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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2016

Victors will be close to Jesus Christ

* Luís Alberto Alves

To win blessing or realize dreams you need to become intimate with Jesus Christ. To rest your head on your shoulder you must have immense intimacy with the Master. Worship him without any interest, just recognizing that all power is in your hands.

Today we live in a business gospel; false shepherds sell the proposal that God will make us billionaires quickly. They spend the illusion that the Kingdom of God consists only of earthly riches, luxury, ostentation. All without any effort.

Equal spoiled children, millions of Christians, maybe you fit in this article, started to get angry with Jesus Christ, for failing to realize the dream of wealth. Miram only in current account full of money, leaving the salvation of hand.

From the moment that you experience this intimacy with the freedom to talk to Jesus about any subject, regardless of the time, the sadness will turn into joy, poverty into prosperity, health disease, spiritual death into life .

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

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