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Learn how to use the #weapon of #spiritual warfare described in Deuteronomy 28

Luís Alberto Alves

quarta-feira, 29 de junho de 2016

Who serves Jesus Christ suffers persecution

* Luís Alberto Alves

There is nothing more depressing than listening to people making fun of God's servants. All entitled to jokes. Today (29), during lunch I came across this sad reality. Group of teenagers gave evangelical laughter who pray in tongues. It was said that Jesus is not deaf to hear prayers aloud.

One of them said it would never become a Christian. Not admit stay away from drink and the pleasures of this world. It was a shocking experience. I preferred to hear the voice of the Holy Spirit telling me to shut up. Listen in silence the taunts. A woman, who last attended evangelical churches, threw fuel on the fire.

It is proof of the fulfillment of God's Words. That's when the true Christian feels the skin the humiliations suffered by the Lord after the arrest made by the Romans, to culminate in the crucifixion. More interesting is that people making fun of Christians, have devastated life.

In my teens I made several jokes against evangelicals. Chaffed young, dresses and long hair; the jacket boys and well-behaved away from drink and drugs. Almost 25 years later accepted Jesus Christ to guide my steps. I prophesy that the authors of the jokes I heard today are God's servants soon.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

terça-feira, 28 de junho de 2016

Victors will be close to Jesus Christ

* Luís Alberto Alves

To win blessing or realize dreams you need to become intimate with Jesus Christ. To rest your head on your shoulder you must have immense intimacy with the Master. Worship him without any interest, just recognizing that all power is in your hands.

Today we live in a business gospel; false shepherds sell the proposal that God will make us billionaires quickly. They spend the illusion that the Kingdom of God consists only of earthly riches, luxury, ostentation. All without any effort.

Equal spoiled children, millions of Christians, maybe you fit in this article, started to get angry with Jesus Christ, for failing to realize the dream of wealth. Miram only in current account full of money, leaving the salvation of hand.

From the moment that you experience this intimacy with the freedom to talk to Jesus about any subject, regardless of the time, the sadness will turn into joy, poverty into prosperity, health disease, spiritual death into life .

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

quinta-feira, 23 de junho de 2016

Sometimes we despise the gifts of Jesus Christ in our lives

* Luís Alberto Alves

The Kingdom of God is rich. It offers various gifts to his servants. Gifts of prophecy, healing, the Word, teaching, praise, clairvoyance and others. Unsurprisingly meet fellow Christians being used in healing the sick. Something wonderful.

However, there are people who despise the gifts offered by God. It is rare for someone chosen to praise not strive to release the voice and winning souls to the Lord through music. They prefer quiet to sit only heard the preaching.

Others seek to move away from reading. Just look at the basics and leave the Bible on the shelf. Amazing how people pay little attention to the wonders that God gives us for building our lives and help others. Let individualism speak up.

We can never act this way. Each fully explore the gifts the Lord has bestowed on you. Through this tool, Jesus will do great works in the life of someone. Just open your eyes.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

terça-feira, 21 de junho de 2016

Anointing passes away from the current praise

* Luís Alberto Alves

Listen to today's praise is a torture for the ears and heart. Many singers, that's right, not worshipers entered the commercial scheme of making music. All aimed money, not win souls for the Kingdom of God. Interest is money.

The CD covers are the positions of the record companies marketing departments. They make the pictures to please men or women. In a production like the secular artists. Many artists pass away the anointing. They are completely demonized.

For a while I tried to break the siege, but realized that the major labels are interested only in line tops. Not servants who are praises to remove perdition souls. Amazing is that not on youtube some of my videos were able to take off. Of course I had the beauty of the world.

At the end of this article I will attach some praise that are actually anointed by the Lord and some of my own. To you fit the final judgment. But I prefer to please Jesus Christ than the mistake of being loved by the world and head the firm steps into the abyss.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

segunda-feira, 20 de junho de 2016

You take good care of the treasure that Jesus presented him?

* Luís Alberto Alves

Sometimes we pray to Jesus Christ to bless us. We cry too long and the Lord for mercy, hear our cries. Be employment, or even marriage. In the way of blessing, every effort is valid. Vigil, fasting and prayer. The sacrifice for the long awaited achievement.

When God pours out a blessing, instead of recognizing, people forget the effort and gradually begin to play the window that God delivered into our hands so warmly. The job no longer deserves as much attention. The delays are constant, beyond the little case in the tasks.

The husband or wife who deserved long vigils and prayers painful start to receive bad treatment, often, to name-calling and abuse. People forget that everything was a gift from the Lord and should receive good treatment. The opposite occurs.

If you prayed to Jesus Christ deliver a blessing on your hands. Try to take care of it well. Do not throw down the drain, which the Lord opened the door and told him so warmly. Shame on the face and care with love of gifts given by the Lord. This is called gratitude !!!

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

sexta-feira, 17 de junho de 2016

A nation suffers when the bandit reigns

* Luís Alberto Alves

Unsurprisingly the critical phase that Brazil is going through, after the removal of the democratically elected President Dilma Rousseff (PT). Deputy Michel Temer (PMDB), now running the country temporarily, reveals that the crooks took once power.

Confirms again the word of the Lord when he says that a nation suffers from a criminal in office. Brazilians are known for joy and gentle behavior, especially in relation to foreign tourists. But they lack the guile to escape political terrible.

To complete this critical situation is an extremely idolatrous nation. More than 60% of the population is not Christian. Adora gods. An example of this occurs in the night of 31 December, when millions more people go to beaches throw flowers witchcraft entities.

How much longer will this martyrdom, I guess not. But while relying on gods who have eyes but do not see, have feet, but they walk, have hands, but they handle and have ears and hear not, this beautiful country continue hostage of criminals manipulated by demons.

* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

quarta-feira, 15 de junho de 2016

In times of distress God is on our side

* Luís Alberto Alves

Christianity is something curious. Our true belief is an invisible God in our eyes. Still we believe in its power. In a very present help in distress hour. You do not need rituals to be invoked. Just open our lips to Him hear the cries.

We are educated from childhood that the bad time, God abandon us. Is not true. It is in these moments of intense pain, the Lord extends his wonderful hands to respond lost, sometimes waiting for the arrival of death or total destruction of a dream.

In my walk beside Jesus Christ ever I had evidence that God never abandoned me. Even in those moments when the sadness was so great that he could not open his mouth to pray. I felt the worst of men, prostrated by the power of the situation. The fury of melancholy.

I remember one night when I prayed for death. No longer stand the battle. The food had disappeared from my house. In the fridge there was only water. Alone, even I had someone to put my head on his shoulder to cry on. Today I understand that even in that hurricane, Jesus was beside me. As should be there with you at this time.

* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

terça-feira, 14 de junho de 2016

The love of wealth is the root of all evil

* Luís Alberto Alves

It is very difficult for a billionaire to enter the kingdom of God. Because? Rico does not have time to think about Jesus Christ. The biggest concern is only with increasing wealth. Never spiritual issues will concern. The people of this select club never find time for the Lord.

Money is responsible for opening the door of comfort. Financing the welfare, the perks, buying luxurious clothes, fancy cars, mansions film, access to beautiful women, some even cover reputable magazines and everything you can buy in this world.

Because of these characteristics, the rich are arrogant. They despise the counsels of God. Consider a waste of time listening to the wise counsel of Jesus Christ. Among bathe in the sea in the Caribbean or in the Polynesian islands, the worship services of the Lord will last.

This is why Jesus Christ say that the love of riches is the root of all evil. The biggest is to lose salvation. In Heaven there is no money. No one can buy housing in glory. Corruption is another word void in the place where is the eternal home of God.

* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

segunda-feira, 13 de junho de 2016

Would you dare to seek Jesus Christ as did Zacchaeus?

* Luís Alberto Alves

In the highly corrupt world, especially in some evangelical churches, you have the courage to imitate the gesture of Zacchaeus, corrupt tax, which climbed a tree full of thorns to see Jesus Christ? Abandon the comfort zone provided by the dirty money of sin?

Today there are many Zacchaeus in our society. The political world is an example of this. People sell themselves for all to enter the pool of wealth. They leave God aside. The important thing is to fatten the current account and the credit card limit up and be able to satisfy consumer desires.

Zacchaeus, even though small in stature, he ran ahead of the crowd to contemplate Jesus Christ and to change their life. The Bible tells us that the Son of God was invited for dinner and sleep in your home, providing great change in the life of a corrupt man.

It is necessary that people have the courage to seek the Lord and transform the lives of sin into a blessing. Leave the rotten, wrong, sinful and have definitive encounter with God. Take action that makes the life of Jesus Christ into the heart and never leave.

* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

sexta-feira, 10 de junho de 2016

Why only at the time of despair think the Lord?

* Luís Alberto Alves

Life is funny. When we over-dried meat, enjoying the best, almost never think of God. Our aim is the current account, the green balance of the credit card, the mansion on the beach, the farm or site in a very beautiful place.

When we left the restaurant usually we do not care about the beggar on the sidewalk asking for a piece of bread or a few bucks. The goal is to get into the car quickly and run away. The pain of others is not our concern. The bad luck is it to be that sad situation.

However, the situation changes when the reverse occurs. In the hospital bed, intubated in the ICU (Intensive Care Unit), on the verge of death, the only thought is in Jesus Christ. The same occurs when someone is the victim of theft and lose everything. Here one thinks of God.

Human nature is like that. Despises Jesus Christ in prosperity and only resorts to his rescue in despair. It could not be. People need to be attuned to the Lord all the time. After all we never know when bad day will knock on our door.

* Luís Alberto Alves is pastor

quarta-feira, 8 de junho de 2016

You're doing the ide of Jesus Christ?

* Luís Alberto Alves

Something strikes me in these 20 years of walking with Jesus Christ, few people apply to make the "go" of the Lord! They accept God in their lives and think only of the blessings. Many remain seated watching the preaching for over 40 years. It is the bank of Christians.

There is no reason that take this lethargy. They believe that sentadinhas and quiet pleasing to the Lord. Not even pray for others. I think just them. They are individualists in the extreme. In worship output never dare to give a ride to a brother or sister.

They mimic the actions of Catholics, Mass goers. They spend their lives listening to sermons of priests, but never take any attitude towards the needy one's life. The business is to take care of their lives. Others stand aside. Know manage their crises.

In these examples cited, you can see how much there is Christian away from words spoken by Jesus Christ. Unconsciously they are rebellious, because they do not accept to fulfill the orders of our master. They prefer to navigate on their own. Unaware flock to hell, slowly.

* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

terça-feira, 7 de junho de 2016

Tragedies announce return of Jesus Christ

* Luís Alberto Alves

Skeptics smile saying that Jesus Christ never return. Deride the prophecies. Continue taking life as if nothing unusual were happening. They are wrong! In the southern hemisphere, some winter days torrential rains take the rest of the population. In certain cities falling water every day. Normal?

Logically, it should not take place this inversion time. In the northern hemisphere approaches the summer and with it the storms. But in some countries, the cold takes the place of heat. Normal? unexplained illnesses arise all the time taking the peace of doctors.

The burst wars just like popcorn on most continents. Misery reaches absurd levels. It is natural that people watch crowds dying of hunger ....... Violence is no longer something scary to get into the routine of the population, especially the metropolises. Normal?

The problem lay and unbelieving is belittling alerts the Lord. For all is the answer: "Nothing to do." Repeat people's behavior in the days of Noah. They despised his preaching. The important thing was to end at parties. Until the day comes the flood. The deal is to pay attention to the warnings of Jesus Christ.

* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

segunda-feira, 6 de junho de 2016

We need to talk more with Jesus Christ

* Luís Alberto Alves

How long your day or night you book to speak to Jesus Christ? Same as we do with our children, wife or husband. That pleasant conversation, to expose our weaknesses and ask script to perform the correct one. The Lord says in Psalms that his ears are always open to our cry.

The rush of day to day is preventing people from talking with God. They would rather spend money on couches of psychoanalysts and therapists. Some remain in therapy for years. If expose their problems and sufferings to the great master, everything would have solution.

Unfortunately the only man seeks help from Jesus Christ, when the world is crashing down on your head. Similar to the next victim of drowning if debate in search of life. There is no better chat than having Jesus hear us inside our room.

Try today to speak to the Lord. Open your heart. Place before Him all fears. Do not hide anything from him. Empty the soul and spirit. You'll notice that all roads will be clean and free to complete the journey that God has set for you.

* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

quinta-feira, 2 de junho de 2016

Selfishness is the cancer within the evangelical church

* Luís Alberto Alves

One of the most terrible marks the current gospel of Christ preached by several churches around the world, is selfishness. Many leaders think only of the personal well-being, leaving aside the sheep. In fact, they are good as they bring offerings and tithes, fruit of the sweat of their labor.

Unceremoniously these Pharisees did not hesitate to show luxury cars and expensive designer brands clothes to impress and spread the false message that the convert, Jesus Christ will put fuel consumption dream that desperate for peace.

In the past, praise groups were known for humility. Today, there are groups of stars of Gospel Music. There is no difference between these bands and secular music. In there is selfishness, increasingly fueled by the arrogance of a false gospel.

Gradually decreases the number of evangelical churches committed to preaching the word of God the way He taught us to increase the number of souls in the Kingdom of Heaven. Because of this whited sepulcher bunch, selfishness cancer invaded the Christian churches.

* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor

quarta-feira, 1 de junho de 2016

Do you prefer the wake or the joy of a party?

* Luís Alberto Alves

What weather do you prefer: the sadness and reflection of the funeral or the joy and falsity of a party? Of course, most will choose the relaxed ballad environment where the only concern is dancing, drinking, dating and escape problems. There, there is no room for concern.

But the Lord used Solomon in the Book of Ecclesiastes to say it is better to go to the wake, where people think in the future and what changes should be taken not to lose space in glory than balance the body at parties, without any commitment Jesus Christ.

Christians of the 21st century, especially young people, just think of the Lord when they are within the church, cellular hands and hoping the service coming to an end. Or when facing the evil day of terror. Otherwise forget Jesus Christ. It use as disposable piece.

But I have bad news for you who thinks so: search obey the commandments of the Lord, before the evil days come, as described in Ecclesiastes chapter 12, and say you do not feel more pleasure in living. It does not mean you go live in funerals, but it is good to reflect on the wise words of God.

* Luis Alberto Alves is pastor