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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

terça-feira, 13 de setembro de 2016

You would have the same disposition of the Apostle Paul?

*Luís Alberto Alves

The year 63 A.D. at Rome was marked by persecution of Christians. No one was safe anywhere. Not even if it was a disciple of Jesus Christ. It is in this situation that is Paul. After more than 30 years of preaching the Gospel, realized the end of the walk.

Trapped in a dank cell, waiting for the time to lose neck at the behest of the emperor Nero, high level of psychopath. Still found willingness and time to write to Timothy, the coachee to continue the battle, without fear of what came his way.

It is this famous letter that Paul wrote the famous phrase: "I have fought the good fight, persevered in the journey, I have kept the faith." Currently, how many Christians can fill the air chest and say this? Few! Most is running after the blessing, leaving the Lord in the background.

In our battle against evil, we need to have Paul's disposal. Even feeling the time of death, he was not afraid. He continued believing in Jesus Christ. He knew he would spend eternity walking the existing golden streets in heaven, the place reserved for the warriors of the Lord who did not give up the fight.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

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