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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

quinta-feira, 29 de setembro de 2016

As Christians, we can not imitate the Romans

* Luís Alberto Alves

That the world is immersed in dirt, is not news to anyone. Now the Christian must take sides and do not participate in this filth. Currently the lifestyle of people, mainly Christian, mimics the current standard at the time of the Roman Empire, where orgy was something natural.

Paganism is another open wound in the evangelical world. People do not put images of saints on the walls, but venerate certain television programs, plays, and even secular music artists. When questioned answer, "has nothing to do."

Today, the same perversion existing at the time of the Roman emperors is present in homes and even in the workplace. People have lost respect for others. Sexual relations exist in this century only to indulge at will, as animals do.

Women are sold for so little. In churches is pregnant teenager routine or young couples hooked by fornication. All naturally without any fear of Jesus Christ. I think that the standard of Heaven is this little shame existing in this world.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

quarta-feira, 28 de setembro de 2016

Faith only for material gains

* Luís Alberto Alves

Today, people go to evangelical cults to seek material gains. Few are interested in the spiritual. The important thing is to fill the current account cash and raise the credit card limit, and also buy a mansion and put in the garage car supercaro.

Salvation is subject to faces pastors. The top is addressed in preaching that we should be happy in this world. After all no one really knows what heaven is like. It is better to take precautions. Suddenly someone will spend ammunition in faith and not enter Paradise.

In some denominations it is prohibited to bring word addressing salvation. In view of the mercantilists of faith that matter astonished new sheep only interested in entering the club of millionaires. The pulpit has become a spectacle, the same television program.

When the service is aimed at young people, the business is to preach motivation. They should study, earn a lot of money, enjoy the pleasures of life, and then when you get to 50, start thinking about salvation. In this case anything goes, even prostitution. God is not pleased with anything.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

he world is in the church

* Luís Alberto Alves

In the 1950s, the evangelical church kept the purity of the Lord. People had reverence before, during and after the preaching of the Word. There was respect. Be luxurious or simple temples, built of wood, prevailed respect, because there God would use a servant to speak.

It ruled what was written in the Bible. Not entered through the "guesswork". No one was allowed to talk about issues that were not guided by the Word of Jesus Christ. All done with order and decency, by both men and women.

opposite of today as well, when churches in the vast majority, have become the point of consumption. Even alcoholic beverages. Women, especially teenagers, abuse low-cut clothes, leaving her breasts exposed. Not to mention the heavy makeup.

The world, so criticized by many pastors today entered into several churches. Praise copied to the Heavy Metal style, complete with black clothes. The pulpit before sacred, is occupied by people with no commitment to the Lord. It is apostasy confirmed.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

segunda-feira, 26 de setembro de 2016

Jesus Christ was human and knows his limitations

* Luís Alberto Alves

Jesus knows his limitations. Never will ask for something that you do not have conditions to do. He when he lived here on this planet, was human. I felt hunger, thirst, sleep, wanted to go to the toilet, perspiring and even came to tears. It was not superman. He left his powers in heaven.

But man forgets this fact. Imagine that the claims of Jesus Christ are difficult to meet. Tasks only aimed at gifted. People are able to perform functions under extreme conditions. As in science fiction movies.

Jesus knows our limits. We understand how far we can get. Not executioner. But unfortunately the human being thinks otherwise. Criticizes anything that the Lord ask. Even when God asks us something simple, like forgive others.

So my brother, stop complaining. Never say that Jesus knows his limitations, who were you know what happens. He knows all our hardships, especially when we think about giving up and throw it all up.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

sexta-feira, 23 de setembro de 2016

When sin is in the church

* Luís Alberto Alves

Today, the evangelical church does not look anything like its like the early Christian era, as narrates the book of Acts. It is almost non-existent fervor in the search for the Holy Spirit or even to open our hearts and shed before the Lord.

Some denominations are similar to supermarkets, because of the large number of sold trinkets there. Of course, all in the name of the Gospel. Many evangelicals movie CDs are pirated. When questioned, they claim that it is to help win souls for the Lord.

The pulpit before sacred place where the wicked one had access, even if it was someone influential in society, now lost their reverence. Any disturbed full of the demons use to say heresies or even harm others with profanity.

Before synonymous with good character, grid part of the evangelical cultivates sin within the churches where congregate. Adopt lousy witness. When someone visits the place to find God, faces almost naked young adults speaking ill of others, and married women behaving equal prostitutes.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

terça-feira, 20 de setembro de 2016

It's hard to thank Jesus for the blessings?

* Luís Alberto Alves

Christians are ingrates. When looking to win some blessing, they live in churches all the time. Fast, pray, participate in vigils and to evangelise. After winning goal, they disappear from the Lord's house. They act the same self-serving.

Repeat the gesture of the lepers. How many returned after the cure of the disease? Only one returned by the miracle of having clean skin of leprosy. Thus it is today. A full church, only a minority thanks the Lord for the gift of salvation.

But why man acts this way? What is the reason for this selfishness? Jesus did not deserve more gratitude? This is how the human mind. Digger. Only runs into the arms of the Lord in times of difficulty, when the water rises and begins to drown him.

But I warn you that in heaven there are no houses for those who behaves this way. There is still time for you to review your concepts and move to act with other principles. Let the side of selfishness, this brand belongs to the devil, who was proud from the beginning of creation.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

segunda-feira, 19 de setembro de 2016

We must do the same Elijah

*Luís Alberto Alves

The prophet Elijah is one of the men used by God we must imitate. I sought the Lord intensely. I had the courage to challenge 850 prophets of evil, knowing that God will not be ashamed. Of course it was flawed to the point of running away from fear of Jezebel.

But he was a man of prayer. She thirsted for the Lord. It was not accommodated. Today, part of Christians await the blessings fall from heaven. Do not strive to obtain them. Treat Jesus Christ as if he were employed or butler. In view of these people, God must meet all our vanities.

Few who spend time in the Father's arms. Few strive to get it by dawn. Much less do fasting. Just think of receiving, never give in. Even pray for others, so when they spend a few seconds in prayer.

Business is navigating social networks. Post the selfies, spreading gossip or criticize pastors who preach holiness to enter Heaven. The Gospel, in view of this Christian minority, only require the Lord's blessings, then rub in the faces of others, as revenge. Conversion to this people !!!

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

quarta-feira, 14 de setembro de 2016

Decadence of the evangelical church

* Luís Alberto Alves

Fifty years ago, evangelical was synonymous with honesty, loyalty to Jesus Christ. Currently, except for the Christian is seen as opportunistic and corrupt. One example is the former Deputy Eduardo Cunha, impeached by 450 votes on the night of the 12th.

Member of traditional evangelical church in Brazil, was caught by Operation Lava jet using their congregation for money laundering, bribery fruit charged the oil multinational Petrobras. Used faith to gain benefits for himself.

In Gospel Music is a large number of singers, not worshipers, and bands that come to charge $ 250,000 to perform a Christian church. Worse, require treatment similar to artists in the world. What to speak of evangelical programming radios charging to play particular praise?

It is the confirmation of the word of Jesus when he said that the end of time, the love of many would cool. Faced with so much rascality, many Christians seek to leave their congregations, embarrassed by so much dirt. Today it is necessary to have steel stomach to endure such spiritual spoiled food.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

terça-feira, 13 de setembro de 2016

You would have the same disposition of the Apostle Paul?

*Luís Alberto Alves

The year 63 A.D. at Rome was marked by persecution of Christians. No one was safe anywhere. Not even if it was a disciple of Jesus Christ. It is in this situation that is Paul. After more than 30 years of preaching the Gospel, realized the end of the walk.

Trapped in a dank cell, waiting for the time to lose neck at the behest of the emperor Nero, high level of psychopath. Still found willingness and time to write to Timothy, the coachee to continue the battle, without fear of what came his way.

It is this famous letter that Paul wrote the famous phrase: "I have fought the good fight, persevered in the journey, I have kept the faith." Currently, how many Christians can fill the air chest and say this? Few! Most is running after the blessing, leaving the Lord in the background.

In our battle against evil, we need to have Paul's disposal. Even feeling the time of death, he was not afraid. He continued believing in Jesus Christ. He knew he would spend eternity walking the existing golden streets in heaven, the place reserved for the warriors of the Lord who did not give up the fight.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

quinta-feira, 8 de setembro de 2016

When God is good to you?

* Luís Alberto Alves

Have you ever stopped and thought deeply on this issue? God is good when? Only in times of bonanza? Of full table? House full of friends? Numerous pats on the back at work? To be loved by all the relatives, both as your wife? Anyone speak ill of you?

Or God is good for you is the midas of the 21st century? All places his hands turns into money and gold? God is good because women or men run after you begging moments of affection or friendship? Or because the Lord deeply massaging your ego?

In his conception of life, Jesus is wrong to allow fierce battles on your way. You need to kill a lion every day, living proving other professional competence, student or even sentimental inside your home. Does not accept battles. They would be sent by the enemy!

I'm sorry. If your thinking fits the words written above, you need to have real encounter with God. Since He is good in all circumstances. Whether in good or bad day. Learn to love regardless of existing wind Lord in your life.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

segunda-feira, 5 de setembro de 2016

We need to shed in the presence of the Lord

* Luís Alberto Alves

Before entering the army of Jesus Christ belonged to witchcraft, which was 16 years serving the enemy. Ali, met all the rituals required by demons, even when he was not well physically, never let fatigue throw me to the ground.

Thanks to Jesus Christ managed to get out of the dungeon and into the light of God. In 20 years of Christianity I realized how much there is of relapsed brothers. They do not pray, fast and much less seek the will of God. Their interest is gossip, spreading strife and never seek the Kingdom of Heaven.

We are in September, ask for members of the church where you congregates, how many of them participated in some watch this year. More deeply, the question as to how much time they spend talking to the Lord or even going up to the mountains. You will be disappointed.

Today we have many fictitious Christians. Just like to sit, listen to what interests him during services and then put your feet in the world, to continue doing the will of Satan. Just love the blessings of Jesus Christ. Already his words they drop, unfortunately ...

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

sexta-feira, 2 de setembro de 2016

he year is nearing the end and you did what?

* Luís Alberto Alves

We arrived at the month of September and you did what life? Nine months enough space to speak of Jesus Christ to someone lost in the darkness of drug addiction, prostitution, homosexuality, lesbianism, crime, corruption, witchcraft, Satanism, sickness, insanity, bankruptcy or atheism.

But time passes quickly and the vast majority of Christians prefer hiding the cave. They are hidden within the church, pretending to hear the voice of God, but really do not want any commitment to our great teacher. Only the blessings of comfort.

Imagine reach the day of salvation and go freely in heaven without having paid the price of preaching the Gospel here on earth. They live in deception and think to please the Lord, when in fact do the devil's game. No one has been chosen by Jesus Christ to continue the inertia.

There is still time to get out of this sleep and put your hands in the work. Up the hill, praying in vigils, preach the Word on the streets, visiting the sick. Finally show that we really are a true Christian, not just an adventurer, only interested in blessing. Wake up brothers!

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

quinta-feira, 1 de setembro de 2016

We are not ice, we miss who left for Heaven

* Luís Alberto Alves

I share with my brothers in Christ a moment of pain I spent just one day 1ºde September 2005 example today, it was a Thursday. On that date, the Lord gathered my dear mother forever. It began 25 hours of extreme distress.

Does not matter. We want parents, children or wives or husbands never die. Are always on our side, passing, if possible a century of life. But God's plans are better and he does not warn, but at the right time, collects for his warmth, if they accept them as God.

I remember I went to visit her in the hospital, along with another pastor. We pray, sing praises and anoint his body, because she was intubated. Without paying attention to events that occurred with Jesus when Mary passed oil on his body, on the eve of the crucifixion, I repeated the same with my mother. At 18:30, the Lord took forever this world.

I miss. Conviviality and advice. When together we went to church, even on rainy days. I confess very painful time I gave the last kiss on his cheek and the coffin was closed, never to see her. Even adult, 44 years old, I cried enough, the same two year old in search of the toy. Today I can only say, "Thank you Mom. One day we will be together in heaven for eternity. "

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor