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God is a master at transforming sterility into fertility

Pixabay Luís Alberto Alves According to Medicine, sterility is the impossibility of a couple being unable to have children. But there are ot...

terça-feira, 2 de maio de 2017

Either we are true or liars

* Luís Alberto Alves

For Jesus Christ there is no sin or sin. Either we are true or we are liars. It is in this detail that water enters. From the same source that the pure and delicious liquid comes out, there will be no bitter water. From a loving person, out of your heart will never arise bad deeds. On the contrary, it will be a life that will rejoice the Lord, for he will always try to walk the right path. You will be horrified by the mistake.

In this 21st century, unfortunately, many Christians are on the tightrope, on top of a wall. He intends to serve God, but they sit at the table of darkness. As one speaks in slang: one candle lights for God and one for the devil. They unconsciously imagine that the Lord can fail, so they seek help in the dark. But Jesus Christ never made a mistake and will never make a mistake.

The Lord made it very clear in the Gospel of John that the Christian who loves the world, the love of God is not present in his heart. For one simple reason: with the permission of the Lord, this world will find itself in the hands of the Devil until the day of the Last Judgment. Of course he will not offer something good to the stray sheep, but apparently beautiful gifts, but of poor content.

All that is offered by the world is fleeting. An example of this is fame. For 23 years, the Formula 1 driver, Ayrton Senna, died. At the time it was the subject of the day. Does anyone today, except the family, remember their achievements on race tracks? What about John Lennon, who was murdered 37 years ago in New York? They were well-known people, but that time, little by little, is erasing their fame.

Even beauty is ephemeral. How many movie stars in Hollywood at their peak were extremely beautiful, and after a few years, old age left them unattractive. Some refuse to appear in photos. The difference between God and the devil is that the Lord offers his servants salvation and with it we can live with Jesus Christ eternally in Heaven, in a body free from disease and any kind of imperfection. For this, try to be fresh water, never bad.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

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