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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

terça-feira, 30 de maio de 2017


* Luís Alberto Alves

Do not stop believing in God, just because things are not happening the way you imagined.
The plans of the Lord are better than your plans. At the right time, He will surprise you.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

We reap what we plant

* Claudio Duarte

Paul barely saw the lady, with the car parked on the side of the road.

It was raining hard and it was night.
He realized she needed help.

So he stopped his car and approached.

Her car was quite new, and you thought it might be a thug.

Paul realized that she was very afraid and said:

"I'm here to help you, ma'am. Do not worry.

My name is Paulo and I'm going to change your
flat tire."

Paul bent down, put the monkey, and lifted the car.
Soon, he was already changing the tire.

It got a little dirty and hurt a little, one hand.

As Paul squeezed the wheel nuts, she opened the window and began to talk to him.

He told me that he was from São Paulo and that he was just passing through, and that he did not know how to thank for his precious help.

Paul just smiled as he got up.
In the end she asked how much she owed him.

He had imagined everything bad that could have happened if Paul had not stopped and helped.

Paulo did not think about money, he liked to help people. It was his way, his way of living.

And he answered him,

 "If you want to pay me, the next time you find someone who needs help, give this person the help they need, and remember me."

A few miles later, the lady stopped at a small restaurant.
The waitress brought him a clean towel to dry his wet hair, and gave him a smile.

You noticed that the waitress was almost late in her pregnancy, and that did not change her mood.

She was surprised by the kindness of someone who had so little, treat so well to a stranger.

Then he remembered Paul.
After she had finished her meal, and while the waitress was looking for change, she withdrew.

When the waitress came back, she wanted to know where you were, when you noticed something written on the napkin, and under it, 5 notes of $ 100.

Tears filled her eyes as she read what you wrote.
It said:

"You do not owe me anything, I've had enough.
Someone helped me today and I'm helping you anyway. "

If you want to repay me for this money, do not let this love circle break up with you: help someone.

That night, when the waitress went home and lay down on the bed, her husband was already asleep.

She was thinking about the money and what you wrote.

How could that lady know how much she and her husband needed that money?

It was going to be spent with things for the unborn baby next month.

He thought of the blessing he had received.
Thank God.

She turned to the sleeping husband next door, kissed her and whispered,

"Everything will be fine, I love you, Paul." 👉 (The man who changed the tire)

Life is like this, a mirror. Everything that you transmit, comes back to you.

 * Cláudio Duarte is a pastor

sexta-feira, 19 de maio de 2017

We are like the people who left Egypt.

* Luís Alberto Alves

Like the people of that time, we acted identically. Any wind is a reason for concern to enslave our minds. We always think of the worst, never the best. Even the great promises regarding the ministerial future, professional, university, sentimental or family, for some time we leave aside.

It is at this stage that the Christian becomes addicted to the revelations. The Word of God is put aside and what counts is what they will say about our future, even if it is a liar. We condition the mind to hear only what is good. If someone says something that will cause pain, for correction purposes, it is not well received.

Jesus Christ has dominion over time. He knows what will happen in the future of each person. Everything is recorded in his book, as written in Psalm 139. The days of joy and sorrow, of plenty and empty table, of walking in the multitude, and of walking long ways in solitude, and even when money appears little in the checking account.

When the Lord counsels the servant to pay attention only on the day he is living it is for our own good. We can not interfere in the future. Or stop the clock of time, so that everything is to our liking. We need to leave this burden of worry in the hands of Jesus Christ. He has every way to solve this question.

 When we look back, we realize how good God is toward us. Of the wrong decisions we do not make. Of the wrong friendships we set aside, of the closed mouth at the right time, of the times when we stayed inside when the darkness planned accidents or even robberies against us, if we were on the street.

Sometimes Jesus warns the servant, but stubbornness insists on doing what is wrong. He himself said of the existence of "ways which are good in our eyes, but to God is abyss". In order to have a life free from worry, we need to trust the Lord more than children do toward their parents. In the hands of Jesus, we are children.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

What is the reason for concern?

* Luís Alberto Alves

Today we live in a world where worry is on our side. Everything is reason to think deeply of something and the heart to be heavy. We do so in relation to work, school, family, church, health, professional future, woman, children, relatives, friends and even with the destiny of our country.

When we get up in the morning instead of thanking Jesus Christ for another day of life and having agreed for one day, we already think about the service that awaits us at the place where we work or even the teacher who will give the first lesson to the class .

In traffic, the same situation repeats itself. Standing in the congestion or even waiting for the light to open, everything is suspect. Even there, worry rattles our minds. We thought of everything, even if that car broke down in the middle of that bottled traffic. How we would act until we got the tow truck to get the car and take it to the garage.

Sometimes the worry is so great that we can not sleep anymore. Soon the dark circles appear in the face, denouncing the nights in which the sleep was not full. We even ignore faith in Jesus Christ. We think that the Lord will forget his promises and leave us forgotten.

It is at this time that we do not remember the Words of Jesus Christ, recorded in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 6, verse 42: "Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its care; His own evil suffices for the day. " Jesus is categorical in emphasizing that we should not be concerned about what might happen in the future. We just need to look at today.

But the human being is restless by nature. When he was taken out of Egypt, even as he passed through the Red Sea, which he opened before them, he proceeded to charge Moses. Deep down they did not believe that God would take them to the Promised Land. They imagined that the Lord is irresponsible and does not fulfill what he speaks.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

terça-feira, 16 de maio de 2017

Psalm 23

* Luís Alberto Alves

The Lord is my shepherd...
This is Relationship !!
Nothing will fail me ...
This is Supply !!
Walking Makes Me By Green Grasses ...
This is Rest !!
Guide Me To The Quiet Waters ...
This is Caution !!
Cool My Soul ...
This is healing !!
Guide Me By The Paths Of Justice ...
This is Direction !!
For love of your name ...
This is Purpose !!
Still I Walk Through Death's Shadow Valley ...
This is Proof !!
I Would not Fear Bad Someone ...
This is Faith !!
Because you are with me
This is Fidelity !!
Your Stick and Your Staff Comfort Me ...
This is Hope !!
Anoint My Head With Oil ...
This is Consecration !!
And My Goblet Overflows ...
That's Abundance !!
Certainly Goodness and Mercy Will Follow Me Every Day of My Life ...
This is Blessing !!
And I Will Live Safe In The House Of The Lord ...
That's Promise !!
For long days
This is Eternity !!!

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

quinta-feira, 11 de maio de 2017

Job was a very rich man

* Luís Alberto Alves

Usually we look at ourselves and we never find fault. They only exist in other people. We come to feed the illusion that we have reached perfection. Is not true. We have countless flaws. Some of us resisted withdrawing from the heart. An example of this is sorrow. As much as we forgive someone, still within us remains a little bit of anger from that person who made us upset.

Job did not have to go through this ordeal. Because God himself has revealed his good qualities to the devil. It is when the evil one replied that Job was so because the Lord gave him everything. God allows Satan to take away all the goods of Job, except life. The Lord knew that the faith of the servant Job would stand.

Pay attention to this remark: Job was one of the richest men of his day, perhaps as fortunate as Bill Gates these days. He had ten children (seven boys and seven girls), various estates, including farms and innumerable heads of animals (at that time one's wealth was measured by the large number of animals one possessed).

One day Job lost everything. The children died at once. The creations died quickly. For the sake of completeness, he became a leper (symbol of a curse for the Jews and the society of that time). Of the family only remained the incredulous wife, who at the height of the despair asked that husband to abandon God and to die.

This is when Job responds with a famous phrase: "You are crazy! God has given us good and can also give us evil (it is from this observation that Isaiah repeats this verse in other words in chapter 45, verse 7, of his book). Naked I come out of my mother's womb, naked I leave this world. "

Everyone left Job, even the servants, who, after announcing the tragedies that day, no longer appear in any verse of the 42 chapters that make up this book. When we look at the last few lines, we realize how much God has doubled what Job had lost. He is the father of seven sons and three daughters, doubles his wealth and can have the pleasure of being a great-grandfather. If you are going through trials, do not be discouraged. The future reserved by the Lord will make you forget those moments of turbulence. Just remain faithful to Jesus Christ.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The end of a Christian's life is better than the beginning

* Luís Alberto Alves

It may seem strange, but the end of a Christian's life is better than the beginning. The problem is to withstand the evidence of this crossing towards the Heavens. However, as meditation on the Word of the Lord is written in the book of Job, chapter 42, verse 12: "The Lord blessed the end of the life of Job more than the beginning. He had fourteen thousand sheep, six thousand camels, a thousand ox joints and a thousand donkeys. "

God, as every faithful servant knows, never fails in his promises. He complies. Unlike us, we have already forgotten Jesus Christ in a turn of the wind and deviate from the 10 commandments. As we look at Job's life, we realize how obedient he was to God. Even under terrible trials, he never thought of abandoning the Lord.

We always look at our lives by visualizing the future. This applies in the professional, sentimental, university, ministerial and so on. Few pay attention to what happened in the past. As was the encounter with God, what motives led him into the arms of the Father. Sometimes we do not pay attention to this important detail.

Through suffering, God forged the character of Job, as it is written in chapter 36, verse 15 of the book that Job himself wrote: "God teaches people through suffering and uses affliction to open our eyes."

In the walk with God the trials will come regardless of our faith. Time is chosen by the Lord. Through them we are forged. The apostle Paul, in Hebrews, chapter 5, verses 13 and 14 says, "He who feeds on milk is still a child, and has no experience in the teaching of righteousness. But solid food is for adults, who by constant exercise have become apt to discern both good and evil. "

It is on top of that that Jesus Christ will give his servants a wonderful end of life, which is the entrance into Heaven to live in eternity. For this we need to go through the fire. We can never forget that gold is tried in the fire to remove impurities. For Jesus, we are gold. Something beautiful.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

segunda-feira, 8 de maio de 2017

Recipe for wedding destruction

The most curious thing is that the symptoms I described in this text appear gradually in any sentimental relationship

* Luís Alberto Alves

Do you live a happy marriage and want to destroy it? Follow the steps below and the mission will be accomplished. 1) In the case of men be irresponsible. 2). Do not help pay any house bills. 3). Treat your wife with contempt and arrogance. 4). When you get home from work leave the purse in the room, the blazer on the couch, the tie in the bathroom and shoes scattered in the room. 5). Be silent. Do not participate in any decision, nor in choosing the college of children. 6). Take work home. 7). Take walks without taking the wife, even something simple, like a friends birthday party. 8). Never help with household chores or washing the glass with coffee. 9) In the house, never leave social networks, especially when you are in the bathroom.

For women the tips are as follows: 1) Claim everything your husband does. 2). Never praise him. 3). Reinforce the comment saying that it is useless, a zero left in your life. 4) Receive it at the door with several tickets to pay. 5). Never ask for his opinion to do anything. 6). Compare the husband of your colleagues and say that they are examples that should be imitated. 7) Stop being affectionate. 8). Avoid having sex for several days, always claiming headache. 9). Burst your credit card and throw the bill for it to pay.

The above tips never fail in the destruction of any marriage, even those where affection and romanticism went hand in hand. The most curious thing is that the symptoms I described in this text appear gradually in any sentimental relationship. People make mistakes without realizing it. Some only wake up when they hear the phrase "my love, our dream of marriage is over"!

Pay attention and see where you fit into these signs and try to hitchhike back to the happiness of when they said yes to several guests and promised that they would walk together until death separate them.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

quinta-feira, 4 de maio de 2017

Purification of the heart

* Luís Alberto Alves

Christ always seeks to purify our heart by taking from Him everything that is contrary to His command. Someone embittered will never have peace. Because he always goes in search of revenge. It is never satiated. It is no wonder that the Lord emphasizes that "the clean of heart shall see God."

The glory of the second house means renewal. A life devoid of all the evils accumulated in the time of first home. There we did not know the mercy of God. Everything was at the base of the eye for an eye, tooth for tooth. It hit. We were a well of wickedness and Christ overtook us.

The process of getting to this second home is difficult. It requires resignation. Sometimes we do not want to throw away the garbage accumulated inside us. Out of selfishness we think only of our own interests, leaving the neighbor aside, when Jesus asked us to love him. In the second house, the Christian is a clay vessel shaped to serve the Lord.

Our joy is to stand in the presence of God. Even the pleasures of this world lose their charm. Through spiritual eyes we visualize that everything there is fleeting. Just like the pleasure aroused by drugs, intense at first, and quickly dissipated, plunging the dependent into a prison to seek more and more the poison that will kill him later.

When we come to the second house, it is a great joy to preach the Gospel to the ungodly, to speak of what Jesus Christ can do in one's life, to praise; Leaving aside the songs of the world, many of them encouraging prostitution, deceit, rebellion, intrigue and perversion, and even God's remoteness.

At this stage our peace does not depend on drugs, drinks, or even momentary situations, such as being present at a party, sometimes solitary in the crowd, or becoming a hostage to consumerism. In the second house, Jesus Christ continues to walk beside us, guiding and pouring out His peace.

Several Christians still remain in the glory of the first house, hostage to the traps that the devil put in the way. They did not trust the Lord to continue walking until they reached the second house. By having this genuine encounter with God, trusting him fully, in the certainty that his best will be with us, we become dwellers of the second house.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

The end will be better than the beginning

* Luís Alberto Alves

God is supreme and generous. Promise that the end of our life will be better than the beginning. In short, this Word says in Haggai, chapter 2, verse 9: "The glory of this last house shall be greater than the glory of the first, saith the Lord of hosts, and in this place will I give peace, saith the Lord of hosts" .

Israel in this biblical context questioned the situation. The people, ungrateful, had forgotten the miracles of seeing the sea open, raining manna from the sky, drinking water that gushed from the rock and not seeing the clothes and sandals spoiling for 40 years in the desert.

It's no different today. Complaints recur. We have forgotten the good works done by Jesus Christ in the past, when we were taken out of darkness. Instead of looking at the horizon, we waste time with useless discussions.

But what is the house referred to in this text of the prophet Haggai? As always happens many take that word to the material side, leaving the spiritual aside. The house, highlighted by Haggai, is our heart, where one day Jesus Christ entered after we heard softly beating.

Because it is deceptive, this important organ of the human body is prodigal in creating embarrassing situations. It makes the Christian, especially newly converted, make wrong decisions; Some of them without return. It also serves as a deposit of evil feelings and bitterness, which contribute to hatred to take place of love.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

terça-feira, 2 de maio de 2017

Either we are true or liars

* Luís Alberto Alves

For Jesus Christ there is no sin or sin. Either we are true or we are liars. It is in this detail that water enters. From the same source that the pure and delicious liquid comes out, there will be no bitter water. From a loving person, out of your heart will never arise bad deeds. On the contrary, it will be a life that will rejoice the Lord, for he will always try to walk the right path. You will be horrified by the mistake.

In this 21st century, unfortunately, many Christians are on the tightrope, on top of a wall. He intends to serve God, but they sit at the table of darkness. As one speaks in slang: one candle lights for God and one for the devil. They unconsciously imagine that the Lord can fail, so they seek help in the dark. But Jesus Christ never made a mistake and will never make a mistake.

The Lord made it very clear in the Gospel of John that the Christian who loves the world, the love of God is not present in his heart. For one simple reason: with the permission of the Lord, this world will find itself in the hands of the Devil until the day of the Last Judgment. Of course he will not offer something good to the stray sheep, but apparently beautiful gifts, but of poor content.

All that is offered by the world is fleeting. An example of this is fame. For 23 years, the Formula 1 driver, Ayrton Senna, died. At the time it was the subject of the day. Does anyone today, except the family, remember their achievements on race tracks? What about John Lennon, who was murdered 37 years ago in New York? They were well-known people, but that time, little by little, is erasing their fame.

Even beauty is ephemeral. How many movie stars in Hollywood at their peak were extremely beautiful, and after a few years, old age left them unattractive. Some refuse to appear in photos. The difference between God and the devil is that the Lord offers his servants salvation and with it we can live with Jesus Christ eternally in Heaven, in a body free from disease and any kind of imperfection. For this, try to be fresh water, never bad.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor

God is not politically correct

* Luís Alberto Alves

We live in a time of political correctness. That is, they try to put in people's minds that there is wrong right or wrong right. It is as if someone is robbing a strong car and distributing the money to the poor, the hungry, the homeless, the old people abandoned in the asylums. Or an honest father who, upon discovering that the child is a thief, resolves to hand him over to the authorities to receive punishment for the errors.

From the perspective of the politically correct, it would not be a crime to take the money from the theft and distribute it to the needy. After all it's for a good cause. An honest father, even though he knows that the son is a thief, he should never call the police to arrest him and finally receive the proper punishment.

These two examples sum up what Jesus Christ said in the mouth of the Apostle James, in chapter 3, verse 11: "Can any one drink hot water and brackish water?" Can one be honest and dishonest at the same time; This is the question that God asks. Is it possible for one to serve the Lord and Satan? Is it possible for the person in the service or school to be an angel and in the house next to the family act like executioner, possessed of demons?

God has never been and will never be politically correct. He makes it very clear in the Gospel of Matthew that we should never serve two masters, for we run the risk of pleasing one and displeasing the other. There is no half truth or half a lie. They are complete. Either someone is true or liar, or ugly or handsome. Just like there is salt half salty or sugar half sweet.

The great problem of this end time is that the Devil has infiltrated subtly in the evangelical churches and through strategies, which bring good clothes, dominated the minds of several Christians. He created the middle ground. He instituted sinful actions, which should not be seen as an error, where the notorious politically correct one enters.

In fact, the function of the politician is precisely to sell the image of something bad as good. An example of this is labor and social security reforms, where people will lose a variety of security items in the exercise of their profession and will never be able to earn the benefit of retirement. Politician is paid to build solutions using arguments that seem to be correct in order to justify something bad as good.

* Luís Alberto Alves is a pastor