how silly we were.

Therefore my brethren, pay attention to who is by your side and even drink and eat together with you. Where you least expect is the fatal blow. Pray and ask Jesus to reveal the hidden traps of darkness. Do not let Haman make your life a terror.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

You Have a Haman Around - 1

* Luís Alberto Alves

The mistake of many Christians is to despise the devil and his demons. They think they're a bunch of incompetents. It's not like this. Darkness works organized to blow up the servant of Jesus Christ. They watch us daily to find a way to enter our lives and finish the mission.

It is important that we keep our mouths. Be careful when you say something. Do not prophesy ruin to anyone, especially family members. When you are nervous, and realize that you will say some bullshit, leave the place quickly. The devil works by observing details.

Some mothers have a bad habit of cursing the sons of bandits, of garbage; the daughters of women at the end of the street, of vagabondas. Up ahead, when the demons make these prophecies realities, it's no use crying to try to reverse the situation.

With Mordecai, Haman did the same thing. He saw that he was close to Esther and worried about the king. Humbly, Haman induced the monarch Ahasuerus to sign a document, where the Jewish people would be exterminated.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

You have a Haman around

* Luís Alberto Alves

The true story of Queen Esther in the reign of the monarch Ahasuerus in Persia, today Iran, is known by several Christians. Bringing it to the spirit world, it shows how the devil works to destroy the servants of God.

The Haman, who planned to exterminate the Jewish people together with Esther and Uncle Mordecai, reveals that the Christian can not hesitate, deceived by the falsehood in the world. Especially at this time of year, when most of God's people lower their guard and satan feasts.

Unfortunately, for lack of wisdom, some Christians imagine that the devil comes on vacation, allowing us to breathe a little. Mistake. He is tireless. Throughout the year, 24 hours a day, seven days a week, darkness seeks to annihilate with the projects of Jesus Christ in our lives.

Now it attacks health, marriage, professional life, children, husband, wife, mother, father, friends or even finances. In the same way, the enemy seeks to find something to reach the servant of Jesus Christ. His business is to destroy us.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

quarta-feira, 21 de novembro de 2018

Exaltation, the error of man / 2

* Luís Alberto Alves

Intellectuals judge themselves above good and evil, with most despising God, especially the high-wage subscribers. They make jokes of poor Christians financially, mock them, calling them fanatics.

Right, in the view of this minority, is the god of this rotten world. The money in the checking account, the luxury car in the garage, the beautiful woman next to him, the penthouse apartment in a designer neighborhood, and the power won, sometimes through corruption.

Many are unaware that the humiliated will be exalted and the exalted humiliated. No one deceives God. It prepares the right harvest for every human being. All in the right measure, without error of address, to show his eternal power.

So let my brother and sister beware of exaltation. Lower the beam a little, know that you are mortal, hostage of the spirit of death, that on a certain day will get hold of your body. Never fail to surrender Glory to Jesus Christ, for continuing to live and healthy.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Exaltation, the error of man / 1

* Luís Alberto Alves

The error of capitalism is to credit man with the responsibility of all achievements. He elects him as a God, capable of doing anything. Ignoring the power of Jesus Christ. Everything happens in our lives, as if we were the only ones responsible for the discoveries.

The word inspiration is used as the tool that opens paths. Few recognize that the Holy Spirit has shown something and explained the correct way to turn that dream into reality. It is as if man took the place of God.

Some pseudo pastors ascend to the pulpits and arrogantly say that he will make crippled walk, blind see, deaf hear, mute talk and miserable become a millionaire. Try to take the place of the Lord.

In this circus of horror, arrogance grows scary. The rule is to take the place of Jesus Christ and inflate the ego. In the case of some women, concern for beauty is more important than seeking the warmth of the Holy Spirit.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Exaltation, the error of man

* Luís Alberto Alves

One of the greatest errors committed by men consists in exaltation: few admit to depend on Jesus. They rely only on the arm, give ground to selfishness. It is pride winning the battle against humility.

In a recent event in the city of São Paulo related to automobiles, I noticed how all the wisdom obtained in a given area is never given to the Lord. With every presented car, more and more sophisticated, the mechanical engineers praised his talent.

Unfortunately many Christians act this way without crediting their achievements to the wisdom shed by God on our minds. All is merit of man. Equal son, who after reaching the age of majority despises the parents, putting them aside in their decisions.

The mistake of many Christians is to imagine that the bad day will never come. With it, the sea will never have a storm, always with low waves. But that is not how the wheel of life turns. Dark times fall upon every human being.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

segunda-feira, 19 de novembro de 2018

Evil is now public

* Luís Alberto Alves

The baphomet statue has just opened in the United States, Oklahoma. Men, women and children, rich, poor, slaves can worship Satan in public. Confirmation that we are at the end and Jesus Christ is at the door. Let's be prepared.

What used to be done in the occult, now has won the streets and many Christians still do not believe that the end of time is coming. Perhaps when the antiChrist gets up angry, it is that several evangelicals will believe in the Words of Jesus. It'll be too late. Unfortunately.
Look at the photo .. the focus is the children .. We love the little ones.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The good

* Luís Alberto Alves

The good you do today can be forgotten tomorrow. Do good anyway. See that, after all, it's all between you and God! . It was never between you and the others.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Be moved by faith

* Luís Alberto Alves

Oh, if Joseph called the difficulties of his time
Oh, if David should look at the size of his test
Oh, if Ana took into account the probability of her chance,
Oh if Daniel worried about the decree of his tomorrow
Oh if Jonas reflected on his conditions
none of them would have won for fear of their inability.
Believe in your God.
be moved from Faith, not from statistics

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

quarta-feira, 7 de novembro de 2018

Virtue, strength and character

* Luís Alberto Alves

Virtue, Strength, Character: These are the first step to a certain course. Whoever treats life with arrogance and manipulates pride without measures, drags vanity and selfishness to the bottom of a black hole, where the light is impenetrable and the blessing becomes impossible.

To learn to be humble is to live without frontiers, without prejudice, but always with respect, with consideration for the value of the other. That is, respect for the human being with restrictions on physical health, mental health, emotional health, spiritual health. Respect for animals, which defenseless have done nothing to harm, only ask to live. Respect for the forests and all the flowers that emanate perfumes that ask to live.

 Respect for the oceans that, gentlemen of the planet, have their abundant resources, ask to maintain aquatic life. Respect for the air that sustains life, and must be preserved, because all the magnetism that governs the planet Earth reacts to the one who imposes his conduct with his finger, with the tongue manifests his greatness, with the hand undoes what is right, with the feet scratches paths and causes bitterness, deception and disrespect.

Learn to be humble from a high step to receive any living being with respect, love and dignity. On the other hand, be humble to receive from a Great, light, wisdom, the science of life, the value that no one can discredit. Without humility we are body without life, soul without purpose, mind disturbed, reason without result, we are and will be lights out.
Open your heart, expand your mind, expand your consciousness, release your energy with the first step in the right direction in life: humility.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor


* Luís Alberto Alves

You are who you are for a reason,
You are part of a complex plan.
You are an original creation, precious and perfect,
called the remarkable man or woman of God.
You look like this for a reason,
our God made no mistake.

He wove you in the womb,
you are exactly what He wanted to do.
The parents you have been chosen by Him,
and - in spite of his feelings -
they were tailor-made for
plans that God has in mind
and are approved of the Lord.

No, that trauma you faced was not easy,
And God wept for what hurt you so much ...
but was allowed to shape his heart,
for you to grow in His image.
You are who you are for a reason.
You are being molded every day ...
You are who you are, beloved, because there is a God!

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Can I do everything?

* Luís Alberto Alves

Pastor, can I watch soap opera?
  - You can!
  - Pastor, can I go to the ballad?
  - You can!

  - Pastor, can I have many boys with no commitment?
  - You can!
  "Pastor, may I have a drink and a smoke?"
  - You can!
  "Pastor, can I speak dirty words?"
  - You can!

  "Pastor, may I not respect my parents?"
  - You can!
  "Pastor, after all, what can I not do?"
  "You can not enter the Kingdom of God by doing all this!"

  "Everything is permitted," but not all is well. "I am permitted," but I will not let anything dominate. (1 Corinthians 6:12)

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Various types of Christians

* Luís Alberto Alves

  01- Believer Season - One month in the Church another nothing

02- Believer Stock Market - One day is up, another day is down

03- Believer Okra - Hard to get

04- Believer Gas Balloon - Always live full of air and always exploding

05- Believer Tele - "put coffee" (little faith)

06- Believer Carriola - Only if it's being pushed

07- Believer Chuchu - takes the taste of anything you are in contact with

08- Feudal Believer - Believes that having money in the Church

09- Believe in Jesus Christ - Anything goes out of the Church with little pussy

10- Believer Gabriela - I was born this way, I grew up like this, I will always be like this, Gabriela

11- Believing Parrot (1) - You must have your feet tied and your wings cut to stay on the line

12- Believer Parrot (2) - Lives by repeating everything they say without examining the scriptures

13- Believer Peter Pan - Do not ever want to grow up

14- Believer Popcorn - Lives jumping from Church to Church

15- Porcupine Believer - He lives by sticking his brothers

16- Believer Raimundo - One Foot in the Church and the Other in the World

17- Believer Rocambole - Always coiled

18- Believer six hours - Always asking for "six for me"

19- Transgenic believer - Modified but not transformed

20- Believer Bear - In winter, stay at home hibernating

21- Believer 665 - Almost a beast

22- Believer Denorex - Seems believer but is not

23- Believer Karate - Only give value if the guy gets you goods

24- Belly Loaf - Soft crust, thick, flat and square shell

25- Faithful Believer - Fly from Church to Church

26- Believing Hairdresser - Works only to make the head of others

27- Believer Sextão - Six so praying for me

28- Beliefer Pastel Believer - Looks great, but you can tell that there's nothing inside

29- Believer Monthly - Only comes in the Church once a month

30- Belief IMF - imposes a lot of restrictions and does not help anyone

31- Believer Cloud - Follow every wind that passes

32- Believer IÔ-IÔ - Up and down

33- Believer Rojão - It's beautiful, it makes a noise, but soon it goes out

34- Believer Bingo - It's lucky to appear in the Church

35- Believer E-mail - Half believer, half saved, half full, half all

36- Believer Cangaceiro Lampião - If you touch him he shoots

37- Believer Sea Beach - Full of wave, it gets dizzy

38- Believing Moratorium - Does not pay anyone

39- Believer 999 - Beast and half

40- Believer 333 - Half Beast

41- Believer Chiclê - Only chews the Word, but does not swallow.

42- Believer Louse - They walk through the heads of others ...

43- Believer Blood-sucks - live sucking the assets of the brothers ...

44- Believer Urubu - live feeding on the flesh of the brothers ... "Hum ... today we are going to eat shepherd's breadcrumbs !!!!"

45- Believer 007 - This is the secret agent of Christ infiltrated in the underworld of Satan ...

46- Believer Lion - Do not mess with him, for he is the King of the Church ...

47- Believer Alligator - There's a little mouth ...

48- Believer Parrot - Only knows how to pray with at most 20 words ...

49- Believer Penguin - Always live on a spiritual glacier ...

50- Believer Chuchu - It does not taste like anything ...

51- Believer Brastemp - There is no comparison ... (with Christ)

52- Believer Nigel Mansel - Run a lot but never win a fight ...

53- Belie Rubinho Barrichelo - Brake at the end of the race just to let everyone pass you by in the spiritual life ...

54- Believer Torch - Burning all the time ... "burns the devil, burns ..."

55- Believer Kiko do Chaves - This does not mix with the "gentalha"

56- Believer Chapolin - You can count on everything except your cunning ...

57- Believer Balaam - Spiritually sees less than a mule ...

58- Believer Noah - Things are never with him, "Noah with me brother"

59- Believer Alleluia Glory to God - Pastor preaching: "For the devil has come to kill ..." and the brother: "Glory to God

60- Believer Hairdresser - Works only to make the head of others ...

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

segunda-feira, 15 de outubro de 2018

What would you say when you wake up every day?

* Luís Alberto Alves

"Lord, if your presence is not with me, I will not leave here"
Exodus 33.15

"The Lord will provide"
Genesis 22: 8

"I will not leave you before you bless me"
Genesis 32:26

"I and my house will serve the Lord"
Joshua 24.15

"Speak unto the Lord, which thy servant heareth" (1 Samuel 3: 9).

"The joy of the Lord is my strength" Nehemiah 8:10

"The Lord is my shepherd, and I shall not want" and
 "This is the day that the Lord has prepared for us, let us rejoice and rejoice in Him" ​​Psalm 23 and 118.24

"Trust in the Lord with all your heart and do not rely on your own intelligence." Proverbs 3.5

"Arise and replenish, for the glory of the Lord is upon his life" and "No weapon formed against you shall prosper" Isaiah 60: 1 and 54:17

"The Lord has great plans for our lives, plans of Peace and not of war." Jeremiah 29:11

"Every bone dry in my life shall live" Ezekiel 37

"In my distress I will cry unto thee, and thou shalt answer me" Jonah 2: 1-2

"I will put my anguish upon the Lord, because he cares for me."

"I can do all things through him who strengthens me." 4.13

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

Christian can drink?

* Luís Alberto Alves

A very polite Christian traveled in the first class of a flight when a flight attendant came with a drink and offered him a dose. Seeing that it was an alcoholic beverage, this gentleman politely denied the drink.

The stewardess as soon as she returned with another drink, much more expensive, with olives and lemon ... The Christian man again denied, and said that he did not consume alcoholic beverages.

The stewardess was worried, and told the head of the flight attendant what had happened.

The head of the service then ordered her to prepare another drink with flowers and other decorations to make the drink even more attractive, but still that gentleman so polite denied the drink.

The shipmaster became worried and then came to that Christian and said,

"Do you see anything wrong with our services?" We are trying to make your trip more comfortable ... Please accept our offer, it's a courtesy!

At that moment, the man looked at both of them and said:

- I am a Christian and I do not drink alcoholic beverages.

The chief continued to urge you to accept the offer until the Christian then proposed that the flight attendant and the flight attendant go together to the cockpit and serve this drink to the first flight pilots.

The steward was frightened and replied that he could not give alcohol to the pilots on duty because if one of them drank anybody on that plane they would reach their destination. The chief of the service still said, "It is forbidden for them to drink on duty!"

The Christian man smiled and said,

"Just as they do not drink on duty to protect lives, I do not drink because I want to protect my faith. My flight is different: it is a journey of faith, where I need to be connected to the Holy Spirit all the time, remaining vigilant and praying without ceasing. I can not allow anything other than God to control my attitudes.

Then the flight attendant and the stewardess left that man, but words he heard from him and the testimony they saw of him will never leave the mind and heart of those two people ...

Maybe its temptation might be in other areas, or maybe it's exactly in the drink ... Maybe it's sex, maybe it's a fight of submission, anger, pride, clumsy words, gossip, betrayal ... No matter what the that you are tempted, but remember that each one of us is on duty and we are more than pilots, policemen, firemen or doctors ... We are agents of miracles fulfilling a service for the Great King! Continue steadfast, watchful, and being an example in every respect for believers and nonbelievers.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

What is being a Preacher?

* Luís Alberto Alves

To be a preacher is to know that you will live surrounded by people, but when you need someone, you will be alone.

To be a preacher is to be admired in the pulpit as you preach and know that they will criticize you when you come down from there.

To be a preacher is to leave the house crying because of the pain, but to rise on the pulpit smiling because of the souls.

To be a preacher is to preach and say that God will give victory, even when in your life everything is going wrong.

To be a preacher is to preach that God heals even when you are sick.

To be a preacher is to preach that God restores families, even when your family is totally shaken.

To be a preacher is to say to God weeping, - I never preach, and the next day to be in the pulpit saying: God's command is stronger than I am.

God save you who preach ...

Preachers who preach the truth! "We can not stop ......

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

God knows your limit

* Luís Alberto Alves

The bear came and prepared David for the lion;

The lion came and prepared David for Goliath;

Goliath came and prepared David for Saul;

Saul came and prepared David for the Throne;

God allows situations, seemingly impossible in our lives, to take us to larger places.

When we reach the limit: God comes with providence.

The limit of Moses was the sea ... God opened !!!

The limit of Abraham was the death of Isaac ... God provided the Lamb !!!

Ana's limit was sterility ... God gave her a son !!!

The limit of Christ was death ... God raised him up !!!

What is your limit?

May God bless your life abundantly, and that what limits you, may be only the instrument for the miracle of God in your life.

Do not look at the problem as the end, but as the opportunity of the manifestation of the Glory of God !!!

You can, you're capable!

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor